Today’s Young Professionals (YPs) are tomorrow’s leaders. This year’s second annual YP Regional Conference is taking place on Friday, August 2 from 8:00 am to 4:00 pm at University of Evansville’s Ridgway University Center.

This conference provides professional and personal development and networking. Speakers will cover topics such as effective communication and coaching others along with a panel discussion on the power of relationships.

The conference will include an opportunity to network with a variety of local executives at the CEO luncheon. Professional headshots and a resume cafe are also included.

In addition, we are bringing in John Henry as our keynote speaker. John Henry is a Dominican-American entrepreneur and investor who is passionate about building vibrant communities. His story is one that will leave our community’s young professionals truly inspired.

John went from college dropout to starting his own company at the age of 18 and then successfully sold it 2 years later. Now he is the founder of Cofound Harlem and solo host of reality show Hustle. To learn more about John Henry, visitbuildwithpassion.com.

The Southwest Indiana Chamber Young Professional of the Year award will be announced after keynote speaker!