“Right Jab And Left Jab” was created because we have two commenters that post on a daily basis either in our “IS IT TRUE” or “Readers Forum” columns concerning National or International issues.
Joe Biden and Ronald Reagan’s comments are mostly about issues of national interest.  The majority of our “IS IT TRUE” columns are about local or state issues, so we have decided to give Mr. Biden and Mr. Reagan exclusive access to our newly created “LEFT JAB and RIGHT JAB”  column. They now have this post to exclusively discuss national or world issues that they feel passionate about.
We shall be posting the “LEFT JAB” AND “RIGHT JAB” several times a week.  Oh, “LEFT JAB” is a liberal view and the “RIGHT JAB is representative of the more conservative views. Also, any reader who would like to react to the written comments of the two gentlemen is free to do so.

FOOTNOTE: Any comments posted in this column do not represent the views or opinions of the City-County Observer or our advertisers.


  1. Great opinion article:

    Democrats Have Lost What Was Left Of Their Minds

    Imagine being a Democrat right now. You have the House, and the Republican majority in the Senate is small. In the race for the presidency, you have every advantage with the exception of incumbency. Yes, the economy is booming but there isn’t a mainstream media or cultural institution that isn’t on your side and willing to anything to help you win. All you have to do is not act crazy and you’re 99 percent of the way home. And that’s the problem, there are no longer any sane Democrats.

    The House hearing with Robert Mueller on Wednesday was supposed to be their shining moment, their chance to rally the country to their thus far rejected cause. Instead, it was another in a long line of flops. After watching it, I wanted to call a hotline to, as I put it in my podcast, report a shameless display of elder abuse.

    It’s true that Mueller didn’t want to be there, but it appears everyone was wrong about the reason why. He’s not “above the fray,” as he was portrayed by liberals, he’s lost a lot of steps. Most shockingly, the hearing exposed that he was, at best, barely involved in the investigation. He was a name to put on the letterhead to give it gravitas and the appearance of bipartisanship.

    The hearing left those who watched it with the realization he was an autopen to sign off on subpoenas, letters, and the final report. I’d feel pity for him were there not so much destruction in his wake. No matter how many steps he’s lost, he knew he was driving people into bankruptcy chasing a unicorn and he sat there, silently, hammering paychecks….

    By the next day they were back to their old form, calling for impeachment because, well, just because. The alternative would be to talk about their ideas – socialized medicine, American taxpayer-funded health insurance for illegal aliens, open borders, higher taxes, etc. They don’t want the public knowing that’s what they’re advocating for any more than the American public wants it.

    Donald Trump’s existence and persistence is Chinese water torture to the left, and they’re at the breaking point. They’re down to the last gift box on Christmas morning and they know the “official Red Ryder, carbine action, two-hundred shot range model air rifle” not only isn’t in it, it’s not hiding behind the desk either.

    They simultaneously declare impeachment proceedings must begin now because “no one, not even the President, is above the law,” without offering evidence of a crime beyond existing wrong in their eyes. They also do it while advising illegal aliens on how to thwart our immigration laws and avoid consequences. It seems some people are, in fact, above the law.

    The drooling and incoherence will continue, as will the digging. Democrats know they’re drilling a dry well, but as long as they’re still drilling they can keep those on the hook from realizing they’re being hoodwinked.

    And that’s where the Democrats are now – they’re the homeless guy losing an argument to a lamppost on a street corner. If they had the capacity to be sane, or even fake it for a while, they’d be doing it. Reality and the public’s understanding of it has taken the last sliver of rational thought they had, and with it their dignity. Donald Trump’s success and Robert Mueller’s testimony has driven them to the edge of crazy. On the plus side for them, carbon footprint was very small since it was a very short drive.


  2. Bernie Sanders Called Racist For Agreeing With Trump On Baltimore

    Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders agrees with President Donald Trump when the president said that the conditions in West Baltimore are horrific.

    He must, because these are statements that he has made long before President Trump ever spoke those words on Saturday.

    And if President Trump is a racist for saying it, as has been suggested, then Sen. Sanders must also be a racist for stating the facts….

    But the senator from Vermont, who wants to be president, was not done. He did it again in 2016 in a tweet stating more facts.
    Is Bernie a racist?
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    “Residents of Baltimore’s poorest boroughs have lifespans shorter than people living under dictatorship in North Korea. That is a disgrace,” he said.

    No outrage from any Democrats when Sen. Sanders said it but there was tons of outrage when President Trump did.

    President Donald Trump has demanded an investigation into Maryland Rep. Elijah Cummings for harassing and bullying Border Patrol….


  3. Winning!:

    Honduras, El Salvador Expected to Follow After Guatemala, Mexico Make Immigration Deals With Trump

    Shortly after overseeing the signing of a “safe third country” asylum agreement with Guatemala at the Oval Office on July 26, President Donald Trump told reporters that he expects to soon sign similar deals with Honduras and El Salvador.

    Prior to the pact with Guatemala, Trump had already secured help from Mexico to tackle the migration crisis. In both cases, the president used the threat of tariffs to compel the two nations to cooperate, suggesting that the option of a tariff threat is on the table in dealing with Honduras and El Salvador as well.

    “We have other great countries that are going to be signing up also,” Trump said.

    Asked later if he expected to reach similar agreements with Honduras and El Salvador, Trump replied, “I do indeed.”

    Migrants from Guatemala, Mexico, El Salvador, and Honduras account for 74 percent of the cases in U.S. immigration courts. In addition to their nationals who continue to pour into the United States, these countries serve as the major transit corridor for migrants from more than 200 other nations traveling en route to the United States.

    As a result, cooperation from the four nations is crucial to stemming the flow of migrants to the U.S. southern border, especially at a time when Democrats in Congress continue to refuse to work with the Trump administration on legislation to patch up the loopholes in the U.S. immigration system. The president said the deals with Honduras and El Salvador may come “pretty soon,” suggesting that his international diplomacy may end up addressing a crisis largely perceived as a domestic issue under the purview of Congress….


  4. HUGE Win: Supreme Court Gives Trump OK to Spend Military Budget on Wall Construction

    The U.S. Supreme Court gave President Donald Trump a HUGE win, Friday, when they said it was OK to use the military budget for border wall construction.

    The Supreme Court lifted a lower court’s order barring the administration from using $2.5 billion in military funds to finance construction of the border wall.

    The SCOTUS issued a stay allowing Trump to begin building the wall immediately even as a lawsuit meant to stop him continues to churn through the courts….


  5. I hope the State Legislature requires the EVSC to do this:

    South Dakota to Require ‘In God We Trust’ Signs in All Public Schools Starting Fall Semester

    They are taking a stand against godless globalist culture.

    A South Dakota law, signed by Republican Governor Kristi Noem in March, goes into effect this month and will require every public school throughout the state to display an “In God We Trust” sign on their premises beginning in the fall semester.

    “Some have plaques, others have it painted on the wall, maybe in a mural setting,” said Associated School Boards of South Dakota executive director Wade Pogany, in describing how the new rule may be implemented at various public schools.

    Supporters believe this new law is a key part of a patriotic rival, as the American people unite to make their country great again in accordance with the natural law. The opponents, in particular the atheistic Freedom From Religion Foundation (FFRF), want to banish the name of God from all public life…

    The state is willing to take on the legal costs of anti-Christian groups like the FFRF and the ACLU should they frivilous lawsuits in an attempt to get the will of the people overturned by the courts.

    “One of our concerns was that this would be contested. So we had asked the legislature to put a ‘hold harmless’ clause into the bill. The state would then defend the schools and pay the cost of the defense,” Pogany said.

    “In God We Trust” has been printed on American money since 1864 when the motto first started to appear on coins. It was adopted as the official motto of the U.S. in 1956, made so after President Dwight D. Eisenhower signed it into law. The motto began appearing on paper money the following year.


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