“IS IT TRUE” JULY 23, 2019


We hope that today’s “IS IT TRUE” will provoke honest and open dialogue concerning issues that we, as responsible citizens of this community, need to address in a rational and responsible way

IS IT TRUE that it has been reported that CP reporter Jon Webb whom the CCO commends from time to time for his willingness to call a skunk a skunk was approached about running for Mayor of Evansville on the Democrat ticket?…Webb has written that he is not interested for all of the reasons that people without an ego the size of Texas always give?…the reality in today’s America is that entering politics is an invitation to be personally pilloried by the other party and peppered with lies and speculation from the peanut gallery?…it is difficult to imagine how anyone with a family or a life would open themselves up to the ridicule that elected officials and candidates for office are inundated with?…the time is coming when no one but a pea brained ego-maniac will run for public office?…it may have been true in some places for a long time and the results are showing?

IS IT TRUE that it really is beginning to look like the election for Mayor of Evansville is going to turn into a Potemkin election the way the joke of an election in 2007 was?…with a couple of poorly funded candidates challenging Mayor Lloyd Winnecke but no Democrat candidate this year is shaping up to be a wipe out of major proportions?…we will not be surprised if Mole #5 who has seen some straw polls is correct in the assessment that Winnecke will be surpassing the 2007 Weinzapfel wipeout of David Nixon in percentage margin of error?…we also will not be surprised if less than 10,000 ballots are cast as there is no national elections to get out the vote and there is little interest in the election for Mayor of Evansville that is essentially already decided?…debates may be fun to watch but they will not impact the outcome that is already cast in stone?

IS IT TRUE that College Professor Edie Hardcastle, PHD is expected to take over the reins as the Chairperson of the Vanderburgh County Democratic Party on this coming Sunday?  …we wish her luck because she is going to need it?

IS IT TRUE that last year 449,000 Californian’s received jury summons to which they replied “i am not a citizen, therefore i cannot sit on a jury”?  …the source for the jury summons candidates is the Voters Registration list?

IS IT TRUE last night the City Council meeting members approved an ordinance that regulated the placement of unsolicited materials on private property?  …starting today unsolicited materials must be left in a mailbox or between a storm door? …it now looks like the Evansville Courier and Press “Extra Savings” free but unsolicited publication can no longer can be tossed on people driveways because it will be in violation of the newly passed City Of Evansville ordinance?  …many people feel that this proposed ordinance is overreaching, unenforceable and bureaucrat?

IS IT TRUE that another week has passed in the City of Evansville and it was not a week without the all too familiar violence that seems to have metastasized on the once safe community by the Ohio River?…that shootings and stabbings that sometimes result in death are becoming an everyday occurrence to the point that no one is even surprised when violent crimes resulting in death or injury happen?…stabbings have also become so commonplace that some people who are stabbed don’t even call an ambulance, they just walk to the emergency room closest to them for treatment?  …it must be contagious too as Newburgh and Henderson have had the misfortune of being hosts to violent crimes too while most of the United States is experiencing a falling crime rate in recent history?          …we at the CCO do not pretend to have the solution to this wave of violence but would guess that over the top electric and water bills, illegal drug crisis, lack of education, divorce, affordable housing, and severe limits on good job opportunities all contribute to the malaise?

IS IT TRUE that some of our moles have reminded us that many millions of tax dollars dollar continues to pour into downtown Evansville under Mayor Lloyd Winnecke?  …it seems as though the last 10 years have seen such a staggering amount of money borrowed and spent downtown that it should be getting full and vibrant? …for some reason the Potemkin projects are not filling up the empty spaces on Main Street as projected?…the number of dollars dumped into downtown Evansville over the years is mind boggling? …downtown Evansville 20 years ago was dead but still calm and clean? …10 years ago downtown Evansville was dead and dirty? …today downtown is clean, safe but is becoming poised to become vibrant?
IS IT TRUE according to  WRDB TV in Louisville, Ky.slots gaming play is a $5.3 billion in wagers has produced about $80 million in taxes, of which about $51 million has gone to horse industry-related funds and programs, leaving a disappointing $29 million in general tax revenue for the State of Kentucky?
IS IT TRUE according to WRDB TV, Louisville, the Kentucky Supreme Court will weigh in for the second time in a long-running case challenging the legality of the nearly 3,000 (slot-like) “Historical Horse Racing” machines that have been installed at racetrack-owned venues around the state since 2011

IS IT TRUE recently the new owners of Ellis Park announced that they are going to purchase around 900 Instant Historical Racing (slot-like) machines in the near future?       … we wonder if anyone have told the new owners at Ellis Park that the Kentucky Supreme Court will be taking a second look at Instant Historical Racing (slot-like) machines in order to determine if they can continued to be allowed to be played at all the Casinos in Kentucky?

IS IT TRUE  that “a lack of transparency results in distrust and a deep sense of insecurity.”  …this is a quote by the Dalai Lama?

Todays“Readers Poll” question is: Do you feel the ordinance that regulated the placement of unsolicited materials on private property is overreaching, unenforceable and bureaucrat?

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Footnote: City-County Observer Comment Policy. Be kind to people. No personal attacks or harassment will not be tolerated and shall be removed from our site.

We understand that sometimes people don’t always agree and discussions may become a little heated.  The use of offensive language, insults against commenters will not be tolerated and will be removed from our site.
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  1. It’s hilarious that you describe Webb as not having an over-inflated ego. Funnier yet, the reasons he gives for not running for office is exactly what he does on a daily basis to those who do step up and run for public office. Thanks for a good laugh to start the day.

  2. So what is the point of the California error rate? California has 39.6 million people, and your number is a 1% error rate. Is this some kinda of backwards comment about immigration? If so, own it!

    • Perhaps, I can help you understand. Almost one-half million names of people who can’t legally vote are on the California Voters Registration list. According to the location of those who can but shouldn’t be allowed to vote, local, state, and federal elections might have been corrupted, resulting in falsely elected politicians making illegal decisions affecting American citizens. I hope this has helped you.

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