THIS WEEK, SENATOR BRAUN slammed Joe Biden’s “new” healthcare plan of repackaging the empty promises of Obamacare, stewarded his first bill through the Senate and on to a vote in the House, continued to hold the healthcare industry accountable for shady practices like surprise medical billing, and urged his colleagues across the aisle to support the USMCA for Hoosier farmers and workers. 

Senator Braun sat down with Breitbart News to discuss Joe Biden’s healthcare plan – and his gaffe of repeating the infamous Obama-era empty promise of being able to keep your plan if you like it – citing that Republicans need results on lowering healthcare prices to stave off the Democrats’ push for socialized medicine.

“Braun said that to fight Medicare for All and the Biden public option plan, Republicans need “real results: prices coming down, transparency on pharmaceuticals – we’re going to throw it to the Biden campaign and some of the crazies that like Medicare for All [if we can’t get results].”

Senator Braun joined Stu Varney on Fox Business to discuss Joe Biden’s “new” healthcare plan, noting that doing the same thing again and expecting a different result is the “definition of insanity.”


Senator Braun’s first bill to pass the Senate, the Improper Payments Act,would cut down on government waste to the tune of hundreds of billions of dollars and is one step closer to becoming law as it heads to the House for a vote.

ABC57 in South Bend reported on Senator Braun’s efforts to get to the bottom of how Hoosier seniors continue to be victimized by robocall scammers, and what he can do to help.

“Indiana Republican Sen. Mike Braun said he was surprised law enforcement had not taken action against the telecommunications and VOIP industries. He says they should have known of the wide-spread fraud and abuse, likening them to manufacturers of opioids.  ‘Like I’ve admonished the health care industry when it comes to fixing itself in general, the telecommunications industry and VOIP ought to be concerned. And it’s surprising to me that they haven’t been taken to task already,’ Braun said. ‘That’s disappointing.'”

Senator Braun spoke to CNS News about the state of runaway government spending, the looming deficit crisis, and why he chose to vote against the budget-busting $750 billion Defense Authorization package.
“‘But when it comes to the biggest business in the world, the federal government which is about eight times the size of Walmart, who else can run a 20% loss each year?’ said Braun.  ‘If you do the math, that’s about what it is and it’s going to get worse in the future — and then throw it on a credit card? I think it’s an embarrassment.'”

Senator Braun spoke out about the practice of surprise medical billing, noting that the healthcare industry should have fixed that problem a long time ago.

“Sen. Braun called surprise medical billing a ‘dumb’ idea that the healthcare industry should have fixed by itself. The Indiana senator said that the solution to surprise medical bills should include both arbitration and benchmarking, and critics of benchmarking should realize that the healthcare industry– due to its concentrated status– does not operate in a free-market.”


Senator Braun took to the Senate floor to implore his colleagues to support USMCA: the President Trump’s trade agreement with Mexico and Canada which will provide relief and new opportunities for Hoosier farmers and businesses.

“I joined the Senate during a difficult time for Hoosier farmers. Several strong production seasons have sent global commodity prices down. At the same time, input prices have risen. Land, seed, and crop protection have all become more expensive over the past several years, squeezing the margins of American agriculture. As someone who has been involved in farming my entire life, I feel these stresses in the farm economy.”

“The American economy needs these new rules so that we can move forward into the 21st century with a stronger American economy and North American region. It’s time to pass USMCA now.”


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