A Message to the People of Evansville from a Dog Named Blue



I am humbled at the results of the poll that is in the City County Observer today that has me leading the race for the Democrat nominee for Mayor of Evansville in 2015. I am truly a blue dog Democrat and was aptly named BLUE by my adoptive family who are incidentally prominent Democrats in Nashville. As I love my family very much and in the words of the late great Democrat President of the United States Lyndon Johnson, “I will not seek nor will I accept your nomination as the Democrat candidate for Mayor of Evansville”.

I have respectfully asked the editor of the CCO to remove my name from the poll and allow you readers to ponder which of the Evansville Democrat Trinity of former Mayor Jonathan Weinzapfel, Councilman John Friend, or the upstart Councilman Jonathan Weaver they would prefer. Please do not circulate a petition to draft me as I am enjoying life in Nashville chasing cats and begging for scraps from the table.

I thank you for the vote of confidence and still bark with humor that a dog named Blue garnered more votes than three elected officials combined.


  1. Nice pet adoption story. Thank you CCO for work on the adoption of these shelter pets.

  2. This reminds me of a sappy song from the 1970s: “Me and You and a Dog named Blue.”

    I dare you to recite the lyrics if you are between the ages of 55 and 65.

  3. What a beautiful boy! And a great reality check for all the political nonsense that gets circulated in this town. Thanks Blue.

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