Home Community News “LEFT JAB AND RIGHT JAB”




“Right Jab And Left Jab” was created because we have two commenters that post on a daily basis either in our “IS IT TRUE” or “Readers Forum” columns concerning National or International issues.
Joe Biden and Ronald Reagan’s comments are mostly about issues of national interest.  The majority of our “IS IT TRUE” columns are about local or state issues, so we have decided to give Mr. Biden and Mr. Reagan exclusive access to our newly created “LEFT JAB and RIGHT JAB”  column. They now have this post to exclusively discuss national or world issues that they feel passionate about.
We shall be posting the “LEFT JAB” AND “RIGHT JAB” several times a week.  Oh, “Left Jab” is a liberal view and the “Right Jab is representative of the more conservative views. Also, any reader who would like to react to the written comments of the two gentlemen is free to do so.


  1. Finally, President Trump trying to undo the Obama legacy of trying to advance the terrorist organization known as the Muslim Brotherhood:

    Trump Admin Sidesteps Congress to Sell Arms to Middle East Allies

    WASHINGTON—The State Department announced May 24 that the United States is planning to sell $8.1 billion worth of arms to Middle East allies to counter aggression by Iran…

    The sales include intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance (ISR); aircraft support maintenance; munitions; and other supplies.

    “Today’s action will quickly augment our partners’ capacity to provide for their own self-defense and reinforce recent changes to U.S. posture in the region to deter Iran,” Pompeo said. “Delaying this shipment could cause degraded systems and a lack of necessary parts and maintenance that could create severe airworthiness and interoperability concerns for our key partners, during a time of increasing regional volatility.”


    • “Trump Admin Sidesteps Congress to Sell Arms to Middle East Allies
      WASHINGTON—The State Department announced May 24 that the United States is planning to sell $8.1 billion worth of arms to Middle East allies to counter aggression by Iran…”

      Yep, $8.1 billion to the “ally” that attacked us on 9-11 to counter the “ally” that was on our side in Afghanistan.

      The other war, “Iraq” is on shar pie, JoeBiden, all the Born Aginer’s and my two gay brothers conscience.

      Not mine.

      Getting kinda complicated isn’t it Joe?


  2. Very interesting article, it helps explain the Trump Derangement Syndrome with what we already knew, the far left is just too darn smart for us simple basket of deplorables to ever understand:

    Liberals’ privilege and power are slipping, and they can’t stand it

    Those appalling liberal outbursts we have witnessed since Trump’s election can be explained by realizing that they believe they have the right to speak to and be listened to by the president. The rest of us are too deplorable to be worthy of his attention. And yet, the president listens to us, or appears to, and frequently disparages them….

    But liberals are accustomed to preferential access, and they aren’t getting it. Not only have they lost their privilege, but they believe that it was unfairly reassigned to us riffraff. They feel cheated, and they are howling for justice….

    So my friend’s favorite quote is true for liberals, at least. They are so addicted to the privilege of their elitist caste that many of them seem unhinged. From their perspective, it’s the rest of the country that is insane.


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