1. Video Shows William Barr Denying Knowledge Of Mueller’s Objections To His Summary Of The Russia Probe Days After Mueller Sent Him A Letter About It

    A video of Attorney General William Barr answering questions about the special counsel Robert Mueller’s report on the Russia investigation resurfaced Tuesday night in light of new reports from The New York Times and Washington Post saying that Mueller was unhappy with Barr’s characterization of the report. On March 27, several days after Barr released a four-page letter to Congress on March 24, Mueller wrote to Barr expressing his frustration that the letter’s conclusion did not reflect the full report

    During a congressional hearing on April 10, Sen. Chris Van Hollen of Maryland asked Barr SPECIFICALLY whether Mueller supported his conclusions and Barr….LIED

    Let’s go to the videotape!

    Flashback: Congressional hearing on the Mueller report on April 10

    Sen. Chris Van Hollen: Did Bob Mueller support your conclusion?
    AG William Barr: I don’t know whether Bob Mueller supported my conclusion.

    “The summary letter the Department sent to Congress and released to the public late in the afternoon of March 24 did not fully capture the context, nature, and substance of this office’s work and conclusions. There is now public confusion about critical aspects of the results of our investigation. This threatens to undermine a central purpose for which the Department appointed the Special Counsel: to assure full public confidence in the outcome of the investigations” wrote Special Counsel Robert Mueller

    Mueller’s report concluded there WAS Russian interference in the 2016 election, but that despite contacts between Russian operatives and members of Trump’s inner circle, there was not enough evidence to prove a criminal conspiracy between the two. The report was submitted to the Department of Justice at the end of March and was made public (with redactions) in mid-April, but did not reach a definitive conclusion on obstruction of justice

    During a hearing before a House Appropriations Subcommittee on April 9, Representative Charlie Crist referenced reports that members of Mueller’s team did not think the conclusions reached by Barr in his four-page letter to Congress reflected their findings, so he asked Barr if the Special Counsel or his team questioned Barr’s conclusions

    “No, I don’t. I suspect that they wanted more put out, but in my view I was not interested in putting out summaries or trying to summarize, because I think any summary, regardless of who prepares it, not only runs the risk of being under inclusive or over inclusive, but also would you know trigger a lot of discussion and analysis that really should wait for everything coming out at once” Barr incorrectly answered

    As New York Times reporter Jo Becker noted, the reports of this letter sent from Mueller to Barr on March 27 add new context to the past testimony. Now that we know that Special counsel Robert Mueller complained to Attorney General Barr in late March that a 4-page preview Barr wrote to Congress did not “capture the context, nature, and substance” of Mueller’s actual report, this April testimony is all the more interesting

    “In light of Mueller’s letter, the misleading nature of Barr’s 4/10 testimony & 4/18 press conference is even more glaring. And it’s time for Mueller to testify publicly” commented Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer

    Rep. Jerry Nadler, chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, writes:

    I note with interest AG Barr’s 4/10 Senate testimony

    Q: Did Bob Mueller support your conclusion?
    A: I don’t know whether Bob Mueller supported my conclusion

    Now it appears that Mueller objected in this 3/27 letter

    Looks like Barr and Trump may end up sharing a hotel with bars on the windows (and hopefully very soon)



    • HUGE! MUELLER LIED! Nunes Drops BOMB and Reveals State Dept. Met with Joseph Mifsud in 2017 in Washington DC!

      Rep. Nunes accused the Mueller Special Counsel of angry Democrats of lying to the American public in their report. Nunes alleged that deep state operatives were selectively leaking and planting information in the mainstream media and then using this same disinformation in their report.

      Nunes also accused the Mueller team of lying about Joseph Misfud. Dirty cop Mueller alleged in the report that Joseph Misfud was a Russian operative. This was a lie. Misfud worked with Western operatives. He is suspected of being an FBI trainer and asset. And…. According to Nunes Mifsud visited the State Department in Washington DC in 2017 — likely AFTER Trump was inaugurated. This is a MAJOR OMISSION by Robert Mueller, Andrew Weissmann and their band of angry Democrats.

      Rep. Devin Nunes: We spent $30 million on this as taxpayers and they can’t even tell us who Joseph Mifsud is? So we’re getting to the bottom of this. We believe he has ties to the State Department. Actually, our State Department had him in the United States capital in 2017!


      • Trump Is In Full Pity Party Mode On Sunday As He Complained That Democrats Have ‘Stolen’ Two Years Of His Presidency

        Trump’s claim of Democratic theft is false. Democrats didn’t control the House until January 2019. Republicans controlled both the House and the Senate. Robert Mueller is a Republican. Democrats had nothing to do with Trump wasting the first two years of his presidency. Republicans ran the government, and Republicans ran the Mueller investigation. The president’s blaming of Democrats for his problems was completely inaccurate

        Trump is responsible for wasting two years of his presidency

        Trump has spent most of his presidency tweeting, watching Fox News, and taking taxpayer-funded trips to play golf. Trump’s private schedule revealed a president who is doing nothing with his time. Trump’s days start at around 11 AM and end by 4 PM. Every other week, he spends the weekend at his private club in Florida. Trump can blame Mueller and the Democrats, but there has never been a president who has done so little with so much as Donald Trump

        Trump sees his presidency slipping away. He has no significant legislative accomplishments outside of a reviled tax cut for the wealthy and corporations. Trump has been a failure as president, and he if he wants to blame someone, he can start by looking in the mirror


  2. ***BREAKING NEWS*** More evidence that JethroBodine and his right-wing bloggers will ignore that AG Barr is a liar who does not deserve to be the AG and should resign and be prosecuted

    William Barr’s Improbable Explanation and Lies About Robert Mueller’s Letter

    Special Counsel Robert Mueller told Attorney General William Barr that Barrs letter to Congress at the conclusion of Mueller’s investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election mischaracterized the special counsel report, writing that “There is now public confusion about critical aspects of the results of our investigation. This threatens to undermine a central purpose for which the Department appointed the Special Counsel: to assure full public confidence in the outcome of the investigations” Mueller wrote in a March 27 letter

    Attorney General William Barr repeatedly claimed the special counsel was more concerned about media reports than the four-page summary he released in March, testifying before the Senate Judiciary Committee that Special Counsel Robert Mueller wasn’t worried about his summary of findings from the investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election, a claim Mueller himself has contradicted

    Barr told the congressional committee that Mueller was instead “concerned” about the media’s portrayal of that summary, saying “I called Mueller and asked what was the issue. Mueller said that his concern focused on his explanation of why he did not reach a conclusion on obstruction, and he wanted more put out on that issue” even though the call was initiated by Mueller

    Mueller’s letter released publicly Wednesday flies directly in the face of those statements. Mueller said he REPEATEDLY asked Barr to release more of his investigation results, including summaries of each volume of the investigation. He said Barr’s summary “did not fully capture the context, nature, and substance of this office’s work and conclusions”

    Days later Barr LIED about receiving those concerns

    Mueller’s letter also states that the special counsel informed the Justice Department of its concerns about Barr’s summary on the morning of March 25, just hours after the summary went public. It does NOT specifically mention any of his concerns about how the media was portraying Barr’s summary of the report

    “This threatens to undermine a central purpose for which the department appointed the special counsel: to assure full public confidence in the outcome of the investigations” Mueller wrote

    And since JethroBodine and his merry band of Baghdad Bobs cannot quit prevaricating, here is the ENTIRE text of the Mueller letter that shows what a liar Barr is. Paragraph 3 below kicks the a$$ of everyone to show Barr is a weasel (which is why Twittler appointed him):

    I previously sent you a letter dated March 25, 2019, that enclosed the introduction and executive summary for each volume of the Special Counsel’s report marked with redactions to remove any information that potentially could be protected by Federal Rule of Criminal Procedure 6(e) that concerned declination decisions, or that related to a charged case. We also had marked an additional two sentences for review and have now confirmed that these sentences can be released publicly

    Accordingly, the enclosed documents are in a form that can be released to the public consistent with legal requirements and Department policies. I am requesting that you provide these materials to Congress and authorize their public release at this time

    As we stated in our meeting of March 5 and reiterated to the Department early in the afternoon of March 24, the introductions and executive summaries of our two-volume report accurately summarize this Office’s work and conclusions. The summary letter the Department sent to Congress and released to the public late in the afternoon of March 24 did not fully capture the context, nature, and substance of this Office’s work and conclusions. We communicated that concern to the Department on the morning of March 25. There is new public confusion about critical aspects of the results of our investigation. This threatens to undermine a central purpose for which the Department appointed the Special Counsel: to assure full public confidence in the outcome of the investigations. See Department of Justice, Press Release (May 17, 2017)

    While we understand that the Department is reviewing the full report to determine what is appropriate for public release, a process that our Office is working with you to complete, that process need not delay release of the enclosed materials. Release at this time would alleviate the misunderstandings that have arisen and would answer congressional and public questions about the nature and outcome of our investigation. It would also accord with the standard for public release of noti?cations to Congress cited in your letter. See 28 C.F.R. 609(c) (“the Attorney General may determine that public release” of congressional notifications “would be in the public interest”)



  3. The collusion delusion

    Democrats have been consumed for two years with a flimsy conspiracy theory aimed at delegitimizing a presidential election they lost.

    But it’s over now. An exhaustive federal investigation just put the nail in the coffin of the collusion delusion.

    If the Democrats and our major media are capable of shame, they will be chastened by this experience.

    Special counsel Robert Mueller, backed by a team of 40 FBI special agents, analysts, and other experts, issued more than 2,800 subpoenas and 500 search warrants, and interviewed 500 witnesses. The conclusion, as summarized by Attorney General William Barr: “ The Special’s Counsel investigation did not find that the Trump campaign or anyone associated with it conspired or coordinated with Russia in its efforts to influence the 2016 U.S. presidential election.”

    Underlining Barr’s conclusion, Mueller has served up no new indictments. This should finally put to bed the ubiquitous and never-ending speculation that became a substitute for news reporting all day, every day on some cable news networks for the last 22 months.

    Ever since May 2017, if you found FOX News to be too pro-Trump, you could always turn to CNN or MSNBC and be told with great certainty, on almost any evening and for almost any reason, that “the walls are closing in” and that Trump’s days were numbered. Night after night, this was the story.

    Now, that show is over. It was all fake news.

    Although Mueller’s report is less conclusive on the question of obstruction of justice, Barr’s letter adds that, based on that report, “Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein and I have concluded that the evidence developed during the Special Counsel’s investigation is not sufficient to establish that the president committed an obstruction-of-justice offense.”

    The conspiracy theory at play here was always far-fetched. It combined one upsetting reality — Russia sowed discord among Americans by a variety of means during the 2016 election — with a bad joke that Trump made in rhetorically asking Vladimir Putin to produce the emails Hillary Clinton had hidden from U.S. authorities. The virtue of this theory was that it absolved Democrats of the obligation of wrestling with the reasons behind their 2016 loss.

    Barr’s summary wasn’t totally exculpatory of Trump, of course. On the question of obstruction, Barr noted that Mueller found evidence pointing in both directions. We’ve repeatedly noted in this space the destructive nature of Trump’s impatience regarding this investigation. He should have waited it out calmly, instead of publicly leaning on investigators and witnesses, because the theory of the case against him was always paper-thin, as we now see clearly.

    Of course, the conclusion of Mueller’s report doesn’t mean the end of investigations into Russia and collusion. It only means the end of the professional, nonpartisan investigations into Russia and collusion.

    House Democrats will use their subpoena power to interview the same witnesses and rake over the same coals. Congressional oversight is an important function. There’s plenty of stuff Democrats could look into, regarding Trump’s business dealings, for instance. But the Russia investigation was the only investigation that offered them what they wanted, the chance to delegitimize Trump’s election by attributing it to a foreign conspiracy.

    That charge has been investigated exhaustively and debunked. Can the Democrats move on?


    • A Top Trump Adviser Just Got Busted For Running A Fundraising Scam

      One of Trump’s top outside advisers, David Bossie, has been caught running an organization claiming to support Trump aligned candidates but is not donating most of the money

      A political organization run by David Bossie, President Trump’s former deputy campaign manager, has raised millions of dollars by saying it’s supporting Trump-aligned conservative candidates — but has spent only a tiny fraction of that money supporting candidates. Instead, federal records suggest the Presidential Coalition has spent nearly all its money — raised mostly from small-dollar donations — on more fundraising, as well as administrative costs, which include Bossie’s salary, according to a new report produced by the Campaign Legal Center (CLC) in collaboration with Axios

      Based on the 527 organization’s IRS data, just $425,442 (or 3%) of the $15.4 million it spent during 2017 and 2018 went to direct political activity, which CLC defines as “direct donations to candidates or political committees, and a small number of state-level candidate ads”

      Bossie remains close to Trump, and you might know the name because he was behind the Citizens United dark money lawsuit that opened the floodgates to corruption. Bossie’s group conned small donors into thinking that they were giving money to help train and elect more candidates that would support Trump. Instead, they were giving their money to Bossie who paid himself a six-figure salary and dumped their donations into more fundraising schemes

      The swamp hasn’t been drained. Any army of corruption has built an even bigger swamp to fuel the greed of Trump’s allies

      Bossie’s operation misled the vulnerable, which means that it is the perfect fit for the criminal culture that has been built and is maintained by Trump


    • Frustrated With IAFF’s Endorsing Biden, Thousands of Firefighters Join Pro-Trump Group

      Thousands of International Fire Fighters Association (IFFA) union members have joined a pro-Trump social media group as they felt frustrated with IAFF leader’s endorsing Joe Biden.

      Less than a week after a Facebook public group called IAFF Union Firefighters for Trump was established on April 29, more than 18,900 people had joined showing support for Trump.

      Sponsors of the Facebook group said they’re frustrated with the union leader’s endorsement of Biden.

      “Our movement evolved from dedicated IAFF members, frustrated with our leaderships exploitation of our political capital to promote a political candidate/party whose values run contrary to those of our own,” read the group description.


    • Joe Biden Calls Trump A Clown While Campaigning In South Carolina

      After delivering remarks at a fundraiser in front of two dozen attendees at the private home of a Columbia, South Carolina supporter, former Vice President Joe Biden was asked whether he would give President Donald Trump a nickname as the president has the penchant of doing to others, including Biden

      “There’s so many nicknames I’m inclined to give this guy. You can just start with clown”

      “On every single issue and on every demeaning thing he says about other people, I have no problem responding directly. What I’m not going to do is get into what he wants me to do. He wants this to be a mud wrestling match”

      Trump has been trying to make ‘Sleepy’ Joe Biden a thing for months, and it just hasn’t happened, but Biden came right of the gate with something that perfectly captures with the majority of Americans think of Trump. Since winning the presidency, Trump’s nickname game has been in steep decline. Trump uses his silly nicknames to define his opponents and the fact that he hasn’t been able to find one for Biden is a cause for concern among his campaign

      If Biden wins the Democratic nomination, he will hit back against Trump, but he won’t spend his time mired in the mud and distractions that Trump creates. Joe Biden has the stature to stay above Trump’s mud while putting the president in his place. The election won’t be won or lost on nicknames, but Joe Biden has already won the nickname battle

      This isn’t 2016, and the Trump campaign is worried about Joe Biden


    • Signs Grow That Voters Want To Rid The Country Of Trump

      A new NBC News/Wall Street Journal Poll found that 59% of voters would have reservations or are very uncomfortable with the idea of reelecting Trump

      Voters are uncomfortable with the idea of four more years of Trump. NBC News reported, “The NBC/WSJ poll shows a combined 41 percent of all registered voters saying they’re either enthusiastic or comfortable when it comes to Trump and his re-election, while a combined 59 percent say they have some reservations (10 percent) or are very uncomfortable (49 percent). For former Vice President Joe Biden, who announced his presidential bid in late April, 47 percent are enthusiastic/comfortable, versus a combined 49 percent who have some reservations (25 percent) or are very uncomfortable (24 percent)”

      Biden was the only Democratic candidate that the story used data from all voters on, and it paints a striking contrast. After years of tweets, tantrums, irrational behavior, and causing worry, voters are ready to move on from Donald Trump’s one person circus of chaos

      One gets the sense from this very early polling that most voters would like to go back to having a government that was less seen and heard than Trump

      The election is still 540+ days away. The entire world can change in that amount of time, but feelings about Trump have remained static. Trump is the opposite of a comforting and reassuring presence and voters are tired of feeling bad

      More bad news came for Trump on the issues. Healthcare is the top concern of voters (24%). Despite Trump’s relentless hammering of immigration and the border, just 18% of voters list it as their top issue, and 14% are concerned about jobs and the economy

      Trump isn’t going to win an election centered on healthcare. The border fearmongering isn’t working with the broader electorate, as signs suggest that most voters want to be rid of Trump


  4. Biden, Obama Officials Stood to Gain From Ukraine Influence

    Newly released evidence suggests Ukraine played key role in creating Trump–Russia collusion narrative at behest of Obama officials

    As Ukraine underwent dramatic changes in 2014, U.S. Vice President Joe Biden played a critical role in the Obama administration’s involvement in the revolution that ousted Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych.

    Following the revolution, Biden would use his influence to help force the creation of the troubled National Anti-Corruption Bureau (NABU). Notably, during the 2016 election campaign, information leaked from NABU about Trump campaign manager Paul Manafort that helped to create the false narrative that Trump colluded with Russia to win the election.

    Biden also would use the threat of withholding $1 billion in U.S. loan guarantees to pressure Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko to fire the prosecutor general. At the time, the prosecutor had been investigating Burisma, a Ukrainian natural gas giant that had appointed Biden’s son, Hunter, as a board member.


    • Trump’s Obstruction Is Backfiring And Uniting America Against Him

      Rep. Ted Lieu (D-CA) said that Trump’s obstruction of congressional investigations is backfiring and uniting the American people against him.

      Rep. Lieu said during a Sunday interview on MSNBC, “They essentially have denied every congressional request. This sort of maximum denial is now unifying Democrats in Congress. I think it’s also unifying the American people. The framers set up our constitution as co-equal branches of government under the necessary and proper clauses of the constitution, Congress has a right to conduct oversight investigations. The administration simply can’t do this. If they’re going to do this, we’re going to use all the tools at our disposal. We’re going to take them to court and likely win on all the requests we have”

      Trump has been obstructing Democrats so that he can spread his false version of the Mueller report. The problem is that polling is showing that Trump’s tactics are making him look guilty and increasing the doubts that voters already have about electing him to a second term. The obstruction of the investigations is hurting Trump politically, but it may be the only choice that he has

      Should Trump lose in 2020, he is likely facing a criminal indictment back in New York for masterminding the Stormy Daniels hush money payoff conspiracy. Trump doesn’t want four more years so that he can govern. President Trump is trying to run out the statute of limitations on his crimes

      The American people see through what Trump is doing and his strategy of denying and obstructing is only making people more determined to vote against him in 2020


  5. Watch the video the Islamic center posted to their own facebook page.

    CNN covered the fake controversy surrounding Nick Sandmann and his fellow Covington Catholic School students over 20 times but hasn’t bothered to cover the disturbing video footage uncovered from a Philadelphia Islamic center with children talking about chopping off heads.

    “We will defend the land of divine guidance with our bodies, and we will sacrifice our souls without hesitation,” a girl says in the video. “We will chop off their heads, and we will liberate the sorrowful and exalted Al-Aqsa Mosque. We will lead the army of Allah fulfilling His promise, and we will subject them to eternal torture.”


    • BZZZZZZ! JethroBodine is on a streak for picking the WORST ultra-right wing nut jobs to quote from. No big surprise since he hates like Twittler does. Jethro and his Baghdad Bob routine shared the same BS the last two days, and it is as stupid today as it was the last two times

      According to Source Watch “Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI) is a Israeli propaganda organization that selectively translates materials from the Arab/Muslim/Iranian press purportedly demonstrating hostility against Israel/Jews” and labled as “questionable” to the right for propaganda and conspiracy. Articles on MEMRI are supposedly direct translations from other languages, however almost all translation favor Israel and denigrate Muslims. According to The Guardian, MEMRI is a pro-Israel propaganda site

      MediaBiasCheck rates MEMRI a “questionable” source based on biased story selection that always favors Israel. Several critics have accused Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI) of selectivity. They state that MEMRI consistently picks the most extreme views for translation and dissemination, which portray the Arab and Muslim world in a negative light, while ignoring moderate views that are often found in the same media outlets

      Former head of the CIA’s counterintelligence unit, Vincent Cannistraro, said that MEMRI “are selective and act as propagandists for their political point of view, which is the extreme-right of Likud. They simply don’t present the whole picture”

      Juan Cole, a professor of Modern Middle East History, argues MEMRI has a tendency to “cleverly cherry-pick the vast Arabic press, which serves 300 million people, for the most extreme and objectionable articles and editorials. On more than one occasion I have seen a bigoted Arabic article translated by MEMRI and when I went to the source on the web, found that it was on the same op-ed page with other, moderate articles arguing for tolerance. These latter were not translated”

      Brian Whitaker, the Middle East editor for The Guardian, wrote in a public email that his problem with MEMRI was that it “poses as a research institute when it’s basically a propaganda operation”

      Whitaker charged that MEMRI’s role was to “further the political agenda of Israel” and that MEMRI’s website does not mention Carmon’s employment for Israeli intelligence, or Meyrav Wurmser’s political stance, which he described as an “extreme brand of Zionism”

      Laila Lalami, writing in The Nation, states that MEMRI “consistently picks the most violent, hateful rubbish it can find, translates it and distributes it in email newsletters to media and members of Congress in Washington”

      MEMRI’s translations are occasionally disputed and highly selective in what it chooses to translate and in which context it puts things. CNN correspondent Atika Shubert and Arabic translators accused MEMRI of mistranslating portions of a Palestinian children’s television program. Naomi Sakr, a professor of Media Policy at the University of Westminster has charged that specific MEMRI mistranslations, occurring during times of international tension, have generated hostility towards Arab journalists



      • So Mr Reagan, Israel made the Islamic Center post the video to its facebook page meaning all of this never happened? Do you have any credibility? Why do you defend this?

        • Thank you for asking. I am not, and would not, defend a terror threat. My issue was (at the time) the questionable source of the “translation” provided by MEMRI. Even a brief Google search of them shows they have little to no credibility

    • Had this video been from right wing compound nutjobs with kids singing about killing ISIS members, it would be non-stop media coverage on MSNBC and CNN of Trump induced hate. But since it’s just grade school kids at the Philly Islamic Center performing a musical show about cutting heads off non-believers, zero main steam media coverage.

      • Yeah, right, pig73 is helping her buddy JethroBodine at making crap out of nowhere. But if you want to throw-down and discuss violent rhetoric, then have at it

        “Jews Will Not Replace Us!” and “You Will Not Replace Us!”

        This slogan was coined from a statement by Nathan Damigo, founder of the white-nationalist campus group Identity Evropa. The chant is closely related to the white-nationalist “White Genocide” meme reflective of their fears that white people and white culture are under attack from multiculturalism and nonwhite races. According to the Anti-Defamation League, the slogan began appearing on white-nationalist flyers and banners in May, and has spread widely since then

        “Blood and Soil!”

        This is the English rendition of Nazi Germany’s most fervent chant, “Blut und Boden!” Originally devised as a slogan of 19th-century German nationalists and popularized by Nazi ideologue Richard Walter Darre, the phrase is intended to invoke patriotic identification with native national identity, and built on a foundation of virulent anti-Semitism and racism. It later became a key component of Adolf Hitler’s “Lebensraum” program, seeking to expand territories occupied by Germans, that was a major factor in the Holocaust. The slogan has been adopted by the alt-right, particularly its openly neo-Nazi element, to emphasize its own nativist and eliminationist agenda

        “White Lives Matter!”

        This catchphrase very quickly morphed into both a slogan and the name of an outright white-supremacist movement aimed at attacking black civil rights and “dedicated to promotion of the white race and taking positive action as a united voice against issues facing our race.” Numerous neo-Nazi groups around the country have reshaped themselves under the “WLM” banner, and the movement was designated a hate group in 2017

        “Hail Trump!”

        Donald Trump is a hero to the alt-right, where some leading figures refer to him as “Glorious Leader” and similar superlatives, in large part because he mimics their agenda and talking points, and has on numerous occasions shied away from denouncing white nationalists, including after Charlottesville. Many of the Charlottesville marchers have also worn Trump’s trademark “Make America Great Again” ball caps

        “Russia Is Our Friend!”

        The alt-right has been unabashed in its open admiration of Russia’s authoritarian strongman president, Vladimir Putin, and the nationalist agenda he has promoted both in Europe and in the United States. A number of alt-right figures, including Spencer, have well-documented connections to the Russian regime, which also has played a major role in underwriting far-right movements in Europe. It later emerged after the 2016 election that Russia’s propaganda machine had a powerfully symbiotic relationship with the alt-right in spreading its ideology and memes through social media during the campaign

        “The South Will Rise Again!”

        Again reflective of the alt-right’s neo-Confederate sympathies, this slogan dates back to the post-Civil War period, when the apologist “Lost Cause” revision of the war’s history was in full swing, leading to the widespread (and incorrect) belief that the war was primarily about “states rights” rather than slavery; that same movement, mostly at the turn of the 19th century, also was responsible for the construction of many of the same Confederate monuments that are now the focus of much of the alt-right recent agitation. The “Lost Cause” ideology remains popular with neo-Confederates

        Yes, nothing to notice from the bigoted Twittler supportors like you


    • Single Trump Trip To Mar-a-Lago Costs Taxpayers Nearly 10 Times More Than His Donated Salary

      Trump makes a big show out of donating his $400,000, but each of his trips to Mar-a-Lago cost taxpayers $3.4 million. Trump’s donated salary does not make up for his vacation trips to Florida. According to the Center for Economic and Policy Research:

      The report relies on a GAO study that calculated that four Trump visits cost the government $13.6 million in extra expenses or $3.4 million per weekend. The calculation in the graph assumes that he makes 26 trips a year, one every other week. Every year, Trump costs the taxpayers an additional $88.4 million a year in travel and security costs

      These numbers are only the extra expenses that are associated with his trips to his club in Florida. Trump also racks up additional expenses when he goes to his club in New Jersey, or when he visits his properties overseas. The numbers do not include the associated costs that come with the travel of Trump wife and kids. The Trump administration has been living large on the taxpayers’ dime

      Trump staff have held private drinking parties at Mar-a-Lago and sent taxpayers the bill, which was paid to Trump

      The American people would better off is Trump took the four hundred grand and spent his weekends at home


      • How much did Obama’s trips to Hawaii to play golf or to New York City to see a play or for his kids Spring Break trips cost the taxpayers?

        • 89 million in 8 years.

          If Mop Head stays in 8 years it will be $740 million.

          Why do you ask?….

  6. Just when you think you’ve heard all the left wing horse hockey, Mayor Pete comes up with this:

    Presidential candidate Pete Buttigieg (D) revealed in multiple interviews this week that he has to “check himself” because it is sometimes difficult to see the ways in which he has benefited from his “whiteness or maleness.”


    • Pete Buttigieg Turns The Tables And Hits Trump Hard On Moral Leadership

      Pete Buttigieg used a traditionally conservative argument about moral leadership to turn the tables on the GOP

      Buttigieg said on Saturday Night Politics with Donny Deutsch “I do agree that there’s a need for us to recognize that a big part of leadership is just calling forth what’s best in us, and right now we’ve got leadership that draws out the worst in us, draws out the absolute worst in supporters and opponents sometimes, and we need something different, we need a different way. And this is traditionally more of a conservative thing to say, but that moral leadership really matters, character really matters. And I think we need to hold our president to a very high standard and want to put forward a case that each of us competing for that job ought to be looked at in those terms”

      Republicans have been mockingly suggesting that Democrats can’t run on just saying that Trump is a bad man, but the point that Pete Buttigieg made is not that Trump is bad, but that America needs moral leadership out of the presidency, and the nation can do better. The United States needs a president who will use the office to unify instead of divide

      The argument that Pete Buttigieg made should sound familiar. It is one that Republicans made during the 2000 election when George W. Bush ran for president. Moral leadership will likely be one of the significant undercurrents of the 2020 election. It is Trump’s biggest weakness. A majority of Americans are already suffering from Trump fatigue, and the argument that it is time for sunshine to break through Trump’s dark cloud of scandal hate and division should not be underestimated by the pundit class in 2020


  7. The Wrong Narrative

    Seattle elites show little sympathy for a woman raped by a homeless man.

    ….Then came the backlash. Progressive activists launched a counterattack against Lindsey on social media. Local journalist Erica Barnett claimed that the story drew attention because Lindsey is an “attractive blonde woman” and dismissed the victim’s “many tears” as theatrics serving a false narrative that the homeless represent a danger to the community. She demanded that the media temper its reporting and be mindful that “graphic descriptions of violent rape may be triggering for survivors.” Barnett’s message was amplified on left-wing Twitter; Councilwoman Lorena Gonzalez claimed that Lindsey’s story would create fear and cause harm to communities “that may already be triggered.”

    The reality: city-sanctioned encampments in Seattle have become magnets for crime and violence. According to the Seattle Times, when the city opened a low-barrier encampment in Licton Springs, the police recorded a 221 percent increase in reported crimes and public disturbances. Neighbors witnessed a dramatic rise in property destruction, violence, prostitution, and drug dealing in the area. According to King County Jail statistics, homeless individuals are 38 times more likely to commit crimes than the average citizen (the homeless represented 0.5 percent of the population but 19 percent of jail bookings last year).

    Seattle’s activist class seems, then, to have more compassion for transient criminals than for the victims of their crimes. Lindsey’s story should be a clarion call for everyone who cares about violence against women. But in the tortured logic of intersectionality, the story of a homeless rapist demands “context,” while the white, blonde, middle-class target of his assault is an unsympathetic victim.


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