nick herman

Thursday, May 30, 2013, in Vanderburgh County Superior Court, a jury found Christopher Bell, age 23, Guilty of Murder as well as Conspiracy to Commit Robbery Resulting in Serious Bodily Injury – Class A Felony. Bell also pleaded guilty to a habitual offender enhancement to the murder conviction, an enhancement that will add on 30 years to his murder sentence of 45-65 years. Bell faces up to 20-50 years for the Class A Felony.

Bell is the accomplice to Ted Mueller Jr. who has been already found guilty of the same charges, for the shooting and killing of Cedric Watt in September 2012.

For further information on the case listed above, or any pending case, please contact Kyle Phernetton, Director of Public Relations at 812.435.5688 or via e-mail at

Under Indiana law, all criminal defendants are considered to be innocent until proven guilty by a court of law.