• Desperate media and other Dems generating fake hysteria over Barr as reckoning looms over Russia hoax

      Democrats and their media lackeys are going all out to assassinate the character of AG Barr, fanning of the flames of hysteria. Anna Stark is correct that “The Democrats are worried. They should be,” and because the Attorney General has vowed to investigate the origins of spying on a presidential campaign and then a president, they desperately want to discredit him….

      The basic problem that the Dems have now is that the storyline has become simple and direct: Obama administration officials used the FBI, NSA, CIA, and other national security organs to spy on a rival campaign, and then undermine an elected president. They desperately want their followers to ignore the evidence that is on its way.

      Read more: https://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2019/05/desperate_media_and_other_dems_generating_fake_hysteria_over_barr_as_reckoning_looms_over_russia_hoax.html#ixzz5mrQb5tbN
      Follow us: @AmericanThinker on Twitter | AmericanThinker on Facebook

    • Polling Suggests Public Isn’t Buying Trump’s ‘Exoneration’ Claims

      In late March, before Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s report on the Russia scandal was released, Trump took a “victory lap” telling Americans he’d been “totally exonerated” with a laughable goal for Trump and his allies to convince the public he’d been cleared before the evidence pointed in the opposite direction

      There’s a fair amount of evidence to suggest that campaign did not work, at least not as well as the White House hoped

      The latest Washington Post/ABC News poll found that most of the country concluded the Mueller investigation did not clear the president of wrongdoing. The same results showed a majority of Americans also determining that Trump lied about the Russia scandal

      A new Quinnipiac poll pointed in the same direction. The public rejects Republican claims about the president’s innocence

      American voters say 57 – 28 percent that Trump committed crimes before he became president, according to a Quinnipiac University National Poll released today. In today’s survey, 46 percent of voters say Trump committed crimes since he became president

      Voters say 51 – 38 percent that the Mueller Report did not clear Trump of any wrongdoing. American voters also say 54 – 42 percent that Trump “attempted to derail or obstruct the investigation into the Russian interference in the 2016 election”


  1. It’s always been about Obama:
    EXCLUSIVE: ‘This stings!’ How Obama saw Trump’s victory as a ‘personal insult,’ watched the movie Dr. Strange to distract himself from election results and blamed Hillary for the loss because of her ‘scripted, soulless campaign’

    The new edition of ‘Obama: The Call Of History’ by New York Times chief White House correspondent Peter Baker lays bare Obama’s fury over the election results
    The book was originally released in July 2017 but has been updated with extensive new reporting – and the run through of election day is electrifying
    Obama arrogantly thought there was ‘no way Americans would turn on him’ even though Clinton was far from perfect
    He likened himself to Michael Corleone in the Godfather and said he was handing power over to somebody who would destroy his legacy


    • Day 833: That’s A Crime

      1/ Nancy Pelosi accused Attorney General William Barr of “not telling the truth to the Congress of the United States — that’s a crime.” At a House Appropriations Committee hearing on April 9th, Charlie Crist asked Barr if Robert Mueller’s team believed he had failed to adequately represent their findings in his four-page memo. Barr responded that he was not aware of any concerns from Mueller’s team. Mueller, however, had written Barr two weeks earlier, on March 27th, complaining that the attorney general’s memo “did not fully capture the context, nature and substance” of his work. “He lied to Congress,” Pelosi said. “Nobody is above the law. Not the president of the United States, and not the attorney general.” The Justice Department called Pelosi’s words “reckless, irresponsible and false.” (Associated Press / Politico / CNBC / Washington Post)

      2/ Day 832: Robert Mueller twice objected to Attorney General William Barr’s four-page summary to Congress, saying the memo “did not fully capture the context, nature, and substance of this office’s work and conclusions.” Barr’s summary claimed that the Mueller investigation “did not establish that members of the Trump Campaign conspired or coordinated with the Russian government” and that Mueller “did not draw a conclusion — one way or the other —as to whether the examined conduct constituted obstruction.” Mueller, however, sent a letter to Barr on March 27th – three days after Barr issued his summary – citing “public confusion about critical aspects of the results of our investigation” that “threatens to undermine a central purpose for which the department appointed the special counsel: to assure full public confidence in the outcome of the investigations.” Mueller asked the Justice Department to release the 448-page report’s introductions and executive summaries, making some initial suggested redactions that Mueller believed would “alleviate the misunderstandings that have arisen and would answer congressional and public questions about the nature and outcome of our investigation.” Mueller’s office first informed the Justice Department of their concerns on March 25th, the day after Barr released his summary clearing Trump of obstruction of justice. On April 9, Barr testified to Congress that Mueller declined an opportunity to review his summary of “principal conclusions.” Barr also previously testified that he did not know if Mueller supported his conclusion on the question of possible obstruction. (Washington Post / New York Times / NBC News / New York Times / Politico / CNN / The Guardian)

      3/ House Democrats threatened to hold Barr in contempt of Congress after he refused to appear at a House Judiciary Committee hearing and ignored a subpoena deadline to hand over Mueller’s full report and evidence. Barr is boycotting the hearing over the ground rules for his testimony, which allots time for attorneys from the Democratic and Republican sides of the panel to question him. Jerry Nadler said he would give Barr “one or two more days” to produce the full Mueller report before initiating contempt proceedings. (New York Times / Washington Post / Politico / Axios / Reuters)

      4/ The White House accused Mueller’s team of failing “to act as prosecutors and only as prosecutors.” In an April 19th letter to Barr, White House lawyer Emmet Flood wrote that Mueller needed to “either ask the grand jury to return an indictment or decline to charge the case,” despite Justice Department guidelines saying that a sitting president cannot be charged. Flood also claimed that Trump’s decision allowing advisers to cooperate with Mueller’s probe does not extend to congressional oversight investigations, and that Trump has the right to instruct advisers not to testify. (CNN / Reuters)


      The Trump administration had “no way to link” thousands of separated migrant parents and children, according to newly obtained emails from ICE and Health and Human Services officials. Officials resorted to using a spreadsheet and manually reviewing all of the records associated with the nearly 3,000 families that were separated at the border. On the same day a Health and Human Services official told ICE officials they had “no way to link” separated families, DHS issued a fact sheet claiming that the “United States government knows the location of all children in its custody and is working to reunite them with their families.” The fact sheet also asserted that DHS had “a process established to ensure that family members know the location of their children,” which included “a central database which HHS and DHS can access and update.” At the time, no such database existed. (NBC News)

      The Trump administration formally filed a request to strike down the entire Affordable Care Act, arguing in a federal appeals court filing that the legislation was unconstitutional. 21 million Americans and millions more who benefit from the law’s protections for people with pre-existing conditions, and required coverage for pregnancy, prescription drugs, and mental health. (New York Times)

      The Trump administration tried to remove references to climate change from an international statement on Arctic policy. The administration objected “to any mention of climate change whatsoever” in a nonbinding declaration of goals and principles among the eight Arctic nations. (Washington Post)

      The House passed the Climate Action Now Act, which would require Trump to develop a plan for the U.S. to meet the Paris agreement goals to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions economy-wide. The act would also block federal funds from being used to advance the formal U.S. withdrawal from the 2015 climate accord. Mitch McConnell said the Senate will not take up the legislation, dismissing the bill as “political theater” by Democrats. (Reuters)

      Trump won’t nominate Stephen Moore for a seat on the Federal Reserve board. The news came hours after Moore said he was “all in” for the job. Trump withdrew Moore from consideration after Republican lawmakers criticized Moore’s past comments about women, including that they should not earn more than men. (New York Times / Reuters / Wall Street Journal / Bloomberg / CNN)

      At least seven foreign governments were allowed to rent condominiums in Trump World Tower in 2017 without approval from Congress. The 1982 Foreign Missions Act requires foreign governments to get State Department clearance for any purchase, lease, sale, or other use of a property in the U.S., and the emoluments clause bans U.S. officials from accepting gifts or payments from foreign governments without congressional consent. (Reuters)



    • Info that JethroBodine and the right-wing bloggers won’t tell you
      Deutsche Bank Begins Process Of Providing Trump Financial Records To New York’S Attorney General

      Deutsche Bank has begun the process of providing financial records to New York state’s attorney general in response to a subpoena for documents related to loans made to Trump and his business

      “Deutsche Bank has begun the process of providing financial records to New York state’s attorney general in response to a subpoena for documents related to loans made to Trumpand his business” according to a person familiar with the production

      The move comes after the New York attorney general requested the information in March. According to Trump’s former “fixer” Michael Cohen, the president falsified financial information when applying for loans from the international bank. At the time, Trump had hoped to buy the NFL team the Buffalo Bills

      According to public records, Trump has borrowed at least $300 million from Deutsche Bank and it has prompted the House Financial Services and Intelligence committees to look into the complicated financial information of the self-described “billionaire”

      A Washington Post report about Trump’s financial documents revealed the president heavily embellished his financial information, claiming Trump Tower was several stories taller and his winery was at least 100 acres larger. It’s unclear why the bank was willing to give loans based on obviously false information

      The bank is in the process of turning over documents, including emails and loan documents, related to Trump International Hotel in Washington, the Trump National Doral Miami, the Trump International Hotel and Tower in Chicago, and the unsuccessful effort to buy the NFL’s Buffalo Bills

      Tick Tock, Tick Tock, Mango Moron



    • Jobs surge in April, unemployment rate falls to the lowest since 1969

      The U.S. jobs machine kept humming along in April, adding a robust 263,000 new hires while the unemployment rate fell to 3.6%, the lowest in a generation, according to a Labor Department report Friday.

      Nonfarm payroll growth easily beat Wall Street expectations of 190,000 and a 3.8% jobless rate.

      Average hourly earnings growth held at 3.2% over the past year, a notch below Dow Jones estimates of 3.3%. The monthly gain was 0.2%, below the expected 0.3% increase, bringing the average to $27.77. The average work week also dropped 0.1 hours to 34.4 hours.

      Unemployment was last this low in December 1969 when it hit 3.5%. At a time when many economists see a tight labor market, big job growth continues as the economic expansion is just a few months away from being the longest in history.


  2. Caravan Update: Africans, Bangladeshis, Syrians, Afghans in Mexico Awaiting U.S. Asylum

    The chronic onslaught of illegal immigrants heading to the United States isn’t just coming from Central America, the caravan includes large groups of Africans, Indians, Bangladeshis, Afghans, Pakistanis and Syrians that have made it all the way to Mexico. Africa is a hotbed of Islamic terrorism, according to the State Department, and Bangladesh is a south Asian Islamic country that’s well known as a recruiting ground for terrorist groups such as the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) and Al-Qaeda Indian Subcontinent (AQIS). “More arrive every day” from these countries, according to a mainstream Mexican newspaper report that cites the country’s immigration officials.

    Mexican media reports that hundreds of illegal immigrants from Africa, India, Bangladesh and other non-Central American nations are currently in Mexico awaiting asylum in the U.S. Most are holed up in Tapachula, which is in the southeast Mexican state of Chiapas bordering Guatemala. One group featured recently in a Mexican newspaper article took nine months to reach Chiapas. They went from Angola to Brazil where they spent four months before traveling to Peru, Ecuador, Colombia, Panama, Costa Rica then Nicaragua. Once they reached Honduras, the African illegal aliens took three days to purchase a photo identification and bus ticket to Guatemala, where they say it was easy passage to Mexico.

    Another group featured in the same story came from Cameroon, home of the extremist groups Boko Haram and the Islamic State West Africa (ISWA). The illegal aliens say they flew from Cameroon to Ecuador before traveling through Colombia, Panama, Costa Rica, Guatemala and finally Mexico. All of the Africans plan to continue into the United States where they expect to “achieve refuge,” according to the news report. Of interesting note is that the Africans accuse Mexican authorities of racism and discrimination, asserting that migrants from Honduras, Guatemala and Cuba eat first and receive better overall treatment and accommodations. The major Mexican newspaper cited earlier refers to the situation along that country’s southern border as a “pressure cooker” on the verge of an unprecedented migratory collapse. Besides tens of thousands of Central Americans and Cubans, around 800 migrants from Congo, Cameroon, Guinea, Pakistan, Syria, Nepal and Pakistan, among others, await U.S. asylum in Mexico.


    • Outrage After Barr Declares Trump Asking Attorney To Lie Is “Not A Crime”

      Attorney General William Barr insisted that it was “not a crime” to direct an aide to lie for him, and citizens were outraged

      Sen. Dianne Feinstein, the Senate Judiciary Committee’s ranking member, asked whether Trump had obstructed justice by asking White House counsel Don McGahn to change his account of efforts to remove special counsel Robert Mueller

      “Well, that’s not a crime” Barr said

      “So you can, in this situation, instruct someone to lie?” Feinstein asked

      Barr said that it’s “not a crime” for President Trump to ask an aide to perjure himself, and that in itself is a lie. 18 U.S. Code § 1622 outlines Subornation Of Perjury as “Whoever procures another to commit any perjury is guilty of subornation of perjury, and shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than five years, or both”

      Trump directed McGahn twice at home to fire Mueller. Then Trump directed McGahn to create a false record. Barr’s PERSONAL opinion is presidents can’t obstruct, but that is NOT the law. Barr is AG to protect the Republican goal of one party minority rule. That’s it. He can’t be corrupted or co-opted by Trump because Barr was corrupt on day one

      This is the low bar this administration sets for a President: anything short of a criminal act is ok. If Trump isn’t held accountable, this could well become the standard going forward, which would diminish us.

      George Orwell spinning in his grave. Barr’s pitiful act today was a breathtaking moment that will speak for the Trump era



      • It impossible for the delusional Democrats to manufacture an obstruction case where there was no crime. However, it is easy to obstruct justice covering up illegal spying on the Trump campaign. Comey and Strozk will end up with criminal charges. Welcome to “Operation Boomerang”

        The collusion probe was begun by the Obama-era FBI and Department of Justice, led respectively by James Comey and Loretta Lynch, and by U.S. intelligence agencies, working with their foreign counterparts. It culminated, after President Trump fired Comey, with the appointment of Special Counsel Robert Mueller. When Mueller’s investigation found no illegal cooperation between Trump’s campaign and Russia, Republican lawmakers demanded to know a lot more about how the FBI began its counter-intelligence investigation, how it morphed into a criminal investigation, and whether it was conducted fairly and legally. Key Republicans on the House Intelligence Committee claimed that officials within the FBI and DoJ had violated the law, corrupted their agencies, and weaponized the most powerful tools of U.S. intelligence and law enforcement for partisan political goals.

        In testimony to the Senate Wednesday, AG Barr said he could not explain why Comey’s FBI launched the counter-intelligence investigation, but that he intended to find out. He has assembled a team to do just that. Another investigation is looking into illegal leaks from the FBI and DoJ during the Comey-Lynch years. Finally, Inspector General Michael Horowitz is completing a major inquiry into the surveillance warrants used to spy on Americans during the “Trump-Russia” investigation. Those warrants were issued by the secretive Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court and relied on evidence presented as “verified and complete” by Lynch’s DoJ and Comey’s FBI.


        • Congress Should Be Ready to Arrest Barr

          On Sunday the chairman of the House Judiciary Committee threatened to subpoena Attorney General William P. Barr if he refuses to testify this week about the Mueller report. But a subpoena is unlikely to elicit Barr’s cooperation. “We’re fighting all the subpoenas” says the President of the United States

          In other words, according to Trump, there is to be no congressional oversight of this administration. No questioning the Attorney General about the Mueller Report. No questioning a Trump adviser about immigration policy. No questioning a former White House security director about issuances of security clearances. No questioning anyone about presidential tax returns

          Such a blanket edict fits a dictator of a banana republic, not the president of a constitutional republic founded on separation of powers. If Congress cannot question the people who are making policy, or obtain critical documents, Congress cannot function as a coequal branch of government. If Congress cannot get information about the executive branch, there is no longer any separation of powers, as sanctified in the US constitution

          The only relevant question is how to stop this dictatorial move. Presidents before Trump occasionally have argued that complying with a particular subpoena for a particular person or document would infringe upon confidential deliberations within the executive branch. But no president before Trump has used “executive privilege” as a blanket refusal to cooperate

          What could the Committee do? Hold Barr in contempt of Congress, since under Congress’s inherent power to get the information it needs to carry out its constitutional duties. Congress cannot function without this power. Under this inherent power, the House can order its own sergeant-at-arms to arrest the offender, subject him to a trial before the full House, and if judged to be in contempt jail that person until he appears before the House and brings whatever documentation the House has subpoenaed

          When President Richard Nixon tried to stop key aides from testifying in the Senate Watergate hearings in 1973, Senator Sam Ervin, chairman of the Watergate select committee, threatened to jail anyone who refused to appear. Congress hasn’t actually carried through on the threat since 1935, but it could

          Would America really be subject to the wild spectacle of the sergeant-at-arms of the House arresting an Attorney General and possibly placing him in jail? Probably not. Before that ever occurred, the Trump administration would take the matter to the Supreme Court on an expedited basis

          Sadly, there seems no other way to get Trump to move. Putting the onus on the Trump administration to get the issue to the court as soon as possible is the only way to force Trump into action, and not simply seek to run out the clock before the next election

          But in a case that grew out of the Teapot Dome scandal in 1927, the court held that the investigative power of Congress is at its peak when lawmakers look into fraud or maladministration in another government department. Decades later when Richard Nixon tried to block the release of incriminating recordings of his discussions with aides, the Supreme Court decided that a claim of executive privilege did not protect information relevant to the investigation of potential crimes

          Trump’s contempt for the inherent power of Congress cannot stand. It is the most dictatorial move he has initiated



  3. Poor JethroBodine, grabbing anything that he erroneously thinks makes Twittler look good. Constantly whines about CNN until they have a single poll that he tries to use to prop up Mango Moron, then suddenly yesterday decides “Look! Shiny Objects! CNN!”

    I wonder how Twittler looks compared to REAL Presidents on Day 833

    Approval Ratings:
    41.8 Trump
    49.5 Obama
    66.3 George W Bush
    57.0 Clinton
    74.7 George HW Bush

    DISapproval Ratings:
    53.1 Trump
    43.9 Obama
    25.1 George W Bush
    34.4 Clinton
    14.3 George HW Bush

    Trump has NEVER had a positive approval number in comparison with Presidents over the last 30 years, and is DISapproved by voters with HUGE disparity over Presidents over the last 30 years

    “Direction Of The Country) for Cheetolini

    May 1
    56 Wrong/35 Right (Economist Wrong Track +21)
    61 Wrong/39 Right (Politico Wrong Track +22)
    56 Wrong/32 Right (Reuters Wrong Track +24)

    Tiny Hands “Job Approval”

    May 2
    54% Disapprove, 46% Approve (The Hill/HarrisX +8 Disapprove)
    55% Disapprove, 41% Approve (Quinnipiac +14 Disapprove)

    May 1
    53% Disapprove, 44% Approve (CNN +8 Disapprove)
    54% Disapprove, 42% Approve (NPR/PBS/Marist +12 Disapprove)
    54% Disapprove, 42% Approve (Politico +12 Disapprove)
    55% Disapprove, 39% Approve (Reuters +17 Disapprove)
    53% Disapprove, 44% Approve (Economist +9 Disapprove)

    Maybe you need to visit EVPL and do some remedial math skills, Jethro, because that CNN poll is not as great as you are trying

    Here are the Approve/Disapprove from CNN in that same poll

    38/53 Healthcare
    42/54 Immigration
    42/52 Foreign Affairs
    39/55 Race Relations

    When asked overall of their Favorable/Unfavorable opinions on Trump:

    45/54 Trump Favorable/Unfavorable

    Yeah, you need to run and find that “safe space” because it’s only going to get worse for you, Baghdad Bob, and the Trumpers. But you need to lay off the wacky weed when it comes to statistics and polling because you are in a world of cluelessness, Jethro



    • Ah, a refreshing post! Sort of against the RR grain of this lead, but I’m sure his bile will flow shortly.

    • LOL! And just like the olden days, no name calling. But this is why I’m laughing shar pie. There has now been 103 straight months of economic job gains. Mop Head has been there for 26 months. Any idea who was president during the other 77 months that you never commented about the economy other than showing the debt clock link?

      LOL! Sorry bro, but I had to take another minute out to laugh a little more. – I checked the quarterly GDP stats since 2011 and Big O’s forth highest were 3.6, 4.7, 4.9 and 5.1. Blubber Butts is 2.8, 3.0, 3.4 and 4.2.

      Not bad, plus the stock market staying sound allows me to joust with you in the middle of the day so I can only hope it stay sound.

      But here’s the real deal shar pie, since you are sooo much closer to your Orange King Daddy than I am, suggest to him to keep adding trillions to the national debt instead of trying to get control of it and with a little luck, maybe I’ll die before it all comes crashing down. Like 2008 – Remember?

      Anyway, although I believe the popcorn machine at Rural King is way more qualified to run this country than Trump, if you’ll do that for me I’ll show you more respect than I ever have in the rest of this post.


      5 Dots instead of 4. I can’t get more respectful than that. True?….

      • By the way shar pie, any idea what lockup Obama is in for wiretapping Trump’s office like you and Mop Head said he did?

        Or I wonder if hog head Barr would know?

        Anyway, if you find out let me know bro. I’d like to send him a Thank You for those 77 months because I have a sneaking suspicion you’re not going to.


      • tator tator pants on fire……..what part of best economy in 50 years don’t you understand………..economic growth is 45% higher in the MAGA economy than little barry……….kenyan barry “them jobs never coming back whhhhhhhat Trump has a aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaamagic wand orrrrrrrrrrrrrsomething them jobs never coming back”😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁……….now on to spygate moon pie regTator………russia russia russia……..

  4. Check the video out. It looks like a typically bad grade school musical, except for the girls reading about chopping heads off. Maybe the Demos will rush to hold Senate hearings to see if the “context” of the video was accurately described in the summary article. Anxiously waiting for Comrade Reagan to blame this on President Reagan, Bill Barr and Area 51.

    Shocking video of children in Philadelphia Muslim Society: ‘We will chop off their heads’ for Allah

    Disturbing footage of Muslim kids saying they would sacrifice themselves and kill for the “army of Allah” surfaced from an Islamic center in Philadelphia.

    The Muslim American Society (MAS) Islamic Center in Philadelphia posted the video to its Facebook page celebrating “Ummah Day” in which young children wearing Palestinian scarves sang and read poetry about killing for Allah and the mosque in Jerusalem.


    • BZZZZZZ! JethroBodine is on a streak for picking the WORST ultra-right wing nut jobs to quote from. No big surprise since he hates as Twittler does. According to Source Watch “Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI) is an Israeli propaganda organization that selectively translates materials from the Arab/Muslim/Iranian press purportedly demonstrating hostility against Israel/Jews”

      Yup, they are labeled as “questionable” to the right for propaganda and conspiracy. Articles on MEMRI are supposedly direct translations from other languages, however almost all translation favor Israel and denigrate Muslims. According to The Guardian, MEMRI is a pro-Israel propaganda site

      MediaBiasCheck rates MEMRI a “questionable” source based on biased story selection that always favors Israel

      Several critics have accused the Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI) of selectivity. They state that MEMRI consistently picks the most extreme views for translation and dissemination, which portray the Arab and Muslim world in a negative light while ignoring moderate views that are often found in the same media outlets

      The former head of the CIA’s counterintelligence unit, Vincent Cannistraro, said that MEMRI “are selective and act as propagandists for their political point of view, which is the extreme-right of Likud. They simply don’t present the whole picture”

      Juan Cole, a professor of Modern Middle East History, argues MEMRI has a tendency to “cleverly cherry-pick the vast Arabic press, which serves 300 million people, for the most extreme and objectionable articles and editorials. On more than one occasion I have seen a bigoted Arabic article translated by MEMRI and when I went to the source on the web, found that it was on the same op-ed page with other, moderate articles arguing for tolerance. These latter were not translated”

      Brian Whitaker, the Middle East editor for The Guardian, wrote in a public email that his problem with MEMRI was that it “poses as a research institute when it’s basically a propaganda operation”

      Whitaker charged that MEMRI’s role was to “further the political agenda of Israel” and that MEMRI’s website does not mention Carmon’s employment for Israeli intelligence, or Meyrav Wurmser’s political stance, which he described as an “extreme brand of Zionism”

      Laila Lalami, writing in The Nation, states that MEMRI “consistently picks the most violent, hateful rubbish it can find, translates it and distributes it in email newsletters to media and members of Congress in Washington”

      A report by Center for American Progress, titled “Fear, Inc.: The Roots of the Islamophobia Network in America” lists MEMRI as promoting Islamophobic propaganda in the USA through supplying selective translations that are relied upon by several organizations “to make the case that Islam is inherently violent and promotes extremism”

      MEMRI’s translations are occasionally disputed and highly selective in what it chooses to translate and in which context it puts things. CNN correspondent Atika Shubert and Arabic translators accused MEMRI of mistranslating portions of a Palestinian children’s television program. Naomi Sakr, a professor of Media Policy at the University of Westminster has charged that specific MEMRI mistranslations, occurring during times of international tension, have generated hostility towards Arab journalists



    • Oh No, JethroBodine is apparently terrified over the scary black woman. Twittler pals around with dictators and killers, but that is different somehow

      Oh, and the FACTS so you can read them in your safe space

      On August 7, 1970, 17-year-old African-American high-school student Jonathan Jackson gained control over a courtroom in Marin County. He armed the black defendants and took Judge Harold Haley, the prosecutor, and three female jurors as hostages. AS JACKSON TRANSPORTED THE HOSTAGES AND TWO BLACK CONVICTS AWAY FROM THE COURTROOM, THE POLICE BEGAN SHOOTING AT THE VEHICLE. The judge and the three black men were killed in the melee, one of the jurors and the prosecutor were injured

      On June 4, 1972, after 13 hours of deliberations, the ALL-WHITE JURY RETURNED A VERDICT OF NOT GUILTY. Ms. Davs was ACQUITTED OF ALL CHARGES

      Yeah, we guess not guilty for a black woman who is a Communist makes you right-wingers get all aflutter

  5. Funniest thing I have seen in recent times. Both Abrams and Gollum claim they are the true winners in their GA and FL governor races. Are left leaning Dumocrats so vain they think anyone cares about their losing babble. That and the Hawaiian Senate Dumocrat who showed the real delusion that is so prominent in the Libtard Left, just can’t get over the fact Trump won, continues to win and us, “deplorables”, just sit back and laugh. America is great!!!!!

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