1. With the growing antisemitism by the liberal left media, Israel and those of the Jewish faith are very fortunate we have President Trump:

    New York Times Prints Another Anti-Israel Cartoon Amid Antisemitism Scandal Rocking Newspaper


    New York Times Suspends All Future Syndicated Cartoons Amid Antisemitism Crisis Inside Newspaper


    • By Detaching Anti-Semitism From Its Nationalist Ideology The Right Dodges Responsibility Over And Over Again

      What motivates someone to burst into a Southern California synagogue and shoot unarmed worshipers, there to recite the memorial prayer for the dead? Progressives say nationalist, racist ideology, while conservatives say hate. The difference may seem slight, but in fact, it’s why right and left talk past one another and seem to be moving farther apart

      Progressives and most scholars regard the kind of anti-Semitism that motivated the Poway shooting as part of the xenophobic, ultra-nationalistic constellations of hatreds and “otherings” that also include Islamophobia, racism, and anti-immigrant animus. Jews are the “enemy within” facilitating the evils of immigration and multiculturalism to destroy the motherland

      This is borne out by what Poway, Pittsburgh, Christchurch, and other white terrorists all said in their manifestos and other online comments. Like thousands of others of ultra-nationalists in Europe and America, they see their white, European cultures being overrun by foreigners. And they believe that Jews are making it happen

      In the words of the Charlottesville white supremacists “you will not replace us” in a taunt aimed at non-whites is easily changed to “Jews will not replace us” in a political statement filled with ignorance and hate AND ideology

      Despite reams and reams of ideological-political writing, from the Protocols of the Elders of Zion forgery to Mein Kampf to the paranoid manifesto of the Poway shooter that allege in precise terms the ways in which Jews destroy the national homeland, conservatives insist that anti-Semitism is simply pure, irrational, timeless, and a historical hatred that has nothing to do with any politics whatsoever

      This definition of anti-Semitism is extraordinarily wrong. It is at odds with what anti-Semites themselves have said since the term was popularized in 1879. It mashes together religious animus, true nationalist anti-Semitism, and resistance to right-wing Zionism. And it is particularly helpful to the very people who exacerbate it, the right-wing of Trump

      It absolves them of any responsibility. To most rational observers, it seems obvious that when Trump spreads lies about the dangers of immigrant crime and Muslim terrorism, he stokes the fires of populist nationalism. In response to that incitement, some will merely wave a flag and don a red hat. But others will take matters into their own hands, striking back at Jews or Muslims or Mexicans. And some (like the Poway shooter and the Pittsburgh shooter) may even believe that Trump himself has not gone far enough. They are extending Trump’s logic, not defying it

      Yet if anti-Semitism is merely a pathological hatred and has nothing to do with any ideology, all of this is coincidence. Why did anti-Semitic incidents rise 60 percent in the first year of Trump’s presidency? Well, anti-Semitism is an age-old hatred, no one can explain its pathology, the right says

      Such a denial of causality and reality is facially absurd, and yet it is what the likes of Trump, Stephen Miller, Steve Bannon, and their ilk would have us believe. Moreover since hardly any “mainstream” Republicans have spoken out about Trump’s incitement of hatred, either they believe this delusion as well, or by refusing to speak are implicated in the violence that Trump has incited

      Most importantly, there are NO left-wing equivalents for the incitement coming from the nationalist right. There is no left-wing equivalent of Trump seeking to ban all Muslims from entering the United States. There is no left-wing equivalent of “Make America Great Again” with its harkening back to a whiter and less equal past. There is no left-wing equivalent of the lies about Mexicans bringing crime, drugs, and rape to America. A single remark that congressional support for Israel is “all about the Benjamins” as a claim applied every day to the NRA, Big Pharma, or the fossil fuel industry is nothing compared to these violent, constant, and powerful incitements to ultra-nationalist frenzy

      To the Poway shooter himself, Christchurch in New Zealand was his inspiration. Contrary to the false and exculpatory claims of the right, Islamophobia and anti-Semitism are arms of the same murderous monster, together with ultra-nationalism, hatred of the other, and racism

      And when you agitate one part of that monster, the whole beast rises



      • Here’s the domestic white terrorists that Comrade Reagan is always ranting about! Whoops, they are not ultra-nationalists??

        FBI investigating alleged antifa scheme to ‘stage an armed rebellion at the border’

        he FBI is examining an alleged plot where antifascist activists “planned to disrupt U.S. law enforcement and military security operations at the US/Mexican border.”

        The activists are accused of seeking to purchase guns from a “Mexico-based cartel associate known as Cobra Commander,” according to a December FBI document obtained by the San Diego Union-Tribune. The FBI cautioned multiple agencies that the activists were aiming to “stage an armed rebellion at the border.”

        The FBI report was issued to agencies including the Department of Homeland Security, U.S. Customs and Border Protection, the Central Intelligence Agency, and the National Security Administration, and others….

        Such activists that label themselves “antifa” or “antifascist” are tied to often-violent left-wing protest groups. For example, an alleged antifa leader was arrested and charged earlier this year with aggravated assault and ethnic intimidation in connection to an attack on two U.S. Marines.


    • San Diego Synagogue Shooter’s Racist ‘Replacement’ Theory Has Become A Regular Suggestion Of Fox

      Exactly six months after the Tree of Life synagogue massacre in Pittsburgh, and just six weeks after the mosque shootings in New Zealand, there’s been another white nationalist attack on a house of worship, this time at a synagogue in San Diego. As with those other murders, the alleged killer was a devotee of the fascistic “replacement” theory which holds that white people are entitled to cultural dominance and that racial diversity and immigration are equivalent to a “white genocide”

      Replacement theory is an idea that’s been coursing through the growing neo-Nazi and white nationalist movement, offering outright racists an excuse for casting themselves as the victims of demographic change and justifying their violent anger towards people of color. Sadly, this toxic notion is not limited to the dregs of the internet. These days anyone who flips on Fox, especially if they watch prime-time commentators like Tucker Carlson or Laura Ingraham, will hear strikingly similar ideas

      Replacement theory is an elaborate conspiracy theory that is just as unhinged as it is hateful. Adherents believe that a cabal of secretive Jews are deliberately trying to undermine white hegemony by pushing anti-racism and feminism and other such social justice notions, sneeringly derided by white nationalists as “cultural Marxism”

      The idea that immigrants threaten to dislodge white people from their supposedly rightful roles and “replace” them has become a constant refrain on Fox. Ingraham and Carlson repeatedly characterize immigration as an “invasion” and present the demographic shifts that come from immigration as inherently negative and a threat to “normal” (aka white) Americans. Every piece of this conspiracy theory is now being championed on Fox and by other conservative luminaries

      Carlson encourages this theory, particularly in interviews. Carlson tries to confuse the issues by name-checking a handful of Jewish billionaires who are are culturally identified as relatively progressive, while ignoring the larger class of billionaires like the Kochs, the Waltons, the Adelsons, the DeVoses and other ultra-rich Americans (including Fox ultimate boss Rupert Murdoch) who are supportive of Republicans and right-wing causes

      Full-blown white nationalists like the shooter simply take this to the next level by explicitly blaming Jews. But the basic conspiracy theory is the same: A shadowy group of “elites” is out to destroy white Christian America, and they’re using progressive ideology, feminism and immigration to accomplish that goal

      Whenever one of these white nationalist hate crimes happens, there’s a general scramble on the part of conservatives to deny that the rhetoric coming from Fox and Trump is in any way to blame. Trump and his staff have aggressively denied that he was talking about neo-Nazis when he praised the “very fine people” who rioted in Charlottesville in August 2017. There’s no wiggle room here. Trump was definitely talking about neo-Nazis, and any attempt to walk that back is a lie

      This signaling from Trump and his favorite network of fellow feeling white nationalists is not some small, quirky thing to shrug off. It helps justify the white nationalist narrative that they actually speak for a majority of white Americans, and that when they commit heinous acts of violence they are striking a blow for a righteous cause



      • You have absolutely no thoughts of your own on anything, do you? Your entire mentality is centered on Salon, Daily Kos, The View, CNN, etc., etc. What has happened that has made you hold our country in such distain that your waking moments are consumed with vitriolic hatred? I pity you for how you must suffer daily from chronic bitterness.

        • First of all, if you think for a nanosecond that your opinion means anything, you’re a bigger fool than we thought. Your pity should be directed inward, but your lack of comprehension due to your right-wing self-hate is sad. Just because you and others on here are cowards due to not being able to admit that Trump and the byproducts of his failures are destroying a once great country

          Your narcissistic inability to be self-aware shows just how ignorant the right-wing Twittler crowd is. Just because you lack the ability to think or have a single coherent opinion outside the Fox bubble means jack squat to any of us. I present data, statistics, and facts, and that destroys the narcissistic bubble you hide inside. Reading the imbecility you rant shows the austerity and stagnation between your ears.

          You are beyond pathetic, nothing more than a sheep to the Mango Moron. The right-wing is morally and ethically corrupt, becoming more intolerant and far more stupid, taking part in a race to the bottom to see who can be meaner and madder and crazier

          Instead of proper governance the jackasses of the right-wing are focused on taking away democratic rights thru extreme gerrymandering, blocking an elected president from nominating a Supreme Court justice, selectively paring voting rolls and polling places, creating spurious anti-fraud commissions, misusing the census to undercount the opposition, or calling lame-duck legislative sessions to pass laws against the will of the voters. This is is the right-wing methods for ignoring the laws in America at the expense of everyone

          I love my Country and will continue to defend it against the evil and festering moral failure that Trump is infecting America with shown by the violations of oaths of office (to uphold and defend the Constitution as the starting point), which includes calling our right-wing sheep like you. I am PROUD to be a liberal, and if the CONservatives cannot handle it, IDGAF

          I believe a country should take care of its weakest members. A country cannot call itself civilized when its children, disabled, sick, and elderly are neglected. I also believe healthcare is a right, not a privilege. I believe healthcare should be far cheaper than it is, and that everyone should have access to it. And I’m not opposed to paying higher taxes in the name of making that happen

          I have a massive moral problem with a society where a handful of people can possess the majority of the wealth while there are people literally starving to death, freezing to death, or dying because they can’t afford to go to the doctor. Fair wages, lower housing costs, universal healthcare, affordable education, and the wealthy actually paying their share would go a long way toward alleviating this. Somehow believing that makes me a communist

          I get pissed off that a politician is trying to legislate Scripture into law, I’m not “offended by Christianity” I’m offended that you’re trying to force all Americans to live by your religion’s rules. Do you know how you get really upset at the thought of Muslims imposing Sharia on you? That’s how I feel about Christians trying to impose biblical law on all Americans. Be a Christian. Do your thing. Just don’t force it on me or mine. And I don’t believe LGBT people should have more rights than you. I just believe they should have the SAME rights as you

          I don’t believe illegal immigrants should come to America and have the world at their feet, especially since THIS ISN’T WHAT THEY DO. Hey, genius here’s a spoiler: undocumented immigrants are ineligible for all those programs they’re supposed to be abusing, and if they’re “stealing” your job it’s because your employer is hiring illegally. I’m not opposed to deporting people who are here illegally, but I believe there are far more humane ways to handle undocumented immigration than our current practices of putting kids in cages, detaining children, and splitting up families

          I don’t believe the government should regulate everything, but since greed is such a driving force in our country, we NEED regulations to prevent cut corners, environmental destruction, tainted food/water, unsafe materials in consumable goods or medical equipment, and so on. It’s not that I want the government’s hands in everything, I just don’t trust people trying to make money to ensure that their products/practices/etc are actually SAFE

          I believe our current administration is fascist. Not because I dislike them or because I’m all bent over an election, but because I’ve spent too many years reading and learning about the Third Reich to miss the similarities. Not because any administration I dislike must be Nazis, but because things are actually mirroring authoritarian and fascist regimes of the past

          I believe the systemic racism and misogyny in our society is much worse than many people think, and desperately needs to be addressed

          I believe in so-called political correctness. Not because everyone is a delicate snowflake, but because when we know better, we do better. When someone tells you that a term or phrase is more accurate/less hurtful than the one you’re using, you now know better. So why not do better? How does it hurt you to NOT hurt another person? Your refusal to adjust your vocabulary in the name of not being an asshole kind of makes YOU the snowflake

          Bottom Line For You: My reflection and weight about what you think for me is best stated in the words of Rhett Butler:

          “I don’t give a damn”


          • Raul Regan, do you have a mirror?

            “becoming more intolerant and far more stupid, taking part in a race to the bottom to see who can be meaner and madder and crazier”

      • Comrade Reagan, here is the truth (facts) about the deranged California killer.. It will be difficult or impossible for you to process that he hated Trump, just like you:………………………………………..

        Synagogue shooting suspect despised ‘Zionist, Jew-loving’ Trump

        The suspect in the deadly shooting at a San Diego County synagogue had no love for President Trump, apparently blasting him as a “Zionist, Jew-loving” traitor in a hate-filled manifesto posted before Saturday’s attack.

        A person identifying himself as John Earnest posted a 4,000-word screed about an hour before the shooting saying he was motivated by his hatred of Jews and belief in white supremacy, as well as the Oct. 27 attack on the Tree of Life synagogue in Pittsburgh, which left 11 dead.

        As for Mr. Trump: “You mean that Zionist, Jew-loving, anti-White, traitorous c*cksucker? Don’t make me laugh,” he said in the manifesto, according to Heavy.com and other news outlets.

        One woman was killed and three worshipers were injured when a gunman opened fire at the Chabad of Poway in Poway, California. He was confronted by an off-duty Border Patrol agent, who shot at but did not hit the suspect, according to the San Diego Sheriff Bill Gore.

        • Ocasio-Cortez Says Conway Is Using Her Twitter Silence On Sri Lanka Attacks As An Excuse To Stoke Suspicion About Her Faith

          Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez andKellyanne Conway sparred Sunday over the congresswoman’s Twitter following the Easter Sunday church bombings in Sri Lanka. Rep. Ocasio-Cortez wrote that the “terrorist attack in Sri Lanka was horrifying” before saying in another that Conway was generating false attention around her lack of tweets “using this as an excuse to stoke suspicion around my Christianity and faith life”

          Appearing on CNN’s “State of the Union” Sunday Conway told host Jake Tapper that Ocasio-Cortez tweeted “many times” about the shootings at two New Zealand mosques last month that left 50 dead, but “never once” tweeted about the series of church bombings in Sri Lanka last week that left more than 250 people dead and hundreds injured on Easter Sunday

          Rep. Ocasio-Cortez pointed out that she did not post a tweet about last week’s attacks because she had been on a technology hiatus while she was visiting her grandmother in Puerto Rico, the Peurto Rico Trump has ignored

          Rep. Ocasio-Cortez rightfully called out Conway “Are you trying to imply that I am less Christian? What was the point of you bringing this up on national TV?” and pointed out that “If you’re so moved let’s do more to welcome immigrants fleeing religious persecution”

          Rep. Ocasio-Cortez also used the moment to comment on the Trump administration’s response to the devastation in Peurto Rico caused in 2017 by Hurricane Maria, saying in the tweet about her technology hiatus that the country “continues to suffer from the White House’s incompetent disaster response”

          “I chose to use the word ‘incompetent’ when it comes to Trump’s response to Hurricane María & the 3,000 Americans who died on his watch, but that’s only because I had 280 characters. There are plenty of other words too: Negligent, Inept, Inhumane, Predatory, Corrupt. Take your pick”

          “I’m curious, how do you spin ignoring and neglecting the largest mass death of people on American soil in decades Kellyanne? After all, the official count of 3,075 people is much bigger than the 64 number your admin clung to for so long” Rep. Ocasio-Cortez wrote



        • Comrade Reagan and his accomplices in the the loony left media just wont face the fact that President Trump is a strong friend and defender of Israel and those of the Jewish faith:

          It’s That Stupid ‘Blame Trump For Jew-Hatred’ Season Again

          Both the blaming of Trump and “right-wingers” were factually incorrect, totally imbecilic and allows the person who should be accused of causing the shooting off the hook.

          The person who should be blamed for the Chabad of Poway shooting is 19-year-old John Earnest of San Diego who just before the shooting posted a manifesto where he explained why he didn’t like Trump or conservatives:

          In his manifesto, John Earnest wrote a “lightning round” with questions and answers. The first question he answered was whether he is a Trump supporter. He wrote, “You mean that Zionist, Jew-loving, anti-White, traitorous c*cksucker? Don’t make me laugh.”

          (…) “I am not a useless, spineless coward so no—I am not a conservative. Conservative is a misnomer. They conserve nothing. They’ll complain all they want but they won’t take up arms and threaten their government with death (the only thing that works). Ever heard about the Battle of Athens (1946)? Find your balls again you insufferable f*ggots. If you do not defend your rights you deserve none.”….

          The leftist media is quick to suggest this President promotes Antisemitism, although his first UN Ambassador Nikki Haley fought Jew-hatred in the international organization with an effort not seen since Daniel Patrick Moynihan ripped the Zionism=Racism proposal into pieces on the General Assembly floor. The media also ignores that Trump appointed Ken Marcus, as head of the Department of Education’s Office of Civil Rights, who spent much of his career fighting Antisemitism. Marcus was confirmed despite objections from the Democratic Party and their allies who didn’t like that he correctly labeled some anti-Israel incidents as anti-Semitic.

          There are many (including this writer) who believe Donald Trump is the most pro-Jewish president in their lifetimes. It is indisputable that he is the most pro-Israel, president since the creation of modern Israel in 1948. In fact, when liberals criticize Trump’s pro-Israel policies it’s because they believe the policies are too pro-Israel.

          Blaming President Trump for the shooting Chabad of Poway is wrong.


  2. Newt Gingrich Gets Dismantled For Excusing Trump’s Infamous Charlottesville Remarks

    The View‘s Sunny Hostin on Monday repeatedly busted Gingrich for excusing and defending Trump’s response to the Charlottesville neo-Nazi riots, after Trump’s statements condemning anti-Semitism in the wake of the Chabad at Poway shooting this weekend

    “There’s this myth on the left that’s not true. If you go back and look at what Trump said, Trump says clearly that he was opposed to white supremacists, that he’s opposed to Klansmen, that he’s opposed to nazis. He says it clearly” tried Gingrich

    “It’s not that clear” interjected co-hosts Joy Behar and Sunny Hostin

    “It’s not. I have what he said right here. His first statement he said that “there was violence on many sides” and two days later after all the backlash is the first time he mentioned the KKK and neo-Nazis. And then the following day he still said “you had some very bad people in that group, you also had some very fine people on both sides”

    “Are we going to say if you are somebody who thought Robert E. Lee was a decent person, which by the way would be a high percentage of white Virginians” Gingrich tried feebly, but got hit from both sides

    “Wasn’t he a traitor to the country? And a slave holder? And a horrible person?” asked the panel

    “Now you’re going to say everybody in the South who thinks that anybody was a reasonable person was” Gingrich mumbled weakly, abruptly erasing Lee and history as a traitor and a slaveholder from the conversation

    “If you’re going to march with these folks, if you’re in the picture with them, it looks like you’re part of the problem. Even if you say they were good people, you have to understand that’s not what people see” pointed out the panel

    “You figure if you’re a good person and you’re marching for the monument, you’re not going to let people say “we’re not going to let Jews take over our lives” and “no more Jews” and “no more blacks” and all of that stuff” they asked

    Gingrich tried to change the subject saying that anti-fascist street protestors were just as bad as the neo-Nazis, but the panel wasn’t having it

    “That’s not what we’re talking about, let’s stick with Charlottesville” as Gingrich then tried to hide Trump’s racism behind the fact that his daughter Ivanka had converted to Judaism after marrying Jared Kushner. That also flopped

    “No one said that” said Hostin, her voice dripping with disdain. “What we said is that he said “you had some very bad people in that group. You also had some very fine people on both sides” and the suggestion somehow that he did not say that is intellectually dishonest”

    “If you are marching with people wearing signs that say “Down with Jews, Jews are not going to take over our lives” Goldberg said, speaking slowly as if to a dull-witted child “and you don’t step away because that’s not how you feel, you’re going to lumped into that group”



    • You know you can actually listen to Trump’s comments on Charlottesville for yourself without the View ignorance, right? You can’t find the truth without seeking it.

      • Donald Trump’s “Very Fine People On Both Sides” Remarks (Transcript)

        On August 15, 2017 Trump held a press conference to discuss an executive order, and it was at this press conference that Trump said that “you also had people that were very fine people, on both sides”

        EVPL offers reading classes in case you cannot comprehend the TRANSCRIPT of what Mango Moron said



    • I guess the Federal Judge is now a white supremacist and we can expect Antifa and the usual violent leftists to soon have a protest there to damage and deface these legally protected war monuments

      Judge Rules that Confederate Gen. Robert E. Lee Statue in Charlottesville is a Protected Monument

      A judge in Virginia has ruled that the statues of Confederate generals Robert E. Lee and Stonewall Jackson standing in Charlottesville are protected monuments that cannot be torn down by the city.

      On Monday, Charlottesville Circuit Judge Richard Moore ruled that the Confederate statues are war memorials that are protected by a state law that prevents such memorials from being altered or destroyed, according to CBS 19.

      Moore also noted that the City of Charlottesville does not have a legal right to tear the statues down.

      In a nine-page ruling, Moore noted that the generals are depicted in their uniforms and riding horses associated with their service at war and so quality as war memorials.

      “I believe that defendants have confused or conflated 1) what the statues are with 2) the intentions or motivations of some involved in erecting them, or the impact that they might have on some people and how they might make some people feel,” Moore wrote. “But that does not change what they are.”

      The judge said that the status of the monuments is clear-cut and that “if the matter went to trial on this issue and a jury were to decide that they are not monuments or memorials to veterans of the civil war, I would have to set such verdict aside as unreasonable.”

      The Virginia statute in question is § 15.2-1812, Memorials for war veterans.

      Earlier this year, the Virginia House of Delegates nixed a bill that would allow cities to destroy Confederate monuments.

      If HB 2377 had passed, it would have allowed municipalities to “remove or provide for the upkeep, maintenance, or contextualization of any monument or memorial for war veterans located in its public space, regardless of when erected.”

      The entire question came about when the town of Charlottesville attempted to destroy the two Confederate monuments that have each stood for nearly 100 years in city parks.

      The liberal city council decided it wanted no part of its deep Confederate history. But the plans sparked wide protests both for and against the monuments which grew into a larger protest that drew in dangerous members of the left-wing Antifa and White Nationalists that sparked a riot in 2017.


  3. Trump Has Now Delivered Over 10,000 False Or Misleading Claims Since Taking Office

    Trump is a liar. This goes without saying, but in case you’re still skeptical, the Washington Post has receipts. A lot of them. On Monday, the paper revealed that, according to their calculations, the president has now delivered over 10,000 false or misleading claims since taking office, good for around 12 a day.

    Statistics aren’t necessary to demonstrate that the president is a pathological liar who harbors a fiercely adversarial relationship with reality. The more salient takeaway from Post’s tally is instead that his penchant for disinformation has intensified to an alarming degree in recent months. Or even in recent days. According to the Post, he spouted 171 false of misleading claims between April 25th and 27th, last Thursday, Friday and Saturday. This was more than he lied in any single month in the first five months of his presidency.

    Trump capped his latest lying binge with a breathtaking performance Saturday night at a rally in Green Bay, Wisconsin. Most notably, the president said Democrats support giving mothers the right to execute their newborn children, a claim that has no basis in reality.

    “The baby is born; the mother meets with the doctor. They take care of the baby. They wrap the baby beautifully. Then the doctor & mother determine whether or not they will execute the baby”

    The New York Times described the lie, one of the most disgusting and dangerous the president has made since taking office, as an “inaccurate refrain.” Several other news outlets failed to note the president’s rampant dishonesty, which also included lies about the trade deficit, job creation numbers, immigration, taxes, health care and more

    This omission, in both local and national news, is the reason I started listing his lies in 2016. And it persists. Most of the rally coverage is still “Trump speaks to big excited crowd, insults X and Y, talks policy Z.” “Trump says 24 untrue things” goes entirely unmentioned

    In other words, the president lies because knows he can get away with it. He also does it out of necessity. The more time Trump spends in office, the more corruption there is to scrutinize and the more he feels he needs to lie to defend himself. According to the Post, it took Trump 601 days in office to cross the 5,000-lie threshold. He only needed an additional 226 days to make it to 10,000 false or misleading claims. As 2020 looms and congressional Democrats continue to investigate the president’s finances, his campaign, his conduct in office and more, there’s no reason to believe he’s going to reconcile with reality any time soon.

    Despite the overabundance of evidence that Trump is a serial liar, those charged with defending him refuse to acknowledge his penchant for false claims. The Mueller report made clear that the president has lied on multiple occasions regarding his handling of the special counsel’s investigation, perhaps most notably when he maintained that he did not instruct then-White House Counsel Don McGhan to fire Mueller. And yet when CNN’s Anderson Cooper pressed Deputy Press Secretary Hogan Gidley to at least acknowledge that the president has lied, he was unwilling to do so. “I’m not aware of him lying. He hasn’t lied to me. He’s coming through on all the promises he said he’d do for the American people, whether it’s building the wall or defeating ISIS”

    For the record, construction of the wall has yet to begin, and ISIS has yet to be defeated



    • You have cut and pasted from CNN, so we know your entire post is “false and/or misleading”.

      • Do us all a favor and STFU. We have been subjected to years of copy-n-paste from JethroBodine, so your bitching is just annoying. Get over it. Your major malfunction is that it’s a FACT that Trump is a LIAR and a failure

        • Dude, why are you oppressing Bernie? Chill out. You are wound tighter than a cheap watch today.

  4. I was thinking the same thing with JoeBiden and his cut and paste from the right wing bs

    • Bravo! That is exactly why I came back from the ranch and enjoying my daily jelly beans to show that ol’ JethroBodine had almost two years of cut-n-paste right-wing nonsense with no facts. I figured if he can post silliness and crud from the double-digit IQ’s from Breitfart, Gateway, FuxNoise, and so many more, I can at least post facts and data to show what silliness the right-wing inhales

  5. Ignoring the Mueller PTSD posts of Comrade Reagan, it’s time for a Pocahontas update:

    Warren: Not Appropriate for Feds to Indict Judge Who Helped Illegal Escape Arrest

    Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) reportedly said over the weekend that it was inappropriate for the federal government to indict a Massachusetts state court judge and a former courtroom officer last week for allegedly helping an illegal immigrant who had already been deported twice escape out the back door of a courthouse in 2018 while an Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) officer was waiting for the illegal alien by the front door.

    According a Monday report in the Washington Post, Warren said after a Service Employees International Union (SEIU) event in Nevada “that she thinks it was inappropriate” for prosecutors to indict the Masschusetts tandem from a sanctuary city who allegedly helped the twice-deported illegal immigrant escape.


    • BZZZ! Poor JethroBodine, all FUBAR about a nonsense political hit job about a Judge who decided not to accept an immigration detainer request, which she was NOT required to accept, and JB has trouble understanding in his diminished intellectual capacity and inability to comprehend simple legal issues

      Facts About Immigration Detainers: Detainers are only REQUESTS made by ICE, compliance is VOLUNTARY. An LEA has discretion to decide which detainers to honor and under what circumstances. In order to issue a detainer, ICE is SUPPOSED to have probable cause that the individual is deportable


      The apparently unprecedented action against Middlesex County Judge Shelley Richmond Joseph, a sitting judge who was appointed in 2017 by Massachusetts Republican Gov. Charlie Baker comes amid escalating tensions between federal immigration officials and state and local authorities who refuse to help carry out the Trump administration’s aggressive immigration policies

      The case revolves around a Dominican national who was arrested by Newton police in March of last year and charged with drug possession. According to court documents, it was believed he was the subject of an outstanding warrant on a drunk driving charge. ICE requested police to hold him until he could be placed in their custody

      According to the U.S attorney when he appeared before Joseph for a hearing, a plainclothes ICE officer arrived to take him into custody. Joseph’s clerk told the ICE agent to wait in the lobby, where he would encounter Medina-Perez leaving the courtroom if the judge agreed to his release


      Massachusetts Attorney General Maura Healey called the indictment “a radical and politically motivated attack on our state and the independence of our courts. It is a bedrock principle of our constitutional system that federal prosecutors should not recklessly interfere with the operation of state courts and their administration of justice”

      “This decision seems to have little to do with the actual facts, and everything to do with enforcing the president’s anti-immigrant agenda. In this case, like so many others across Massachusetts, an ICE officer staked out a state court and made it difficult for court officials to do their job, which is to ensure that people in state court have access to justice”

      The increased ICE presence at both civil and criminal courthouses around the country has raised concerns from criminal justice experts. “ICE’s reliance on immigration arrests in courthouses instills fear in clients and deters them from seeking justice in a court building” read a letter sent by 68 former state and federal judges in December to ICE Director Ronald Vitiello



  6. If the Democrats aren’t successful in allowing prisoners to vote from prison, they have a great fall back plan in New York:

    New York Democrats Push Bill to Release All Inmates Over 55, Even Murderers and Rapists

    Democrats in New York City are pushing a bill that would release every inmate over the age of 55, even if they are convicted of murder, rape, and other heinous crimes.

    The bill would allow parole for inmates over the age of 55 if they have served at least 15 years in prison before that age, according to BizPacReview.

    Republican New York City councilman Joe Borelli excoriated the Democrats’ “elder parole” bill on Fox & Friends First Monday.

    “These are not people that stole a candy bar, they’re not people that smoked a joint and got caught,’ he said.


    • BZZZ! BZZZ! BZZZ! Poor JethroBodine, all FUBAR about a false article and the right-wing blithering idiots misrepresenting that this is “automatic” and that NOTHING in the yammerings by Borelli are accurate (typical right-wing liar)

      Bill Allowing ‘Elder Parole’ Consideration for Older Inmates

      The legislation would allow the state PAROLE BOARD to CONSIDER granting parole to inmates over the age of 55 who have served at least 15 years in prison, but it would NOT mandate the release of those individuals

      It was approved earlier this week by the Senate Crime Victims, Crime and Correction. THERE WAS NO DEBATE ON THE BILL AT THE MEETING

      The measure is sponsored by Assemblyman David Weprin and State Sen. Brad Hoylman who said that allowing those individuals to be eligible for parole would save the state money without endangering public safety. THE PAROLE BOARD WOULD HAVE TO ASSESS THE INDIVIDUAL’S POTENTIAL RISK TO SOCIETY AS PART OF ITS DECISION ON THEIR RELEASE

      The bill will now be considered by the Senate Finance Committee and the Assembly Codes Committee before it goes to the floor of both chambers for a vote

      The push behind the bill has come from the Release Aging People in Prison campaign. The group has been advocating for the bill for several years.

      “Too many people have been unjustly denied release because of understaffing” said a supervising attorney of the community justice unit at The Legal Aid Society which “devastates their families and communities, creates a lack of due process in the system and requires immediate action”



  7. Sparks Fly On Fox As Liberal Nails GOP Hypocrisy On Outside Questioning Of Barr

    Fox guest Maryanne Marsh expertly battled two conservative mouthers who said that Attorney General William Barr should not have to answer questions from attorneys for the House of Representatives

    During a discussion on Monday, conservatives Bill McGurn and Brian Brenberg argued that Democrats had no right to have their attorney ask questions of Barr during a scheduled Judiciary Committee hearing. The chairman of the committee Rep. Jerry Nadler has said that he will not allow a witness to dictate the committee’s procedures

    Marsh reminded Brenberg that Republicans on the Senate Judiciary Committee had called in an outside prosecutor to question a witness in Brett Kavanaugh’s Supreme Court hearings

    “Oh, you mean like they did with Kavanaugh? Like they did to Nixon, like they did to Clinton, like they’ve done to everybody else? He’s the attorney general of the United States. And frankly, so far he’s been acting like an accomplice. He won’t provide an un-redacted copy of the special counsel Robert Mueller’s report. He misrepresented the Mueller report, held on to it” Marsh pointed out

    “They are not facts. There was no collusion and Bill Barr explained why there’s no obstruction charges. If the Democrats want to play games, I would bet on him. Are they going to hold him in contempt? Really?” Wall Street Journal excuser William McGurn said of Marsh’s answer, to which she stated “Yes”

    Marsh pointed out that there is ample precedent that would allow Barr to release the Mueller report in an un-redacted format and that “Unless and until Congress gets an un-redacted copy of that so they can ask the right questions”

    “So you want grand jury information to be exposed?” Fox host Sandra Smith yammered to which Marsh explained “Yes, except for those 14 cases that Mueller has referred to other courts”

    “This is about the attorney general saying he’s going to investigate the FBI spying into the Trump campaign. This effort is to smear him before it” McGurn opined weakly

    “FISA judges awarded those warrants, so YOU’RE smearing those judges” Marsh reminded her colleagues.



  8. Just so the far leftists know, Egypt has the 5th or 6th largest Muslim population in the world, and Egypt has declared the Muslim Brotherhood a Terrorist Organization:

    FINALLY! Trump Admin Working to Designate Muslim Brotherhood a Terrorist Organization

    White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders Tuesday responded to a New York Times report that said Trump’s White House was working to designate the Muslim Brotherhood a foreign terrorist organization. The Administration is “working its way through the internal process,” Sarah Sanders said Tuesday.

    The Times said that following a White House visit a couple weeks ago by Egypt’s President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi, Trump’s White House “directed national security and diplomatic officials to find a way to place sanctions on the group,” at Sisi’s urging.

    President “responded affirmatively,” agreeing “it would make sense,” the Paper said.

    The United States would be the 7th nation to designate the Muslim Brotherhood a terrorist organization.


    • BZZZ! Come on, JethroBodine, if you are going to use Gateway (home of the proclaimed “Stupidest Man On The Internet) at least pretend to have something that does not show what an idiot Trump is (and what morons Gateway are)

      Trump Again Shows How Easily He’s Manipulated By Dictators

      The paradox of President Trump is that he is both a supremely skilled con man and a supremely gullible mark. He is notorious for acting on the advice of the last person he talked to. His credulity led him to overpay for investments time after time and helped to lead him into six corporate bankruptcies. Now he has gone from listening to fast-buck artists peddling get-rich-quick schemes to listening to dictators peddling fly-by-night geopolitical schemes

      In June 2017 after meeting with the king of Saudi Arabia and other Arab leaders in Riyadh, Trump announced his support for the Saudi-led blockade of Qatar, a United States ally that hosts a major United States air base. The blockade has predictably backfired. As the New York Times notes “Qatar has beefed up its military, pursued deeper ties with neighbors like Iran, and doubled down on the maverick behavior that rankled its Arab neighbors in the first place, like breathlessly covering their scandals on its Al Jazeera satellite network”

      The next month after meeting with Vladimir Putin in Hamburg Trump announced that the United States and Russia might form “an impenetrable Cyber Security unit so that election hacking and many other negative things will be guarded.” That laughable proposal faded away within 12 hours

      In December 2018 after talking on the telephone with Turkish President Dictator Erdogan, Trump abruptly announced that he would pull all United States troops out of Syria, allowing the Turks to move in their own troops. This would have given Turkey a license to kill America’s Kurdish allies in Syria. After Defense Secretary Jim Mattis resigned in protest, Trump backed down by deciding to keep at least some troops in Syria and warning the Turks against attacking the Kurds

      This month after talking with President Abdel Fatah al-Sissi of Egypt and Foreign Minister Abdullah bin Zayed al-Nahyan of the United Arab Emirates Trump announced his support for an offensive by Libyan WARLORD Khalifa Hifter against the Government of Tripoli, which had previously been backed by the United States and the United Nations. This risks setting off a costly battle for Tripoli that will increase insecurity, empower terrorists and derail efforts to revive Libya’s economy

      Now Trump, following a White House visit by Egypts President Sissi “is pushing to issue an order that would designate the Muslim Brotherhood a foreign terrorist organization” which is a very bad idea for reasons outlined in early 2017 when this option was first discussed and dropped

      The Muslim Brotherhood is a diffuse organization that has branches all over the Middle East. Some of the Brotherhood offshoots, such as Hamas, are clearly terrorist organizations and are already treated as such by the United States. But many others are PEACEFUL political parties that are represented in the parliaments and ruling coalitions of United States allies such as Jordan, Tunisia, Morocco and Kuwait. Turkey and Qatar, both important United States allies, SUPPORT the Brotherhood

      While the Brotherhood may sometimes be accused of promoting political extremism, it cannot be equated with organizations such as al-Qaeda, the Islamic State or Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps that actually carry out acts of terrorism. The Muslim Brotherhood has renounced violence, and while the Brotherhood’s commitment to democracy remains uncertain, there is a good case to be made that it’s better to co-opt relatively moderate Islamists rather than push them into the arms of terrorists. That is the argument that Post contributor Jamal Khashoggi made before he was murdered by the Trumps pals in the Saudi regime

      “There can be no political reform and democracy in any Arab country without accepting that political Islam is a part of it” Jamal Khashoggi wrote

      Reasonable people can differ on the right policy toward the Muslim Brotherhood, just as they can differ on which faction the United States should back in Libya or what policy we should pursue in Syria. The real problem is that there is no policy process in the Trump administration to weigh the pros and cons. The New Yorker’s Dexter Filkins quotes a “former senior national security official” saying that the policy “process has completely broken down” and “I don’t remember the last time there was a f—ing principals’ meeting” because instead foreign policy is made on Twitter after Trump has heard from his favorite dictators



  9. Good news. Informed and enlightened Americans are turning off the left-wing Conservative hating “news” of CNN and especially MSNBC:

    Fox News Channel dominated basic cable for the month of April, beating news, sports, and entertainment networks in total day and primetime viewers, while rival news channel CNN continued to shed its audience.

    According to Nielsen Media Research, FNC garnered 2.4 million viewers in primetime and finished first among all basic cable stations for the third month in a row, and 1.4 million viewers in total day to top basic cable for the 34th consecutive month.

    For the 208th month in a row, FNC also beat left-leaning CNN and MSNBC across both categories, while CNN marked its lowest-rated month in total day viewers since October 2015, and since August 2015 in the key demographic of viewers age 25-54.

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