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Indiana Named The Meth Capital Of The Country and Evansville The Top City For Meth

Indiana Named “The Meth Capital Of The Country” And “Evansville The Top City For Meth”
Written By And Posted By The Recovery Village



  1. Now, let’s just say this pathetic. This is why the population of the city is dwindling. The city leaders can tout downtown all they want, but this type of headline is not good for us. It is awful that Indiana us the Meth capital of America and our own city is leading Indiana. We can have buildings, med school, hotel and the EC can post that millenials think the city is the best value, but the truth hurts. Look at the crime from drugs. Shootings, robberies and burglaries are all results of the Meth epidemic. We need to make sure law enforcement are supplied with the tools to slow the growth. Let’s spend money for this and not on bike lanes and other follies that seem to leave money for crime prevention. Unfortunately, the city bank account is well over drawn. This is a real problem.

  2. Way too late on the bike lane comments. That check was cashed months ago. Don’t believe me? Take a ride up North Main. You will see the politicians boondoggle, but I bet you don’t see any bikers. Insanity! And that’s the same reason someone would take meth. Insanity! It’s pervasive and nationwide. Why folks from Vanderburgh and Posey Counties need to be on the top of that heap in meth use is – you guessed it – Insanity!

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