USI Follows Nationwide Enrollment Trend


USI Follows Nationwide Enrollment Trend

USI’s undergrad enrollment has fallen to its lowest levels since 1998 and now students are expressing some concern.

“I just wish they would advertise more to places farther away, I know its a small school and I know that’s not as appealing to people but its the cheapest school in the state,” freshman Zachary Whetsel says.

He says he had not even heard about USI until his senior year of high school.

“the campus is really nice, they have a lot to offer on campus, the dorms are the nicest I have seen in Indiana, the campus is beautiful it checks all the boxes for a small school and I am just sad I did not hear about it,” Whetsel says.

According to most recent enrollment numbers, USI’s population dropped below 9,000 undergraduate and graduate students for the first time since the 1998-1999 academic year. Enrollment fell from 9,014 students in 2017 to now just 8,962 not including college achievement program students.

Some students including junior Anna Jones say even if USI tried to do more, it would be almost impossible to increase enrollment.

“Obviously anywhere can try and do more but that’s not always going to affect the student population,” Jones says.

USI’s first time college student enrollment fell 3.8 percent to just above 1,600 freshman for the 2018-19 academic year.

Some students are now left wondering how the university will increase the number of students applying. USI recently unveiled the new Fuqauy Welcome Center in hopes of drawing more prospective students.

At university’s nationwide student enrollment has been falling for years and officials say its part of a larger trend.
