We hope that today’s “IS IT TRUE” will provoke honest and open dialogue concerning issues that we, as responsible citizens of this community, need to address in a rational and responsible way?

IS IT TRUE that the City-County Observer was ecstatic and optimistic about the chances for the University of Southern Indiana Screaming Eagles men bringing home some hardware in the NCAA Division 2-Elite 8 basketball tournament at the Ford Center?  …last night the USI Eagles fell short of winning the Elite 8 tournament? …it was good to see over 7,000 people cheering the Eagles on to victory in their two games at the Elite 8 Division ll basketball tournament held at the Ford Center?  ….we would like to congratulate the good people at the Evansville Sports Corporation for putting on a superb tournament at the Ford Center so far?  …we give five (5) cheers to the area Resturants, Bars, and Hotel establishments for showing our out of town guests some good ole down home “Hoosier Hospitality’?

IS IT TRUE yesterday the City-County Observer seemly scooped the local news media by revealing that Indiana Governor Eric Holcomb was the beneficiary of two flights on a private jet owned by Spectacle Entertainment’s CEO Rod Ratcliff? …yesterday an investigative article written by and published by the Indy Star revealed that Governor Holcomb’s political campaign may have been bankrolled when a casino CEO allegedly donated $500,000 plus to the Republican Governor’s Association and in turn most of this money was allegedly handed over to the political war chest to the Holcomb 2016 campaign? …the Associated Press and the Indiana Lawyer also published this outstanding investigative article written by Kaitlin Lange and Tony Cook of the Indianapolis Star?

IS IT TRUE that the above political donation that was given to Governor Eric Holcomb by the Republican Governor’s Association may turn out to be legal but it shouldn’t be and many people predict that it may become a political scandal that haunts Governor Holcomb for the rest of his political career?

IS IT TRUE Governor Holcomb is not the only current Republican official from Indiana embroiled in scandal? …Attorney General Curtis Hill has been under the gun for allegedly committing sexual harassment?…the Indiana Speaker of the House Brian Bosma is also having to deal with an allegation of consensual sexual relations with an Indiana Legislative Intern in 1992? …the taxpayers of Indiana have a right to know what is true and what is just malicious allegation?

IS IT TRUE  that several of our readers want to know whether or not if Lt. Governor Suzanne Crouch was on the free rides in a jet with Governor Holcomb when he went to the Republican Governor’s Association meetings?  …also they would like to know if her political campaign received any the Casino money donated to the Republican Governor’s Association?

IS IT TRUE according to the Indy Star that the “Indiana law bans casino license holders from donating directly to Indiana candidates but does not prohibit contributions to national organizations?  …that  political contributions from casino interests to organizations like the Republican Governor’s Association have long drawn the ire of government accountability groups, which see them as a way to skirt Indiana’s prohibition on campaign donations from casino interests?”

IS IT TRUE attached below is the link to the INDY STAR article concerning this issue?

IS IT TRUE that is was just announced that the old GE Plastics facility in Mount Vernon that was bought out by SABIC about 10 years ago has been sold again and this time the sale price is $69 Billion?…it seems like the last time it sold the price was closer to $10 Billion so SABIC is apparently making a big profit on a 10 year investment?…the new owner will be Saudi Aramco that makes most of its business in oil?…we hope that no Hoosier jobs are eliminated due to this acquisition as last time this happened the deck at the top was shuffled but most people kept their jobs?

IS IT TRUE one of the people that helped point out that many of the officially approved minutes of the Evansville Development Commission were missing now tells us that the agenda of the next ERC meeting hasn’t been officially posted in the local media yet?
IS IT TRUE that the City of Evansville has been exposed and called out for resisting GAAP (generally accepted accounting principles) like a cat resists a bath?…the governing body for public accounting has a document available online that a CCO reader was kind enough to post in a comment and here is what it says about such things?…this accurately points out that managing a city to cash like kids manage a lemonade stand is a way to hide unfunded liabilities for a couple of years until the chickens come home to roost?…the reality is that with these escalating overdrawn accounts, the chickens are in the air and about to reach the roost?
Todays“Readers Poll” question is: Are you disappointed that Governor Eric Holcomb accepted two free plane flights from a Casino Executive to the Republican Governor’s Association National meetings?
Please go to our link of our media partner Channel 44 News located in the upper right-hand corner of the City-County Observer so you can get the up-to-date news, weather, and sports. We are pleased to provide obituaries from several area funeral homes at no costs.
Over the next several weeks we shall be adding additional obituaries from other local funeral homes.  Please scroll down the paper and you shall see a listing of them.
If you would like to advertise on the CCO please contact us at City-County
FOOTNOTE:  Any comments posted in this column do not represent the views or opinions of the City-County Observer or our advertisers.”READERS FORUM” 




  1. Trump and Fox Strategic Obsession With Jussie Smollett

    Over 20 million people are poised to lose their health insurance in the next year! Credible experts predict that we have less than 15 years to blunt global extinction due to the effects of climate change! For the first time in about 100 years, American life expectancy has declined for three years in a row!

    What motivates Trump to act with a sense of urgency? Jussie Smollett of course

    Motivated by wall-to-wall histrionics of this “scandal” on Fox, the only “daily briefing” Trump can absorb, he has ordered the FBI and DOJ to probe into the Empire star even after all charges were removed this week by prosecutors

    The facts about Smullets case in no way changes the fact that there has been a well-documented uptick in racially-motivated violence or that hate crimes are a very fact of life for many Americans. Yet the Smollett story has been spun as a “loss for the libs” even though experienced prosecutors made decision Smollett will go free. Trump latched onto story since he loves nothing more than a bright and shiny culture war for him to fan racist flames

    Smollett will only give Trump more fodder with which to denigrate the city of Chicago, which he has routinely characterized as if it were some kind of blood-drenched hellscape. Now he’ll have a face to put with the name “black people” because Trump is far more comfortable dunking on prominent black figures but won’t criticize dictators with the same fervor

    Trump jumped in head-first with the Smollett story since it’s deeply entrenched in issues of race and the right’s perception of the left’s inauthenticity. Even when Smollett was first arrested Trump weighed in early about his guilt while neglecting to address a right-wing plot revealed that same week by a white supremacist member of the Coast Guard to murder several prominent Democratic leaders

    As skepticism increases over the short interpretation of the Mueller Report and furor grows for a full accounting of what the special prosecutor found, Trump would rather shift the conversation away from consequences or policy to a space that he feels more comfortable wading into, a thunderdome for racial grievances

    • Trump no doubt makes ignorant remarks daily, but in my opinion, the comments he makes are answers to questions the ignorant media asks him. Why doesn’t he just ignore the “inquiring” media? Because the American public loves to hate. Trash talking from anonymous names is a daily passtime for so many. Which is worse?

    • Jussie is the new O J Simpson. Everyone with two brain cells knows he is guilty but that is okay since people want badly to validate the crime of smearing President Trump as a racist. It is admirable on the left to be a racist and do racist things if it smears Trump. That is one sick situation.

        • The cognitive dissonance from you “rocket engineers” is typical of right-wing brains starved for oxygen, or were you dropped repeatedly on your head

  2. Hope Hicks Lied To Mueller About The Trump Tower Meeting

    Mark Corallo, a GOP communications consultant that served as Trump’s legal spokesperson, told ABC News Wednesday ex-White House aide Hope Hicks lied to special counsel Robert Mueller about the infamous Trump Tower meeting

    Hicks and later Trump called to lash out about the statement released by Trump that falsely claimed the focus of the Trump Tower meeting was to discuss adoption. Hicks called Corallo the day that statement was drafted from Air Force One and not only did Hicks lie in her public statement about the infamous meeting, but she also lied to Mueller’s investigators

    Corallo noted that as part of Trump’s private legal team he crafted a statement in the wake of the new revelation by the New York Times that countered one Hicks made claiming the meeting was about Russian adoption. Carollo said his statement reportedly angered both the White House aide and Trump

    “Hope Hicks calls and just started laying into me. She said they had crafted a statement on Air Force One and that they handled it” and that Hicks “had the New York Times handled” to which Corallo said “You work in the White House. This is a private matter. This is not the president’s conduct of office, these are matters with him as a private citizen with his son, son-in-law, and former campaign director”

    Hicks called the next day and put Trump on the line, and Trump lays into him asking “Who approved this statement” which Corallo said “Mr. President please talk to your lawyers about this. Don’t talk to me about this. Talk to your lawyers”

    Corallo pointed out that there would not be legal protections that would keep their conversation confidential since Corallo was neither a lawyer nor a White House official and that Hicks and Trump were “creating risk unnecessarily” and that “The idea that a 20-something press aide would put the President of the United States on the phone to talk about a federal criminal investigation, without his attorneys on the phone, to protect the privilege and that the President wasn’t aware of it was just astounding and terrifying”

    Corallo pointed out that there were documents that would contradict the “inaccurate” claim that the Trump Tower meeting was about adoptions. Hicks said while she and Trump were on the line “Nobody’s ever going to see those documents” and at that point, Carollo said “Mr. President we can’t talk about this anymore, you have to talk to your lawyers”

    Corallo added that Hicks’ statement and their disagreement about it came up when he was interviewed by Mueller when they asked “You know Miss Hicks says that that didn’t happen” and asked me how sure I was and I told them “100 percent”

  3. “IS IT TRUE that is was just announced that the old GE Plastics facility in Mount Vernon that was bought out by SABIC about 10 years ago has been sold again and this time the sale price is $69 Billion?…it seems like the last time it sold the price was closer to $10 Billion so SABIC is apparently making a big profit on a 10 year investment?…”

    I believe the $69 bullion was tge purchase price for ALL of the SABIC facilities in the U.S., not just tge former GE plant in Mt. Vernon.

  4. The Evansville Redevelopment Commission still has not posted the Agenda for its April 2, 8:30 am meeting:

    What will happen to the old CVS building that the Coures led DMD purchase for $535,000 for “parking”?? Will it be sold, complete with a long-term tenant and $1.5 million in improvements, for the only bid of $178,000??

    See ERC video below, starting at 16:30

    See ERC video below, starting at 3:40

  5. You just can’t make up the mental derangement of the liberal left. Left-wing Chicago Mayor now blames…….yes President Trump…….. for left-wing actor Jusse Smollett FAKING a hate crime on himself in Chicago that left-wing Chicago Prosecutors then let Smollett get away with. In the “minds” of these left-wing Trump derangement syndrome victims, all this Smollett fakery was Trumps fault.

    “CHICAGO – Mayor Rahm Emanuel on Thursday emphatically urged President Trump to butt out of the ongoing drama over embattled “Empire” actor Jussie Smollett as he blamed him for creating a “toxic environment” where someone would allegedly fabricate such an attack.

    “My recommendation is the president go to Opening Day baseball, sit on the sidelines and stay out of this,” Emanuel told a group of reporters.

    The mayor called Chicago a “Trump-free zone” and blamed the president for creating a “toxic” and “hate-filled” environment that allowed Smollett to think he could get away with faking a hate crime.”

    • “Unhinged” Trump Taken To The Woodshed Over Profanity-Laced Insult Rally

      Trump delivered another wild and rambling rally on Thursday night, complete with insults, delusions, absurdities, derisive nicknames and profanity. Trump and his sycophants yell to “get over” the Mueller report but scream “lock her up” even though Clinton was proven innocent

      As folks on social media pointed out, Trump’s highly personal attacks on his critics came just hours after first lady Melania Trump’s latest #BeBest anti-bullying post on Twitter. This message is apparently lost on her husband who (among others) attacked “little pencil-neck Adam Schiff” referring to the House Intelligence Committee Chairman

      Trump launched into a mocking impression as the crowd got worked up, chanting slogans such as “Lock Them Up” and “AOC Sucks” which segue into a Trump attack on the media with “All of the Democrat politicians, the media bosses and their bad people, the crooked journalists, the totally dishonest TV pundits, they know it’s not true”

      Critics took Trump to task over the wild scene, including George Conway, attorney and husband to White House counselor Kellyanne Conway, who Tweeted:

      “There’s no question the asylum system is abused, and needs sensible reform. But this sort of boorish, maleficent demagoguery makes reform ever less likely. All the Narcissist-in-Chief cares about is getting hoots from the crowd”

      “Trump mocks asylum seekers, mimicking them saying “I am very afraid for my life” and then he says it’s a “big fat con job” their legal asylum requests”

      “These ego-soothing hoots and hollers from the MAGA crowd come at expense of support from suburban voters (particularly women) who rightly view him loutish and cloddish, hence low approval ratings despite strong economy”

      “Once in a while we need to stop and take measure of the enormity of impact on our children when Trump models words and bullying and hatred every week. Unless parents really work to counter, children digest and normalize this behavior”

      Despite claiming vindication from the end of the Russia investigation, Trump is still calling it a “hoax” which is a lie. It was a methodical investigation of real crimes that led to dozens of indictments, guilty pleas, and convictions. But Trump can’t even seem to get his argument straight. If the investigation supposedly “exonerated” him why would he say it’s a hoax? Shouldn’t that make people suspicious of its conclusions rather than have faith in them? Trump has never appeared to feel he is under the obligation that his claims should be rational or even minimally consistent

      • RR”s claim about “lock her up” even though Clinton was proven innocent”, is just delusional. “proven innocent? LOL. Mrs. Clinton has had so many whitewashes of justice that it makes Jessie Smolet’s 16 felony county dismissal look like he’s doing hard time.

        • Joe, your inability to form rational (or even complete) sentences concerns me that you may be suffering from a CVA. There are protocols to have someone evaluate you to make sure that you are not having a massive brain infarction, CVA (stroke), or a hypertensive crisis. Your confusion could be from being hypoglycemic as well. Please have someone check you and evaluate your medical status, please

  6. 61% Nix Congressional Democratic Probe of Trump After Mueller

    Now that Special Counsel Robert Mueller has finished his investigation of the Trump campaign’s alleged collusion with Russia, most voters say enough is enough. But many Democrats want to keep on going.

    A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey finds that just 31% of all Likely U.S. Voters think congressional Democrats should do their own investigation even though the Mueller probe has failed to prove that the Trump campaign colluded with the Russian government. Sixty-one percent (61%) say Democrats in Congress should move on to other issues.

    Voters OK With Mueller’s Report; Most Say it Was An Honest Effort

    • Trump Trails Every Top 2020 Dem In Pennsylvania

      Trump has his work cut out for him in one of the key states that handed him the presidency according to the first Emerson Poll of 2019 conducted March 26-28

      Trump trails all five Democrats the poll tested in head-to-head matchups, and lags far behind the two best-known candidates in the field, former Vice President Joe Biden and Sen. Bernie Sanders

      Biden and Sanders both lead Trump by 10-point margins. Democrats Warren, Harris, and O’Rourke all lead Trump as well

      That’s not a great place to be for Trump in one of the three states that put him over the top in the Electoral College four years ago. Trump won Pennsylvania, Wisconsin and Michigan by a combined 80,000 vote margin, and strategists in both parties say those states are the ones that will most likely determine the 2020 presidency

      Trump’s numbers remain underwater with Pennsylvania voters as well with 51 percent disapproving of his job performance

      Voters asked how likely they were to vote for Trump in 2020 polled 55% said they “were not likely” and 49% of voters said their opinion of Trump has worsened since he was elected President. Voters disapprove of Trump on immigration, healthcare, and foreign policy by considerable margins


    Disapproval Of Trump Over 9 Points in Almost 70% Of Polls, Higher than 16 in Two

    HarrisX (March 25-28) – 54% Disapprove / 41% Approve
    YouGov (March 26-27) – 56% Disapprove / 40% Approve
    Morning Consult (March 25-26) – 57% Disapprove / 40% Approve
    Marist College (March 25-27) – 52% Disapprove / 43% Approve
    Rasmussen (March 25-28) – 51% Disapprove / 44% Approve
    Ipsos (March 25-26) – 53% Disapprove / 44% Approve

    • These polls are meaningless until an opponent has a name and a platform. Only then will polls really be indicative of the election outcome in 2020. May I remind you that the NY Times and the oracle of elections Nate Silver both had Trump getting beaten badly on election day in 2016.

  8. The results of the Mueller investigation also brings this truth. Mr Trump won the presidency fair and square. Yes I know there is this bs Electrol College thing. But he won.!!!!!
    Trump should stay out of the Smollett case. He is the president.

  9. **BREAKING** Video Proves Lindsey Graham A Shameless Hypocrital Snake In The Grass

    Graham’s rant in the Senate about impeachment is coming back to haunt him and the spineless right-wing, and what he said PROVES that Trump should be impeached

    Attorney General William Barr released a brief summary of the Mueller report concluding that there was not enough “evidence” of collusion. Trump and his allies claim the report exonerates the President, but Barr explicitly noted that the Mueller report DID NOT EXONERATE Trump on charges of obstruction of justice

    A 1999 clip of Graham demanding the impeachment of Bill Clinton for far less serious charges shows him yelling at Congress “While this report does not conclude that the president committed a crime, it also does not exonerate him”

    “You do not have to be convicted of a crime to lose your job in this constitutional republic. If this body determines that your conduct as a public official is clearly out of bounds in your role. Because impeachment is not about punishment. Impeachment is about cleansing the office. Impeachment is about restoring honor and integrity to the office”

    So go ahead Graham, make an ass out of the right-wing by being a hypocritical gasbag incapable of honoring YOUR oath to the Constitution, we expect nothing less from the right-wing

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