Written By Gail Riecken-City-County Observer Statehouse Editor

We all love a good story. When it comes in the presentation of a bill in the legislature, it can be very effective. I saw this happen with Senate Bill 608. The presenter was Senator Jim Buck (R-District 21).

SB 608 at first glance is not an exciting bill. It is about one local governmental unit being able to get a better look at all the debt obligations of another local unit because they impact the same taxpayers.

Granted there is more to this bill and legislators might think the bill overburdens local Electeds, but Senator Buck had committee members  (and me watching the committee video)on his side from the start.

The Senator began with a story, just to give members a little “history”, he said.  He had watched experts on TV talk about our future economy, the extremes of where our economy might be – the very best to the very worst. And it was these two extremes, he sighed, that caused him great concern.

“What could be the worst scenario?”, he questioned. Then he answered.

“Thinking about the different obligations [of government units], we may or may not know what exists in our units of government,  municipalities, our counties and townships, and so on.”

“So”, he went on,  “The effort in this bill is to allow locals, each other, know what kind of ‘red flag’ may be out that would affect their own debt or obligations they have committed the taxpayers.”

He said that his bill was certainly not intended to restrict or prohibit a local unit from incurring debt but rather let taxpayers and units of government know what debt obligation they have before making a decision to add more.

Such common sense. Such concern for taxpayers!

What legislator would argue against his position? Even knowing the bill might cause more paperwork for locals, what legislator wants to appear to be on the side of hiding information from the public.

This bill really takes local accountability to a new standard.

And, if this bill is successful, it will be because Senator Buck simply and skillfully told a story about a solution to, as he would have it, save a local government from potential financial crisis.

His closing argument? If money gets tight to pay debts a unit didn’t plan in the budget, safety is usually cut first. And, after all, none of us wants to see that happen.  Well, I’m sold. How about you?

Senator Buck’s efforts secured unanimous support and the bill is now in the House.

If you believe in transparency to avoid pitfalls where taxpayers have to pay the unexpected debt, let the chair of Government and Regulatory Reform Committee,  Rep. Kevin Mahan, know your support for SB 608 and ask the bill be put on the agenda. Here is his contact info: