How to Avoid Being a Target for Thieves


How to Avoid Being a Target for Thieves

Many of us post to social media without even thinking twice, but if you are leaving town you could be inviting bad guys in. Empty homes are a target for thieves.

Everyone has their own way of preparing for going out of town, but in today’s world, you never know when danger is going to strike.

“We make sure our windows are locked because people can slip out your screens and raise a window very easily and enter your house that way,” says the homeowner, Vicky Burnett.

Homeowners can do several things to protect one of their biggest assets, like locking up all entry and exits.

Many people keep a spare key outside, but if you are packing up to head out, it’s time to bring the key inside or give it to a trusted family member, neighbor, or friend.

“Believe it or not, criminals will look around for an extended period of time looking for that key,” says Sgt. Todd Ringle.

“Our son and his family live right behind us and he comes and checks on the house every day,” says Burnett.

If you do not have a trustworthy neighbor to watch after your home while you are gone, home security systems and self-timers are the next big thing to keep criminals away.

“If you have lights or radio or television that will go on and off throughout the day, it makes it look like someone is actually inside of your home,” says Sgt. Ringle.

Besides stopping your mail and taking out your trash, there is one more way to trick burglars that may be waiting to break into your home.

“Social media always plays a role in home burglaries,” says Sgt. Ringle. “You know, Keep in mind that when you go away on vacation, the last thing you want to do is get on Facebook or Twitter and tell the world that you are away on vacation. Keep that information private.”
