We hope that today’s “IS IT TRUE” will provoke honest and open dialogue concerning issues that we, as responsible citizens of this community, need to address in a rational and responsible way?
IS IT TRUE at Monday’s City Council meeting Finance Chairman Jonathan Weaver said; “as of February 29, 2019, the City’s General Fund has a deficit of more than $10 million dollars”?
IS IT TRUE if your CEO of a for-profit Corporation and you just found out that your company has a $10 million dollars deficit we bet you would immediately fire the Controller of his Corporation?  …all we heard from the Mayor of Evansville concerning this $10 million dollars deficit issue are crickets?
IS IT TRUE OldMustangMan posted this comment on Facebook that was made by the “Deputy Mayor” of Evansville?  …the “Deputy Mayor’ of Evansville said;  “Wait for a sec……let’s wait to criticize before the article is updated with comments from the Administration. For the record, the 2017 audit was a “clean” audit by the SBOA. The comment of “overdrawn accounts” has been included by the SBOA for decades at least since 1997. This Administration has put together a corrective action plan to fix the issue that has been occurring for decades, across multiple Administrations and City Councils.”
IS IT TRUE that it has not always been the subject of local mainstream media that the City of Evansville has consistently run negative balances in several key accounts and the hole is getting deeper? …according to some Facebook posts by Deputy Mayor Steve Schaffer, this sort of deficient accounting practice has been going on since 2001 and that being the case the old “we have always done things wrong so that makes us right” argument is being floated on social media? …most of us grew up with parents that taught us that just because Johnny smoke pot doesn’t mean it is okay to smoke pot? …the same idiocy follows that just because Johnny is up to his eyeballs in debt doesn’t mean it is okay to perpetually run accounts with negative balances? …the City of Evansville General Fund now has a negative balance of $10,025,916 which is about the same depth that the hole was last year?…the Downtown Master TIF has dropped over $2 million to a negative balance of $1,272,577 from a positive balance of $758,000 at this time last year?…perhaps the most insulting and damaging negative balance that went $256,000 deeper into the red since last year with a balance of NEGATIVE $3,876,935?…what is most disturbing is that the City of Evansville has managed to keep this situation out of the limelight?
IS IT TRUE that the CCO warned about the pending deficit spending disaster of the City of Evansville for several years?…former Councilman John Friend, CPA also warned that this was deficit spending disaster was coming for many years? …it seems that the only member of the current City Council who recognizes and admits to these deficiencies is At-Large Councilman and City Council Finance Chairman, Jonathan Weaver?…we wonder what our former banker Mayor Lloyd Winnecke thinks of a city that overdraws its accounts by over $10 million and keeps on spending like there is no tomorrow?
IS IT TRUE that the secrets about the appraisals surrounding the former CVS on North Main that was leased by DaVita Dialysis Center for $1,600 per month is maddening?…by connecting the statements of DMD Director Kelley Course, it can be surmised that the City of Evansville and DaVita Dialysis Center have spent about $2 million dollars to purchase and refurbish this building?  …this building is now on sale and bids are being solicited based on the value of the building based on the cash income method?…income real estate is often valued based on the CAP rate which in Evansville is between 8 and 12 times the annual gross revenue potential?…the lease rate of $1.600 per month at a CAP rate of 10 would yield a value of only $192,000 for this building that supposedly has over $2 million in it?…there is actually a bidder that has offered $178,000 which is on the low end of the CAP rate expectation so this offer needs to be taken seriously?…the fact that the City of Evansville paid over $535,000 for this vacant building and according to the DMD Director Kelly Course DaVita Dialysis Center reportedly added another $1.5 million after they leased it from the DMD is irrelevant? …it sounds like the viability of income property in Jimtown has not changed much in 50 years since the manufacturing base left town?…investing in Evansville as if it was a high-cost coastal enclave has and will always lead to losses and this time the taxpayers of Evansville were fleeced again by their own government?  …bottom line the investments of the City of Evansville in the Jimtown CVS was just plain old dumb?
IS IT TRUE yesterday one of our posters named Frank Lee made the following statement concerning the Overdrawn City of Evansville Accounts?  ….he said; “How can the City have overdrawn accounts because they lump about 90 Funds into a single Bank Account, so the City uses the money from other Funds to prop up the overdrawn ones?”
IS IT TRUE that we are pleased and grateful that the minds of sanity came together to change some unreasonable rules that would have made the Rathbone follow the fate of the McCurdy due to a downright silly parking situation?…now that the dumb law has been corrected as it should have long long ago the Rathbone can once again be utilized for housing as it has been for many years?…the parklike grounds will be preserved in a part of the City of Evansville that is not famous for parklike anything?…this is a situation where the local government did the right thing after doing the wrong thing and we commend them for doing so?
IS IT TRUE we are very surprised that the only CPA on the Evansville City Council didn’t publically speak out against the out of control deficit spending habits of the Winnecke Administration?
IS IT TRUE here’s the video and agenda from yesterdays morning ERC meeting (March 19, 2019)?  … the 800 North Main Street building briefly discussed?   …please start playing the attached Video at 8:30 to learn what was said about this building?

IS IT TRUE below is a link of the video of the ERC Dec. 18,2018 meeting?  …please start playing video at 3:55 to see the discussion about the DaVita Dialysis Center investing $1.5 in the 880 North Main Street building?  …during this meeting it was mentioned that DMD has 2 appraisals based on the income approach, but the appraised values are never mentioned when the video recording was on?

IS IT TRUE attached below is a video and agenda of the ERC March 5, 2019 meeting that concerns the opening bid for 800 N Main St?  ….please start playing the Videro at 16:30 to hear the discussion about lone bid to purchase this building?

Todays“Readers Poll” question is: Who do you blame for the unacceptable deficit spending of the City of Evansville?

Please go to our link of our media partner Channel 44 News located in the upper right-hand corner of the City-County Observer so you can get the up-to-date news, weather, and sports. We are pleased to provide obituaries from several area funeral homes at no costs.

O ver the next several weeks we shall be adding additional obituaries from other local funeral homes.  Please scroll down the paper and you shall see a listing of them.

If you would like to advertise on the CCO please contact us at City-County

FOOTNOTE:  Any comments posted in this column do not represent the views or opinions of the City-County Observer or our advertisers.



  1. Official White House Economic Report Claims Jabba the Hutt And Batman Are Trump Interns

    The “The Annual Report of the Council of Economic Advisers” was released March of 2019, and the report claims that Batman, Spider-Man, and Captain America were all White House economics interns in 2018

    Martha Gimbel, a former Labor Department and Council of Economic Advisers official, released a screenshot Tuesday showing Trump’s 2018 economic report that included a number of actors and heroes and states from her tenure “the quality of interns at CEA is much better than it was when I was there. We never got cool ones like Steve Rogers, Bruce Wayne, Peter Parker, Aunt May, and John Cleese”

    Along with Captain America, Spider-Man and Batman, the report also claimed that Peter Parker’s beloved Aunt May, Star Trek‘s famous captain Kathryn Janeway, Game of Thrones “Jon Snow” and Star Wars”Jabba The Hutt” (J.T. Hutt) are also CEA interns

    As of press time, the 711-page official CEA report still included the references to the fictional characters. Just like with every other White House communication coming out of this ignorant, sloppy, shoddy administration, not one damn person could be bothered to proofread the damn thing

    Look at page 624 to see this embarrassing lack of control by the Trump administration. It would be one thing if the government was functioning properly, but this is thumbing one’s nose at the responsibilities of good governing.

    I’m guessing John Snow knows nothing about this

    • RR = …bla…bla….Trump’s fault…….bla…Trump to blame…..bla….bla… Trump… bla….. [repeat endlessly]. Dude, you are totally boring. Get a life.

      • Why The Right Embraces Ignorance As A Virtue

        Being belligerently ignorant and offended that anyone dares suggest ignorance is less desirable than knowledge has become the go-to position for many conservative politicians and pundits

        But for modern Republicans, being downright proud of their ignorance has become a badge of honor, a way to demonstrate loyalty to the right-wing cause while also sticking it to those liberal pinheads who think there’s some kind of value in knowing what they’re talking about before offering an opinion

        The problem here is that someone who is not only so catastrophically wrong but downright proud of being an ignoramus is not going to actually bother to listen to an explanation. When you have nothing but contempt for the facts, attempts to educate you will only make your pride in your own ignorance grow stronger. The more you try to educate the proudly ignorant, the dumber they get

        At the end of the day, the problem is one of identity. The conservative identity is one of being opposed to everything liberal, to the point of despising anything even associated with liberalism. To be a “conservative” increasingly means taking a contemptuous view of reality

        And so the proudly ignorant grow more belligerent, day after day

        • Study Links Low Intelligence With Right-Wing Beliefs

          Researchers have found a possible explanation for why certain people are prejudiced: they’re less intelligent. Children with lower general intelligence are more likely to become prejudiced as adults

          The study, published in the journal Psychological Science, examined data from two large-scale studies and found lower intelligence scores in childhood were predictors of greater racism in adulthood, which the researchers controversially explain is brought about by adopting right-wing ideologies

          A secondary analysis of data also showed those with poor abstract-reasoning skills were more likely to have anti-homosexual prejudice, partially linked to authoritarian attitudes

          Lead researchers showed that the results of the study indicate a vicious cycle, in which people with low intelligence are drawn to socially conservative ideologies. In turn, those ideologies can contribute to prejudices

          The researchers found that people with lower intelligence also tended to have less contact with other races and groups, which supports previous research that determined interacting with other groups is mentally challenging and cognitively draining

  2. Trump Doesn’t Condemn White Supremacists, He Hires Them

    Trump has dismissed the idea that white supremacists constitute a rising threat. Asked about the issue, Trump’s response was simple enough “I don’t really. I think it’s a small group of people that have very, very serious problems”

    But since Trump is someone who has repeatedly claimed that “Islam hates us” and that Mexicans are “rapists” and that immigrants attempting to enter the United States are a criminal “invasion.” Not a surprise Trump wouldn’t be all that concerned about the problem of white nationalism. Because he’s part of it

    To underline that fact, the new head of the pro-Trump Keep America Great PAC will be confederacy fan and white supremacy poster boy, Corey Stewart. The far-right Stewart, who describes himself as a “disciple” of Trump, managed to lose the Senate race in Virginia by a whopping 32 point margin after his racism, lies, and general nastiness sent voters running

    But racism lies, and general nastiness describes the Trump GOP perfectly. Stewart’s pledge to “run a very vicious and ruthless campaign” earned him the Senate nod over more reasonable candidates

    Stewart is a proud “birther” and declaring that Virginia rebelled in the Civil War because “the established order was wrong.” Stewart also called for a new rebellion “because they’re trying to rob us of everything that we hold dear: our history, our heritage, our culture” This is language that could have been lifted from the racist manifesto of the New Zealand shooter. It’s that kind of language that helped Stewart earn the enthusiastic support of the “pro-white activists” behind the “Unit the Right” Nazi march in Charlottesville

    Trump isn’t decrying white nationalists. He’s hiring them

  3. Weaver, for years, sided with Mosby in full-throated support of Winnecke/gave Winnecke everything he wanted.

    Now, when Weaver is Finance Chairman, he finally speaks up about the financial predicament ? Is Weaver trying to gin up his vote count in November by showing some teeth ? He got voted in WITHOUT that previously . . .

    My guess is that after the election, Weaver will revert to lap dog status with the Mayor.

    • Maybe Weaver is trying to distance himself from the stink from the DMD mishandling of the old CVS building on N Main.

  4. Check the link to see the “Beto Runs” billboard:

    Conservative street artist Sabo poked fun at his latest target, Democratic 2020 hopeful Beto O’Rourke, by using a billboard to roast the Texas Democrat for his drunk driving arrest.

    The billboard, which depicts a car crashed into the side of a building, was decorated with a cutout of O’Rourke holding a bottle of liquor. A spoof of his campaign sign was also placed on the billboard, reading, “Beto Runs.”

    O’Rourke was arrested in 1998 for driving drunk and allegedly trying to flee the scene. His charge was dismissed after he took a court-ordered program.

    When the issue of his drunk driving arrest came up in his 2018 campaign for a Texas Senate seat, he turned it into a lesson in white privilege.

    “I’ve made the most that I could with my second chance and my opportunity,” O’Rourke said.

    “What I do know is that as a white man in this country, there is a privilege that I enjoy that many African-American men and women do not.”

    • UK Government Hits Out At Trumps “Completely False” Suggestion Britain Invented Russian 2016 Election Meddling

      Trump peddling of conspiracy theory met with blunt response by Foreign Office. Trump’s suggestion that Britain invented Russia’s interference in the 2016 presidential election has been branded “completely false” by the UK government.

      Trump shared a tweet by William Craddick, the founder of right-wing conspiracy theory news outlet Disobedience Media, on Sunday evening:

      “Russiagate was designed in part to help the UK counter Russian influence by baiting the United States into taking a hard line against them. Leaves us all with a more dangerous world as a consequence. Just another episode of the great game”

      Trump’s endorsement of the explosive claim Britain was involved in a conspiracy to create “Russiagate,” a term commonly understood to refer to Russia’s meddling in the presidential election, risks further undermining relations between the White House and the UK government

      Late last week, he launched an extraordinary attack against Theresa May over her Brexit negotiation strategy, claiming she “didn’t listen” to his advice over the issue. Sir Nicholas Soames, Conservative MP and privy councilor, said that Trump’s peddling of the conspiracy theory was “foolish” and “ludicrous”

      “The trouble is he allows himself to be subject to these great flights of fancy, which unfortunately there are too many people who take seriously” said Mr Soames, the grandson of Winston Churchill, adding that “He pretty much takes up every conspiracy theory there is, it’s just ludicrous. I don’t think anyone who knows anything about it would take it seriously”

    • Beto has even less experience than Community Organizer Obama did. Presidente Beto should scare the heck out of all Americans. Presidente Beto has pledged to take down the existing border wall.

    • Beto Admitted To Eating Magic Dirt After Humiliating Loss to Ted Cruz Left Him in a ‘Funk’

      “Beto … was in a ‘funk.’” The Washington Post wrote. “In January, Beto hit the road, much as his father had done before him, and drew energy from the people he met, and — on one stop in New Mexico he didn’t write about in his blog — by eating New Mexican dirt said to have regenerative powers.”

      “He brought some home for the family to eat, too,” The Post continued.

      • Panel Hysterical At Trump Over Outrageous Tweet

        Trump took to Twitter to voice his concerns and frustrations about the late Senator John McCain.

        “Trump didn’t stop tweeting all weekend on all sorts of stuff, old favorites like Robert Mueller, Joe Biden, John McCain even though John McCain passed away months ago, Saturday Night Live, the news media, general motors, Shepherd Smith of fox and others. What impression did you get from his nonstop tweeting and retweeting over the weekend?” CNN hosts asked

        The panel commented on Trumps utter failure to manage the “Be Best” aspects of his wife

        “This is a presidential troll, okay? He’s trolling people who are alive, people who have passed away. I think what he was doing was sitting somewhere in the White House and watching television nonstop. He is so full of grievance, he can’t let anything go. And not even to someone like an American hero like John McCain. I think it’s disgraceful and I think that it’s immature” was the outlook by CNN commentator Gloria Borger

        Legal analyst Jeffery Toobin hinted that Trump would never learn how to “Be Best”

        “How’s that going?” Toobin said

        “Not too well” Borger said

        “What do you think the odds of that (Trump “Being Best”) are?” Toobin asked

        “Zero” she said

  5. DHS On Pace To Catch 100,000 Illegals At Border This Month

    Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen pushed back against claims that the U.S.-Mexico border crisis is “manufactured” and warned that crossings are on track to reach a 10-year high level.

    “I want to cut through the politics today to tell you loud and clear: There is no ‘manufactured’ crisis at our southern border. There is a real-life humanitarian and security catastrophe. The situation at our southern border has gone from a crisis to a national emergency, to a near system-wide meltdown.”

    The government is on track to catch nearly 100,000 illegal immigrants at the border this month, Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen said Monday, renewing the administration’s plea for Congress to do something.

    That number would be the worst in more than a decade, and it’s more troubling than the worst years because the migrants are children and families who despite being unauthorized, are almost impossible to deport.

    “The situation at our Southern Border has gone from a crisis, to a national emergency, to a near systemwide meltdown,” Ms. Nielsen said in delivering an update on the state of her department 16 years after it was established.

    Ms. Nielsen said the border wall is part of the solution, but also said Congress must change the laws to allow for detention and faster deportations of illegal immigrant children and families.

    • US Terror Attacks Are Increasingly Motivated By Right-Wing Views

      Terrorism has been rising in the US, driven by a surge of attacks motivated by right-wing ideologies. However, authorities have yet to identify who’s behind the suspicious devices found this week

      An analysis of the Global Terrorism Database by researchers at the University of Maryland shows a “sharp increase” in the share of attacks by right-wing extremists, from 6% in the 2000s to 35% in the 2010s. The share of attacks by religious extremists also increased, from 9% to 53% between the two decades

      Meanwhile, the share of attacks by left-wing terrorists and environmentalist extremists dropped from 64% in the 2000s to 12% in the 2010s

      Researchers point out that many recent attacks on US soil are carried out by individuals without any strong links to a terrorist organization, known popularly as “lone wolves”

      The study defines “right-wing extremism” as “violence in support of the belief that personal and/or national way of life is under attack and is either already lost or that the threat is imminent,” including anti-globalism, white supremacy, nationalism, suspicion of the government, and beliefs in conspiracies

      An analysis of the Global Terrorism Database confirmed that the trend persisted in 2017 when most attacks in the US were committed by right-wing extremists. Out of 65 incidents last year, 37 were tied to racist, anti-Muslim, homophobic, anti-Semitic, fascist, anti-government, or xenophobic motivations

      That list includes an attack by neo-Nazi extremist James Fields against a crowd of counter-protestors in Charlottesville, which left one person dead. It also includes attacks against a gay bar in Puerto Rico, mosques in Washington, Texas, and Florida, and a vehicle decorated with Jewish iconography in New York

      That right-wing activity is fueling a surge in terrorism in the US. Overall, the US had only six attacks a decade ago, but 65 in 2017. The number of fatalities is also increasing, in contrast to a global decrease in terror attacks

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