Lavender Ball Celebrates All Cancer Patients

Today Evansville took a moment to stop and celebrate the accomplishments of the past year while giving cancer patients a night out on the town.

The chemo buddies organization is holding the lavender ball tonight until 10 at Tropicana casino.

Patients are dancing the night away, and enjoying music, food and more compliments of local businesses.

The lavender ball high lights all different types of fights since lavender is the color of the ribbon that represents all types of cancer.

“And there isn’t anyone you can walk up to on the street or anywhere that doesn’t know at least someone in their life that’s been impacted by cancer. So it’s a wonderful opportunity to be apart of a cause that really gives back. That is on the front lines. We really focus on care. There are other organizations that are focusing on the cure. For us we are focused on the care that people receive during the time that can be the scariest times of their lives,” says Andrea Phillips.