Home Breaking News Opioid Prescription Policy Affecting Elderly Patients

Opioid Prescription Policy Affecting Elderly Patients

In order to get opioid prescriptions refilled in the state of Kentucky, you must get a check-up every 30 days. Medical officials say this helps keep the pills off the streets, but it impacts people who need them.

If you are on anxiety or sleeping medication you can get refills for up to six months depending on your medical provider. Pain killers are the controlled substance most likely to cause abuse.

Which is why there are no refills allotted for these medications in Kentucky. You must see a doctor once a month to get a refill.

But many elderly people are on these medications to help with joint pain.

Jessica Mills says, “It becomes an issue, especially with our elderly patients, and they are on pain medicines and their doctor is done for the week and its spring break and so we can’t get in touch with that doctor and a lot of doctors, if they are covering for blood pressure and something else, they aren’t going to cover for any narcotics or controlled substances. So, we’ve had elderly patients go through active with a drawl.”

The Drug Enforcement Administration also does not allow pills to be refilled early.

This can make it even more challenging for people to get their hands on their medication.
