Vanderburgh County Commissioners February 26, 2019 Meeting Agenda


AGENDA of Vanderburgh County the Board of Commissioners

on February 26, 2019, at 3:00 pm, Room 301

  1. Call to Order
  2. Attendance
  3. Pledge of Allegiance
  4. Action Items 
    1. Public Hearing & Final Reading of Vacation Ordinance CO.V-02-19-001: Petition to Vacate Ruston Lane & Adjoining Rights-of-Way
    2. First Reading of Ordinances CO.03-19-004: An Ordinance Amending Vanderburgh County’s Ordinance Concerning Encroachments 
    3. Resolution CO.R-02-19-004: The City of Evansville and Vanderburgh County Authorizing Mark Uhrin to Execute Amazon AWS Service Terms 
    4. County Auditor: Kronos Timekeeping Support Services 
    5. County Assessor: Ivy Tech Courses 
    6. County Health: Addendum to Lease Agreement with Southwestern Healthcare, Inc. 
    7. Computer Services: Amendment to Master Agreement for Information Technology Services with Advanced Network & Computer Services, Inc. 
    8. Vanderburgh County Health Insurance Study Committee
  5. Department Head Reports
  6. New Business
  7. Old Business
  8. Consent Items
    1. Approval of February 12, 2019 Meeting Minutes
    2. Employment Changes 
    3. American Medical Response: 911 Ambulance Call Summary December 31, 2018 
    4. Arc of Evansville:
      1. June–December 2018 Meeting Minutes 
      2. August–December 2018 Monthly Report
    5. County Auditor: Claim Voucher Reports: 2/11/19-2/15/19 & 2/18/19-2/22/19
    6. County Assessor: Surplus Request Computer Equipment 
    7. Soil and Water Conservation District: January 28, 2019 Meeting Minutes
    8. United Neighborhood of Evansville: January 2019 Monthly Report 
    9. County Engineering:
      1. Department Report
      2. Pay Request #54 U.S. 41 Expansion T.I.F. for the sum of $150.00
      3. Pay Request #11 Phoenix Commerce Center T.I.F. for the sum of $106.60
      4. Travel Request 
      5. Claims 
    10. Weights and Measures: January 16- February 15, 2019 Monthly Report 
    11. County Commissioners: Letter to the Indiana Gaming Commission 
    12. Scott Township Trustee Standards 2019
    13. Superintendent of County Buildings: Special Purchase for Emergency Conditions at the Old Courthouse
  9. Public Comment
  1. Rezoning
    1. Final Reading of Rezoning Ordinance VC-1-2019

Petitioner: Briggs & Sons, LLC

Address: 13644 SR 57 

Request: Change from Ag to C-4 with UDC

    1. Final Reading of Rezoning Ordinance VC-2-2019

Petitioner: Karen Hallenberg

Address: 10620 St. Wendel Road

Request: Change from Ag to CO-1

  1. Adjournment