We hope that today’s “READERS FORUM” will provoke honest and open dialogue concerning issues that we, as responsible citizens of this community, need to address in a rational and responsible way?

IS IT TRUE that a legacy downtown activity that was established by GAGE in 2007 is being allowed to die?…when the summer of 2019 comes along the long-standing Farmers Market that has been in the lot behind the Greyhound Bus station will not open for the season?…the market has not been without controversy as since 2010 there has been a continual drumbeat alleging that some of the vendors are not farmers at all and some are not even local?…this particular Farmers Market after starting out as planned has evolved into something that the townspeople thought was a lot more market than it was farmers market?…these kinds of markets are generally liked and do draw people downtown and this Farmers Market has been no exception?…the CCO hopes to see another option for authentic farmer’s products in downtown Evansville soon?

IS IT TRUE that the University of Evansville Purple Aces are leading the Missouri Valley Conference in attendance with over 5,000 people per game showing up at the Ford Center?…some people are quoting the  scriptures by saying “the first shall be last and the last shall be first”?…in the case of the 2019 Evansville Aces that is completely true as they are first in attendance and absolutely last in the winning column?…with only 4 conference wins and a losing season assured the last in winning and the first in attendance both have a home in Evansville?…the attendance is because of the enthusiasm for our new coach Walter McCarty and the honeymoon will probably last another couple of years?…eventually the legacy rule that winning games sells tickets will prevail?…in the long run if the Aces can’t compete in the MVC the attendance will go back to the paltry levels of the last 7 years at the Ford Center?

IS IT TRUE that Metallica has been booked to do a concert at Louisville’s YUM Center on March 9, 2019?…this is one of the bands that the chorus of silliness said would come to Evansville if only we built a downtown arena with a strong roof?…it must be noted that Metallica did play at Roberts Stadium and has not yet graced the stage at Ford Center?…with Metallica is only 110 miles away, someone at Ford Center should call the Bay Area rockers up and book a concert at Ford Center?…such a booking, while Metallica is such a large draw, would go a long way toward resurrecting the credibility of the build an arena for a stronger roof crowd?

IS IT TRUE we wonder why did the Ford Center drop a hockey team that paid them  $10,000 per home game and replaces them with a  hockey team that paid them a $1,000 per home game?

IS IT TRUE we are hearing that a group of local business people is talking about approaching members of the Evansville City Council to encourage them to adopt a city ordinance that would put the Ford Center under direction of a “Board Of Control” in order to ensure that future events will not only be profitable but also all contract agreements will be properly vetted?

IS IT TRUE that a boy in a wheelchair saw me desperately struggling on crutches with my broken leg and offered to carry my backpack and books for me?  …he helped me all the way across campus to my class? …as he was leaving he said, “I hope you feel better soon?”

IS IT TRUE we wonder why members of the ERC and Evansville DMD hasn’t approached the developer of the Memorial Village Complex located in the Center City to do a similar project in the North Main Street area?  …the infrastructure of certain areas of North Main Street is well positioned for some future creative economic development?

IS IT TRUE we now understand why the Vanderburgh County GOP Party Chairman Wayne Parke hasn’t taken the Republican At-Large City Council candidate to task for attending Democrat Ben Trockman official campaign filing event at the Civic Center?  …we have been told by people in the know that the reason why Mr. Parke hasn’t taken the Republican At-Large City Council candidate to task is because he’s a handpicked City Council candidate of the Mayor?

IS IT TRUE that a reader of ours kissed his dad on the forehead in his hospital bed? …about 2 minutes later he passed away?  …at that point he realized that it was the first time he had given him a kiss since he was a little boy?

Todays “Readers Poll” question is: Do you feel its time for the Evansville City Council to adopt an ordinance to have the Ford Center management put under the direction of a “Board Of Control”?

Please take time and read our articles entitled “STATEHOUSE Files, CHANNEL 44 NEWS, LAW ENFORCEMENT, READERS POLL, BIRTHDAYS, HOT JOBS” and “LOCAL SPORTS”.  You now are able to subscribe to get the CCO daily.

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EDITOR’S FOOTNOTE:  Any comments posted in this column do not represent the views or opinions of the City-County Observer or our advertisers



  1. Obama’s Border Patrol Chief Mark Morgan Says Trump Isn’t Making Up Emergency
    Former Border Patrol chief Mark Morgan: Democrats’ battle against the border wall is driven by identity politics.

    President Trump declares a national emergency to build the wall; here’s the reaction from former Border Patrol chief Mark Morgan….

    …So, first of all, look at the take now. Sixty thousand [people] are coming in a month illegally into this country. This year so far, 62 caravans of 100 or more – 13 in all of last year, 2,000 in one single day this week,” Morgan answered. “So the numbers are climbing, but it’s manufactured, right? The other thing, the other argument on in between the port of entry is an absolute false narrative. Sixty percent of the southwest border does not have infrastructure, technology and personnel.”

    “Again, what it means to me is this is absolutely driven on identity politics. The experts have spoken both on ICE, both on United States border patrol and CBP and they have told Congress what they need to protect the borders for the security and safety of this country, Brian,” he continued. “And they have not just ignored it, they have discounted everything that they have said. Unfortunately, to me, I have only drawn one conclusion. It’s based on identity politics.”

  2. “Wild Conspiracy Theories Fly on NPR as Guest Suggests Trump Could Test Chemical Weapons on Citizens. This interview can be described as bizarre, at best.”
    “Liza Goitein, a purported “expert on emergency powers” at the leftist Brennan Center for Justice, named for Supreme Court Justice William J. Brennan, joined NPR’s “All Things Considered,” funded by your tax dollars, to scaremonger about President Donald J. Trump’s state of emergency declaration.

    Friday’s NPR show certainly lived up to its name.

    “When the president declares a national emergency, he has access to powers contained in more than a hundred different laws that Congress has passed over the decades. And those laws basically represent Congress’s best guess as to powers that the president might need in an emergency, in a situation where Congress didn’t have time to act,” Goitein explained.

    “But there are powers here that would allow the president to shut down communications facilities, radio stations, to freeze Americans’ bank accounts and seize their assets,” she said. “There are powers that allow the president, believe it or not, to suspend the prohibition on government testing of chemical weapons and biological agents on unwitting human subjects. So it’s really extraordinary what some of these powers would allow.”

    Obviously, anyone right-of-center would be crucified by the media for floating such a wild conspiracy theory. At no point during the interview did Goitein manage to explain that President Barack H. Obama declared 13 national emergencies – 11 of which are still active – and that there are currently 31 active national emergencies in effect from past presidents. The NPR host did not bother to bring that up, either.”

    • Joey, Joey, Joey

      Copy and paste the beginning of the article so we can all laugh:

      “Radio Host and American patriot Alex Jones has been shamed, chastised, and labeled a “conspiracy theorist” for suggesting far less than what a liberal National Public Radio guest said on Friday”

      Alex Jones a patriot? HAHAHAHAHAHAHA

      Now, how about using the ENTIRE text of what Dr. Goitein said in the interview:

      “The law was intended to rein in the president’s use of national emergencies by requiring the president to renew emergencies every year – so they would expire if he didn’t renew them – and by giving Congress the authority to vote to terminate a state of emergency. Now, originally, Congress could do that by passing a concurrent resolution that the president didn’t have to sign. But the Supreme Court held that these legislative vetoes, as they were called, were unconstitutional. So that’s been changed. Now Congress has to pass a joint resolution that the president has to sign. And if the president vetoes it, as he’s likely to do, then Congress has to muster a veto-proof supermajority in order to terminate the state of the emergency”

      Also, the preface to the hack job the idiot website you posted left out was what she said BEFORE what you posted:

      “The RISKS are that these laws are – some of them – are incredibly potent in terms of what they allow”

      Get a clue, dude. Dr. Goitein was talking about the DANGERS of what Cheetlolini is trying to do, and how he is trying to bastardize the law with the help of the spineless rethuglicans

  3. Is It True that in addition to having a sold out crowd at the Ford Center on Saturday night for little known newbie C&W singer Luke Combs, the Ford Center also sold 45 kegs of beer?
    Could that be because his tour is named the “Beer Never Broke My Heart” tour?
    And Is It True the clean up crew for the Ford Center had to work extra hours to clean up the debris (cans, cups, trash, recreational smoking remains, etc.) in order to prep the Ford Center for a UE Aces game at 3 p.m. the next day?
    Is It True that most attendees/Aces fans who were at the Sunday afternoon game at the Ford Center wondered if the Aces basketball team had attended the Luke Combs concert the night before?

  4. RE: The Downtown Evansville “Farmers'” Market.

    First, this Farmers’ Market wasn’t located behind the old downtown Greyhound bus station/Bru Burger restaurant in 2018. It was located on the parcel of land between 4th St and 3rd St and Bond St. and the Lloyd Expressway (The former Foxes Den, Vixen, Uncle Sam’s nightclub location).

    Second, what hurt the Downtown Evansville Farmers’ Market was if you didn’t have SNAP or WIC or Senior Benefit vouchers you couldn’t afford to shop there. People would attend in atticipation of getting fresh farm produce at reasonable, competitive prices and found that wasn’t the situation. They couldn’t believe how expensively everything was priced. Fruits and vegetables priced at 3 times what you would pay at a local grocery store. And it was pretty obvious that the sellers had all agreed to set their prices identical as there was no difference in pricing from booth to booth. Many shoppers would leave without making a purchase.

    Third, despite Mayoral sychophant Steve Scheaffer’s assertation that the city is working diligently to find a replacement location for the market, most likely it won’t occur in 2019.
    The city administration would like a farmers’ market in downtown Evansville, most preferably on Main Street between the Riverfront and MLK, Jr. Blvd., but are finding the property is not available or condusive to accommodating a Farmers’ Market. If a Downtown Evansville Farmers’ Merket becomes a reality again it most likely will need to be located away from the downtown Main Steet area (across from Central Library, by the Museum, on 4th St. between Locust and Walnut, the old Harpole’s lot on Main at the Lloyd, or a location on N. Main St. – hmm, does the former Great Scot location ring a bell?).

    • Why not put the Farmer’s market in the parking lot of the vacant Bueller’s grocery store on the $16 million N. Main St bike path project?? This is such an obvious a solution, the DMD would never have considered it.

      • Wes, the abandoned Bueller’s on North Main is a good location for the Farmer’s market. Also the east end of the “back 40” parking lot for the Civic Center would also be a good location. As DWW suggested, the old Harpole’s lot (formerly the Main Street Exit) would also be a great location.

        • It is concerning that the junior mayor apparently could not come up with these obvious solutions for relocating the farmers market in 2019.

        • Great ideas for the farmer’s market. Don’t forget there is a nice plot of land where Roberts Stadium used to be.

    • I bought some veggies there once that had been bought at the Buehler’s Buy Low. They didn’t even bother to take the stickers off. They probably doubled the price too. Farmers? I don’t think so.

  5. …For his part, Barack Obama declared 13 national emergencies, with many of them focused on international affairs and containing foreign conflicts, the outlet reported.

    For example, in 2012, Obama declared a national emergency entitled, “Blocking Property of Persons Threatening the Peace, Security, or Stability of Yemen” in order to freeze the assets of anyone perceived to be negatively impacting a political transition in Yemen, VOA reported. In 2014, the 44th president issued a national emergency referred to as “Blocking Property of Certain Persons Contributing to the Situation in Ukraine,” which similarly locked the assets of those thought to be undermining democratic processes in Ukraine. These are just two of many internationally oriented states of emergency that Obama declared while in office.

    For his part, Trump has thus far declared three national emergencies during his tenure, CNN reported. One centers on creating penalties for individuals around the world who are involved in human rights abuses. Another penalizes individuals involved in perpetuating violence in Nicaragua. And another imposes sanctions on foreign entities who seek to interfere in American elections.

    • Joey, Joey, Joey: Still using that mean black President to try and wrangle good articles?

      Presidents have no extra-constitutional powers during real emergencies, much less fictitious ones

      Trump’s attempt to spend money for building a wall without congressional appropriation of funds for this purpose directly violates the Constitution. The Constitution reads “No Money shall be drawn from the Treasury, but in Consequence of Appropriations made by Law.” Under the Constitution, Congress has the power of the purse and it is impermissible for Trump to spend money without specific statutory authorization

      This is the first time a president has declared an emergency when Congress has EXPLICITLY rejected funding for a particular project that Trump is advocating. Only Congress has the power to award funds for projects like this ignorant wall

      The Constitution has no clause that gives the president emergency powers. The framers of the Constitution wanted to make sure that its requirements, including checks and balances, are enforced even in times of crisis. Indeed, when prior presidents have tried to claim inherent power to deal with emergencies, the Supreme Court has rejected such claims

      No authorization exists for building the border wall. Trump repeatedly has urged Congress to provide such funds, but even when Republicans controlled both houses of Congress, from 2017 to 2019, Trump could not get this authorization

      Suck it up, buttercup, this will embarrass Trump all the way to the bottom of the failure pile

      • RR, you need serious help. “mean black President”? Really, that’s the best you can do?

          • Racism isn’t citing 13 national emergencies declared by President O’Bama. You are less credible than Hillary Clinton. And that is hard to do.

  6. A Fraud Center Board of Control ??

    What in the world does the City Controller do all day . . . .

  7. Pentagon Refusing To Say Trump Border Wall Is A Necessity — Even After National Emergency Declaration

    Defense Secretary Patrick Shanahan said he had not yet determined whether a border wall with Mexico was a military necessity or how much Pentagon money would be used

    “We always anticipated that this would create a lot of attention and since moneys potentially could be redirected, you can imagine the concern this generates. Very deliberately we have not made any decisions, we have identified the steps we would take to make those decisions” Shanahan told reporters traveling back with him from his trip to Afghanistan, the Middle East and Europe

    Yeah, the Trump suckup rallies are getting predictable:

    TRUMP: What are we gonna build?


    TRUMP: And who is going to pay for it?

    “Military families in need of housing, disaster victims, gun-violence victims, and people suffering from the opioid epidemic!”

  8. little jussie smollett …………the Boy who cried MAGA………..MAGA has without a doubt turned the spotlight on these phony demoncrat cockroaches …………..and they are scurrying………………

    • The only cockroaches are the ones occupying the place where your brain is supposed to be

      This guy is an actor. Period. End Stop.

      We all realize that Trumpsuckers like you have to find a way to demonize and mischaracterize anything in the world that might be remotely Liberal, but we see better

      Maybe you are challenged that he is a successful gay man

      • He may be an actor but it also is beginning to look like he may be a liar like the president.

        • I just saw reporters asking Kamala Harris and Spartacus Booker if they wanted to recant their tweets about how poor little Jussie was treated violently. They both nearly swallowed their tongues on this one. One more thing to keep thinking people from voting for either of their sorry butts.

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