County Council Remove EVPL Board Members Over Drag Queen Story Hour
The vote was 6 to 1 to replace former Evansville Vanderburgh Public Library secretary Barbara Williams.
Her four-year term expired, but instead of starting a new term County leaders want to bring in someone new.
Some Evansville community members say the Evansville Vanderburgh Public Library board needs an overhaul.
The Drag Queen story hour scheduled for later this month has sparked petitions both for and against the event.
“6,000 provable Evansville residents have signed a petition to stop drag queen story hour,†says Steve Ary.
Those expressing concern say they’re troubled over the dialogue at the drag queen story hour.
“We don’t stop Santa Claus story hour because some people reject to it religiously. You know the same is with Halloween,†says Tri-State Alliance Founder Wally Paynter.
“This program is not Santa Claus story hour. This is not a debate of lifestyles,†says Ary.
Others say they want to reject a divisive program and the agenda of those responsible for bringing it to the taxpayer-funded library.
“This is an adult sex-based cross-dressing decision designed to confuse and influence children into making those same self adult sex-based decision before they can ever attend a sex education class,†says Ary.
Vanderburgh County Council appoints the EVPL members and voted to have Richard Clements replace Barbara Williams as secretary.
County Council members say the replacement is for the betterment of the library.
“The board needs to be more engaged in the day to day operations and what is going on there and stuff as far as setting policy and the activities that are going on there. Long range planning and strategy and stuff for the library and where it is going in the future,†say Vanderburgh County Council member Tom Shetler.
Community members say they’re also concerned about policies regarding background checks at EVPL.
Right now the Drag Queen story hour is still scheduled to take place February 23rd.
Due to the overwhelming public opposition, the County Council was finally forced to address the lunacy of the cross dressing drag queen reading hour for kids at a public library. It’s amazing the County Council did NOT cancel the Feb 23 drag queen reading date. Typical weak kneed politicians.
That’s because the County Council, the County Commissioners, the City Council, and the Mayor do not have the authority to cancel any EVPL event. That authority rests solely with the EVPL Board of Trustees.
The EVPL Board of Trustees consists if seven (7) members appointed by the EVSC, the County Commissioners, and the County Council.
OMM, thank you for the info. I have to believe if the appointing entities let their appointed board member know they wish the cross dressing drag queen reading hour for kids to be cancelled, the majority of the EVPL board would vote to cancel the event. The liberal EVSC that let kids out of school to protest the President’s recent visit, is likely fully supportive of drag queens reading to children in taxpayer funded buildings. But, the County Commissioners and the County Council, both elected by the public, should have enough backbone to press their EVPL board appointees to cancel this bizarre event. Does anyone know where the County Commissioners stand on this?
EVPL trustees and EVPL CEO-Director should be replaced.
On what authority dose the County Council have to cancel the Story Hour
Not sure who has the authority to stop this. Myself and others are actively participating in opposition to this, but we need many more people to stand with us! Tragically, most of the “church” is silent or “loving the homosexuals into the Kingdom” by their gospel changing actions of plans to bring lunch to the Trans men, and the library staff promoting this!! Not only are we seeing the great “falling away” in the body of Christ, most are doing nothing in regard to the number of churches in this area that could take an active stand against this travesty! I hope that if you are not physically involved, that you and others will write to the Mayor, the County Council, the Library (Cindy Landram) and voice your protest against this sexualized agenda and recruitment of young children! If you want to be physically involved, we need you to stand with us daily, at the North Park Public Library, as we peacefully protest this travesty!
I doubt that the Country Council has the authority to outright cancel this event as the EVPL has it’s own Board staffed by appointees from multiple entities. I don’t even think that the Council has any authority over the EVPL’s finances as the EVPL is a distinct taxing authority. The actions by the Council can pressure the EVPL can pressure the EVPL to evaluate their processes and decisions.
Are children required to attend?
Not sure who has the authority to stop this. Myself and others are actively participating in opposition to this, but we need many more people to stand with us! Tragically, most of the “church” is silent or “loving the homosexuals into the Kingdom” by their gospel changing actions of plans to bring lunch to the Trans men, and the library staff promoting this!! Not only are we seeing the great “falling away” in the body of Christ, most are doing nothing in regard to the number of churches in this area that could take an active stand against this travesty! I hope that if you are not physically involved, that you and others will write to the Mayor, the County Council, the Library (Cindy Landram) and voice your protest against this sexualized agenda and recruitment of young children! If you want to be physically involved, we need you to stand with us daily, at the North Park Public Library, as we peacefully protest this travesty!
I dont condone this, however it is what it is, if you don’t like it, keep the children at home
Get involved or nothing will change.
Not with my tax paying dollars! It’s my choice too, to decide what my tax dollars promote!!
Tri-State Alliance Founder Wally Paynter is promoting his own agenda. The majority of citizens do not agree with his perversion. The EVPL CEO-Director and all library board of trustees should also be replaced.
Amen sister!
Truth!! thank you!
The Drag Queen story hour should be cancelled. The public library should be a safe place for EVERYONE, most importantly innocent little children, and responsible adults have an obligation to be sure that this innocence is protected. An innocent little child should not be dragged and indoctrinated into an adult sexual lifestyle where men are dressed as women and women are dressed as men. According to the American College of Pediatricians, “Conditioning children into believing that a lifetime of chemical and surgical impersonation of the opposite sex is normal and healthful is child abuse.’ Stop putting the desires of adult men dressed as women & adult women dressed as men over the innocence of little children.
Mary, don’t forget the Evansville-County Schools Corporation appointed some of the Library leaders that are for the Drag Queen Story hour. Try to get your brain around that.
Drag queens are a sinful life style. By accepting everybody that does dnot mean accepting the sin. The old love the sinner hate the sin thing. They can read but dress normally and not in the opposite sex clothes as is condemned in the Bible. DO NOT FLAUNT A SINFUL LIFESTYLE IN FRONT OF OTHERS. cross dressing and homosexuality are something to be ashamed and repentant of not to be proud of and flaunted around.
Unlike a physical or sexual assault on a child’s body, this behavior is an assault on a child’s mind and spirit. Disguised as a lesson in “tolerance” and “acceptance” of others for “who they are,” in reality it is programming to accept deviant behavior and those perpetrating the attack know full well what they are doing. Subjecting small children to behavior that will obviously cause them to question male and female norms at an age which psychologically the child is not capable of assessing can only result in unnecessary confusion and possibly emotional stress as they try to understand this age-inappropriate display. The “drag queens” know full well the seriousness of such confusion as many have testified to their own personal “struggles” and experience trying to “come to grips” with who they say they feel they really are and their own battles for self-expression. To introduce young children to behavior that more often than not will elicit conflict, confusion, and worse from their peers intentionally, could be considered abuse and demonstrates that the adult drag queens concern is more for themselves and their need for attention than the emotional and psychological development and well being of the children. It is selfish self-expression at the expense of a defenseless child. They know the pain it may eventually cause the innocent child and they don’t care. They are bullies disguised as messengers of positive social self-development. They know. If this type of behavior is allowed, what is to prevent those who espouse pedophilia as “positive” and “normal” from demanding an audience of innocent defenseless children. All to show them that others “different” from them are to be embraced. As parents, grandparents, and citizens who care about the well being of the most vulnerable among us, we must decide to reject the behaviors that endanger those who are not capable of defending themselves from those who may exploit such vulnerability and cause them trauma that will last a lifetime. Our communities must maintain standards that attempt to ensure safety for our offspring to develop into well-adjusted citizens that offer positive healthy input to their fellow human beings. Without such moral and social safeguards, our communities become dangerous territories where children live in constant danger physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. Their safety is our responsibility.
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