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  1. Progressive liberals claim their children are “unsafe” to play sports with Christian school children. But EVPL cross dressing Drag Queen reading hour with children that requires a safety plan, no problemo!

    “News media recently attacked second lady Karen Pence for teaching art at a Christian school that requires fidelity to Christian sexual mores from students and staff. Now a progressive private school that used to play athletic games against Pence’s Immanuel Christian School is refusing to play against them at their facility, on grounds that playing basketball at a Christian school makes children “unsafe.” Yes, really.”


  2. “Early this week the Lone Star State reported that it found tens of thousands of non-citizens registered to vote. Now Pennsylvania is reporting it has a similar problem with at least 11,000 non-citizens registered for voting in the Keystone State.

    Liberals continue to cling to their claim that there is no vote fraud in the U.S.A. But a new report by authorities in Texas just found that 58,000 illegal votes were cast by non-citizens in the Lone Star state over the last few years. And now Pennsylvania has also revealed a similar situation.

    The Texas Department of Public Safety concluded a year-long investigation into the Lone Star State’s electoral system and found that there are nearly 100,000 non-eligible people registered to vote and 58,000 actually voted illegally.”


    • No proof, just right wing BS. But you keep spreading your white supremacy crap

      • RR, calling BS on you claim of “no proof.” Bernie supporters and your pink hat crowd can read the report from the Texas Attorney General. After that proof, you can apologize to all of the CCO readers:
        January 25, 2019 | Voter Fraud
        AG Pax­ton: Texas Sec­re­tary of State’s Office Dis­cov­ers Near­ly 95,000 Peo­ple Iden­ti­fied by DPS as Non-U.S. Cit­i­zens are Reg­is­tered to Vote in Texas

        Attorney General Ken Paxton today issued the following statement after the Secretary of State’s office discovered that about 95,000 individuals identified by the Department of Public Safety as non-U.S. citizens have a matching voter registration record in Texas, and roughly 58,000 of them have voted in one or more Texas elections:

        “Every single instance of illegal voting threatens democracy in our state and deprives individual Texans of their voice. We’re honored to have partnered with the Texas Secretary of State’s office in the past on voter initiatives and we will spare no effort in assisting with these troubling cases. My Election Fraud Unit stands ready to investigate and prosecute crimes against the democratic process when needed. We have obtained a number of successful non-citizen voter fraud convictions, including prison sentences for Rosa Ortega in Tarrant County and Laura Garza in Montgomery County. And earlier this month, investigators from our office arrested Marites Curry, a non-citizen charged with illegal voting in Navarro County. Nothing is more vital to preserving our Constitution than the integrity of our voting process, and my office will do everything within its abilities to solidify trust in every election in the state of Texas. I applaud Secretary of State Whitley for his proactive work in safeguarding our elections.”

        Texas law allows lawfully present noncitizens to obtain driver’s licenses by showing proof of lawful presence to DPS. However, only citizens are eligible to vote. And Texas law currently does not require verification of a voter’s statement that they are a citizen. The Texas Secretary of State provided the information to the Office of the Attorney General this week, which has concurrent jurisdiction to prosecute election crimes.

        From 2005-2017, the attorney general’s office prosecuted 97 defendants for numerous voter fraud violations. In 2018, Attorney General Paxton’s Election Fraud Unit – with assistance from a criminal justice grant from the governor’s office – prosecuted 33 defendants for a total of 97 election fraud violations. Last February, the attorney general announced a significant voter fraud initiative and addressed key problems and policy areas related to election law.

        To view the Texas Secretary of State press release, click here: https://www.sos.state.tx.us/about/newsreleases/2019/012519.shtml.

        • If there is ANYONE who needs to apologize for grandstanding crap, it is YOU, Joey. You spam the CCO on a daily basis with your cut-n-paste Trump lies. And if ANYONE should EVER apologize to the readers of the CCO, then you are not only the first in line, you are a Party of One

          Paxton is a right-wing nutjob, who has the distinction of being the first official in Texas history to run for re-election to a statewide office while indicted

          Maybe you are once again confused about how voting works, especially in light of you carrying water for Trump and this village idiot Paxton. Maybe you are part of the great right-wing uninformed considering that the Texas voter identification law was struck down by a United States judge who found the measure to be a violation of the Voting Rights Act, and found that it was passed with the intent to discriminate against black and Hispanic voters.

          And if you are going to copy and paste right-wing crap, maybe figure out if you can actually comprehend that political crap touted is absolute self-serving BS (which is 100% of what you post). The number Paxton mouthes off about (58,000) is for the 2018 election, a number from a bunch of Paxtonsucking appointees to a fake vote investigation “study” that has been proven as lies.

          Even for the recent election where more than 8.3 million people voted in Texas, this means that even if all 58,000 people who voted were actually found to be noncitizens and voted in 2018 (a claim that no Texas official has made other than Paxie) they would have amounted to only 0.69 percent of all votes that were cast. I know math is hard for ya, but buy a calculator

          And after Paxxie made these ridiculous lies as the Texas AG, a spokesman for the secretary of state (the folks who actually administer elections) said the announcement on Friday did not mean that the authorities had discovered 95,000 registered voters who it knew for a fact were noncitizens. Instead, the secretary of state office said it was just advising local officials to ask these voters via mail to provide proof of their citizenship. That means jack crap considering that every year, tens of thousands of immigrants in Texas become naturalized and LEGAL citizens, and they aren’t required to notify election officials about their change of status. So once again, Texas shows what morons they are by clucking at the sky like Chicken Little

          Local elections officials in a number of Texas counties have already said that the list of potential 95,000 registered voters includes a significant number of names that shouldn’t have even been listed. In Fort Worth alone (the biggest county in Texas) it has been reported that 20 percent of the names shouldn’t have been on the list in the first place

          The consensus by anybody with a brain cell is (and I know this leaves the right-wingers out) that voter fraud is beyond rare, and that it simply could not and does not happen at the rate even approaching that which would be required to “rig” an election. Electoral integrity is key to our democracy, and politicians who genuinely care about protecting our elections should focus not on phantom fraud concerns, but on those abuses that actually threaten election security

          There is a long history in this country of racially suppressive voting measures (including poll taxes and all-white primaries) put in place under the guise of stopping voter fraud that wasn’t actually occurring in the first place. Paxton and Trump and other traitors cannot stand that they cannot win without cheating

          The Fifth Circuit, in the opinion finding that Paxton’s Texas strict photo ID law is racially discriminatory, noted that there were “only two convictions for in-person voter impersonation fraud out of 20 million votes cast in the decade” before Texas passed its law. Hell, the Texas Attorney General’s Office has prosecuted fewer than 89 cases of voter fraud since 2002, compared to more than 64 million votes cast over the same period. Furthermore, those cases are NOT all cases of “illegals” voting, and considering how racist and bigoted Paxton and his predecessors have been there is a great chance that the 89 cases are mainly more right-wing crap

          The Brennan Center’s for Justice (they are a nonpartisan law and policy institute at NYU School of Law) in 2017 published a report on “voter fraud” called “The Truth About Voter Fraud” that found that the majority of reported incidents of voter fraud are actually traceable to other sources, such as clerical errors or bad data matching practices.

          This report reviewed elections that had been meticulously studied for voter fraud and found incident rates between 0.0003 percent and 0.0025 percent. The report correctly shows it is more likely that an American “will be struck by lightning than that he will impersonate another voter at the polls”

          A study published by Columbia University tracked incidence rates for voter fraud for two years, and found that the rare fraud that was actually reported could be traced to “false claims by the loser of a close race, mischief and administrative or voter error”

          A comprehensive 2014 study published found 31 credible instances of impersonation fraud from 2000 to 2014, out of more than 1 billion ballots cast. Even this tiny number is likely inflated, as the study’s author counted not just prosecutions or convictions, but any and all credible claims

          Two studies done at Arizona State University (2012 and 2016) found similarly negligible rates of impersonation fraud. The project found 10 cases of voter impersonation fraud nationwide from 2000-2012. The follow-up study, which looked for fraud specifically in states where politicians have argued that fraud is a pernicious problem, found ZERO successful prosecutions for impersonation fraud in five states from 2012-2016

          A 2016 research study concluded that the upper limit on double voting in the 2012 election was 0.02%. The paper noted that the incident rate was likely much lower, given audits conducted by the researchers showed that “many, if not all, of these apparent double votes could be a result of measurement error”

          A 2014 research study concluded that “the likely percent of non-citizen voters in recent US elections is 0”

          A 2014 study that examined impersonation fraud both at the polls and by mail ballot found zero instances in the jurisdictions studied

          A 2014 research study by the non-partisan Government Accountability Office, which reflected a literature review of the existing research on voter fraud, noted that the studies consistently found “few instances of in-person voter fraud”

          A 2012 study exhaustively pulled records from every state for all alleged election fraud, and found the overall fraud rate to be “infinitesimal” and impersonation fraud by voters at the polls to be the rarest fraud of all: only 10 cases alleged in 12 years. The same study found only 56 alleged cases of non-citizen voting, in 12 years

          A 2011 study by the Republican National Lawyers Association found that, between 2000 and 2010, 21 states had 1 or 0 convictions for voter fraud or other kinds of voting irregularities

          A 2010 book cataloging reported incidents of voter fraud concluded that nearly all allegations turned out to be clerical errors or mistakes, not fraud

          Even the Supreme Court, in its opinion in Crawford for Indiana, noted that the record “contains no evidence of any in-person voter impersonation fraud actually occurring in Indiana at any time in its history.” Two of the jurists who weighed in on that case at the time (Republican-appointed former Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens and conservative appellate court Judge Richard Posner) have since announced they regret their votes in favor of the law, with Judge Posner noting that strict photo ID laws are “now widely regarded as a means of voter suppression rather than of fraud prevention”

          Texas lawmakers purported to pass its strict photo ID law to protect against voter fraud. Yet the chief law enforcement official in the state responsible for such prosecutions knew of only one conviction and one guilty plea that involved in-person voter fraud in all Texas elections from 2002 through 2014

          A specialized United States Department of Justice unit formed with the goal of finding instances of federal election fraud examined the 2002 and 2004 federal elections and were able to prove that 0.00000013 percent of ballots cast were fraudulent. There was ZERO evidence that any of these incidents involved in-person impersonation fraud

          So yeah, we are ALL waiting for your apology for the Trumpsucking nonsense you spew daily

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