“IS IT TRUE ” JANUARY 24, 2019


We hope that today’s “IS IT TRUE” will provoke honest and open dialogue concerning issues that we, as responsible citizens of this community, need to address in a rational and responsible way? 

IS IT TRUE last week we predicted that Ben Trockman will be a candidate for the 1st Ward City Council seat?  …last night our prediction came true? …if you would like to show your support for Ben for the 1st Ward City Councilman you can do so by attending his official filing on January 30, 2019, at the Civic Center at 2:00 at the Election office? …if Ben Trockman wins he will be the first Democrat to be elected to this seat since Paul Hatfield won it 52 years ago? …that Bens announcement that he’s running for the 1st Ward City Council is seen as a major boost to the Democratic party of Vanderburgh County?

IS IT TRUE that longtime political veterans Missy Mosby and Jonathan Weaver just announced that they are running for re-election? …we are told that Republicans are going to do everything in their power to defeat Mosby and Weaver?  …we predict that the 2019 City elections will be the most spirited in many years?

IS IT TRUE we been trying for several days to get an official copy of the entire political contribution report of Mayor Winnecke from the County Clerks office?  …we haven’t been successful so far? …when we get a copy of the 44-page political contribution report of Mayor Winnecke we shall publish it for your reading pleasure?  …we are told that this report is an extremely interesting read?

IS IT TRUE that heading into the 2019 City of Evansville elections it is hard to imagine how anyone with any future political aspirations would choose to oppose a third term for Mayor Lloyd Winnecke?…with $600,000+ on hand and more fundraising events going on weekly, no one is going to be capable of putting any kind of a true opposition campaign to the somewhat popular Mayor?…this mayoral election is shaping up to be very much like the second coronation of Jonathan Weinzapfel in 2007 when a completely unknown person won the Republican primary only to be trounced by a margin of 85-15?…the only surprise in 2007 was that his opponent got any votes at all given his zero budget and without the support of the Vanderburgh County Republican Party? …if Weinzapfel would have stayed true to his roots and listened to the people that elected him instead of sneakily trying to take our Homestead Tax Credits, tried to force Joe Wallace the former CEO of GUAGE to pay a past Evansville DMD Director (who wasn’t an employee of GAUGE) a part-time salary from GUAGE funds and shoving $129 million dollar Ford Center down the taxpayer’s throats without allowing the Evansville taxpayers to vote on this issue, we may be looking at a fifth term for Weinzapfel?

IS IT TRUE we wonder why Mayor Winnecke just don’t come out and announce that the Ford Center has been a financial drain on the city ever since he took office?  …we wonder why he doesn’t publically state that the major reason why is that the city has to cover the cost for the $8 millions bond payment on that building every year?  …the bottom line is that Mayor Winnecke didn’t build the Ford Center he just inherited the $8 million dollars yearly bond payments?

IS IT TRUE that the question of political ambitions of Weinzapfel and Winnecke came up in a conversation at a popular beer joint on West Franklin Street recently?…the possibility was raised that both may someday cast their desires on the United States House of Representatives?…a day will come that Congressman Larry Bucshon decides to retire from the now Democrat-controlled rancorous House? …Mole #3 even tells us that the Democrat machine is looking to make a comeback and many of the old boy networks would like nothing more than to entice Weinzapfel out of his cushy position at IVY Tech to dispense with the Mayor Winnecke once and for all?

IS IT TRUE that such a campaign against Mayor Winnecke may not be as easy for Weinzapfel as the beer chuggers seemed to think? …Winnecke was able to get a downtown hotel at a high price to the public after Weinzapfel failed miserably to deliver? …Winnecke has been saddled with the entire cost of the Ford Center that Weinzapfel promised would fund itself? …directly involved in making the downtown IU Medical school a reality?…the truth of the matter is that Mayor Winnecke has been able to achieve what Weinzapfel could only talk about?…that Winnecke seems to have every advantage over Weinzapfel in a straight up race?…the only place they are equal is in the size of their political war chest?… Weinzapfel left office with over $700,000 and raised the last $43,000 the day before he announced he would not run?…we assume he still has the money to be used against Winnecke when and if that campaign comes to be?

IS IT TRUE that the head coach of the Evansville Thunderbolts semi-pro hockey team was arrested over the weekend for driving while intoxicated?…in all fairness the CCO wishes that Coach Ian Moran will take care of this issue in a timely manner so he can get back coaching hockey?…we also wish that the Thunderbolts would win more games?

IS IT TRUE that former Mayor Weinzapfel built a $129 million sports arena without allowing the Evansville taxpayers to vote on this project?…this is the same Weinzapfel that made fun of Mayor Russ Lloyd Jr. for wanting to invest $20 million on a downtown baseball stadium that would have brought a Triple AAA affiliate of the LA Dodgers to town?

IS IT TRUE during January 23-27 the Ford Center is playing host to Cirque du Soleil: Corteo?  …that           Cirque du Soleil: Corteo  show brings together the passion of the actor with the grace and power of the acrobat to plunge the audience into a theatrical world of fun, comedy and spontaneity situated in a mysterious space between heaven and earth?  …this event offers something for the entire family?

Todays“Readers Poll” question is: If the election was held today for the Evansville City Council 1st Ward seat who you vote for?

Please go to our link of our media partner Channel 44 News located in the upper right-hand corner of the City-County Observer so you can get the up-to-date news, weather, and sports.

If you would like to advertise on the CCO please contact us at City-County Observer@live.com

Any comments posted in this column do not represent the views or opinions of the City-County Observer or our advertisers.



    • Don’t expect to see this reported in the right-wing Trump-suckup mainstream media:

      Nigerian Army Uses Trump’s Words to Justify Fatal Shooting of Rock-Throwing Protesters

      The Nigerian Army, part of a military criticized for rampant human rights abuses, on Friday used the words of President Trump to justify its fatal shootings of rock-throwing protesters

      The army’s official Twitter account posted a video “Please Watch and Make Your Deductions” showing Trump’s speech in which he said rocks would be considered firearms if thrown toward the military at the nation’s borders

      “We’re not going to put up with that” Trump said in the clip, showing “They want to throw rocks at our military, our military fights back”

      A spokesman for the Nigerian Army said “We released that video to say if Trump can say that rocks are as good as a rifle, who is Amnesty International?”

      Yet in the last two years, Cheetolini has Twittered away with ZERO action to aid Nigeria

      Besides, I thought the right-wing Trumpsuckers did not want to intervene in Africa? Oh yeah, these are “brown” people, so it is OK to posture and post BS


  1. More than a dozen House Republicans proposed a bill this week that would let the Trump administration use billions of dollars worth of assets seized from drug lord Joaquin “El Chapo” Guzman to build the southern border wall.

    President Trump has been battling Democrats for weeks to secure $5.7 billion in funds to expand the border wall, a fight that has led to a government shutdown for five weeks.

    But legislation from Rep. Mo Brooks, R-Ala., would reserve up to $14 billion seized from “El Chapo” for the construction project. “El Chapo” is being tried in federal district court in Brooklyn, and Brooks said the fight with Democrats over money would become much easier if Trump had access to seized funds from the Mexican drug lord.


    • Well JoeBiden, at least you are acknowledging that the US TAXPAYER shouldn’t be soaked with the bill for the Wall that you PROMISED would be paid for my MEXICO!

      What kind of crap is this anyway Joe?
      Promising that MEXICO would pay for the Wall, only to try to ram it down the throat of the US TAXPAYER in our budget?

    • Don’t expect to see this reported in the right-wing Trump-suckup mainstream media:

      But, but, but….what about the “Law & Order” stance of the Orange Menace? He would STEAL the money from our Boys In Blue to fund his idiotic wall?

      Per Justice Department official Stef Cassella:

      “Congress has provided for decades that criminal proceeds should be used for restitution to victims and then for financing law enforcement operations, not for projects that members of Congress might just happen to think are desirable on a particular day. The law enforcement agencies have always resisted efforts to raid the Justice Department’s Assets Forfeiture Fund to pay for other pet projects and I suspect law enforcement agencies will have the same reaction to this proposal”

      The bill is only to allow Trump to save face at a time when his domestic policies have largely fallen flat and even he has begun to hedge around his promises to build the wall that was the centerpiece of his campaign. At virtually every campaign stop Trump revved up crowds with promises that not only would a wall be built to keep out “rapists” and “bad hombres” but he also vowed Mexico would pay for the barrier

      More than a half-dozen top forfeiture experts whose views have been solicited by Thomson Reuters Regulatory Intelligence in recent months have all said that authorities will be fortunate to get their hands on any of El Chapo’s assets and that their best chance would be to make a deal with him.

      Law enforcement authorities who once found humor in the proposition that Guzman will fund the wall are no longer laughing. Funds seized and forfeit in drug trafficking cases at present are deposited into the Justice Department’s so-called Assets Forfeiture Fund (www.justice.gov/afp/fund) and the money is used to pay for police training, to buy police vehicles, bullet proof vests, and other equipment and even for expenses such as overtime

      If the money were to begin to be diverted to pay for a wall, law enforcement officers and agencies would be negatively impacted, former Justice Department official and forfeiture guru Stef Cassella told Thomson Reuters Regulatory Intelligence


  2. Hey Biden, I see your boy crawfished on the SOTU speech. The Donald thought his first two years were tough by the time Madame Speaker and Mad Max Waters are finished with him he will be a gelding!

  3. Don’t expect to see this reported in the right-wing Trump-suckup mainstream media:

    Trump Folds (Like The Cheap Rug On His Head) In State Of The Union Face-Off With Pelosi

    Despite sending a pair of snarly, snarky letters hinting that he intended to march into the House chamber with or without an invitation from House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Donald Trump tweeted on Wednesday evening that he would hold off on delivering a State of the Union address until his shutdown of the government was over. Since this delay is exactly what Pelosi demanded from the beginning, it’s hard to see Trump’s statement as anything but a complete surrender.

    On Wednesday, Trump sent a letter to Speaker Pelosi in which he continued to play at ignoring her earlier request that he delay his speech until the crisis that he created in rejecting bipartisan legislation was resolved. In response Pelosi made her position clear: She would not introduce the legislation necessary to invite Trump to address a joint session of Congress. The immediate response from Republicans included a considerable amount of flying spittle, and suggestions of alternatives. Mitch McConnell could invite Trump to address the Senate. Trump could hold a rally. Maybe he could just drop in on the House and happen to start talking.

    But hours later, Trump agreed to exactly what Pelosi had said at the beginning of the exchange: no government funding, no speech. The Washington Post called Trump’s move a “retreat.” The same right-wing sites that were in high moral outrage over Pelosi’s refusal to invite Trump to have his moment in the spotlight suddenly decided that the State of the Union speech was never that important anyway.

    The face-off with Pelosi is a stark symbol of the year ahead for Trump. Having started a shutdown under a compliant Republican House after blowing off legislation that passed the Senate 100-0, Trump has now encountered something he hasn’t seen since he entered the GOP primaries, if ever: someone willing to stand up to his childish demands and not back down.

    Pelosi’s actions set the tone for a 2019 in which Trump can no longer take arbitrary action and expect no opposition. Mitch McConnell may still be willing to subject the nation to any damage in order to gain more Republican judges, but on the House side, Trump’s agenda, such as it is, can expect to face constant demands for reason and fairness, factors that were non-issues in Trump’s first two years.

    Score this one:

    Trump – ZERO
    Pelosi – So Much Winning


    • Trump seeks alternative as Pelosi revokes State of the Union invite
      House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said Wednesday that she will refuse to allow President Trump to deliver his State of the Union address at the Capitol next week, sending the White House scrambling for other options — and dragging the shutdown showdown to “petty” new depths.

      Mr. Trump seemed to accept her decision, telling reporters he will come up with an alternative for the Jan. 29 speech but saying Mrs. Pelosi’s move was a “great blotch on the incredible country that we all love.”

      He said it was the first time in history a president has been thwarted from delivering the annual speech in the House, and other Republicans called the new speaker’s move “petty” or “shameful.”


      • Awwww, did Joe’s Orange Menace find a woman who he cannot dominate? Did Cheetolini find out that the rules are not what he little TwitterTantrum fingers want?


      • House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s (D-CA) successful effort to cow Donald Trump into postponing his State of the Union address until after federal government workers are called back to work with pay, got a boost from a conservative columnist on Thursday.

        Writing at the Daily Beast, conservative commentator Matt Lewis cheered on the California Democrat for showing the president that there are three co-equal branches of the government and how to wield power effectively.

        “For a minute there, it looked like Donald Trump was going to bigfoot his way back into the State of the Union,” Lewis wrote before noting the Trump waved the white flag and agreed to Pelosi’s terms while getting nothing in return.

        He writes that “Like the border wall, this State of the Union fight is largely symbolic. Trump operates within a very primal worldview. Had Pelosi allowed him to establish dominance, even over what some might consider a trivial matter, it would have demonstrated weakness (on her part) and ultimately invited future provocations.”

        “For those who care about institutions, Pelosi’s stance was a welcome development, a rare example of Congress (or Pelosi, at least) exerting its authority as a co-equal branch of government. This is not the first time Congress has defied this president, but it is the most public rebuke thus far,” he continued before praising the Democratic Party leader for possessing “the moxie to go toe-to-toe with a bully.”

        Important to Lewis is the concept of three co-equal branches of government that Republicans seem to have forgotten after bowing to the bullying Trump for two years.

        But now there is the newly-empowered Pelosi leading the Democratic-majority House for Trump to deal with.

        “Heretofore, Congress has either acquiesced to the president or quietly worked to undermine him. In other words, while Republicans were in charge, they either gave him a public win, or they let things quietly go away (with the exception of health-care reform, when John McCain stuck it to him),” Lewis wrote. “What this means is that we almost never get the climactic moment where he is publicly rebuked. With Pelosi now ensconced in the role as leader of the loyal opposition, the American public (including Trump’s base) may finally see evidence that the executive branch is not omnipotent.”

        He then added: “For fans of divided government and checks and balances, this was a very good day.”


      • Joe is not reading…this post is so outdated, it’s clear he’s watching only the bowl on his bong.

        (And dreaming up ways to tell more lies to US Taxpayers about Mexico funding that imaginary wall)

  4. The right-wing and Cheetolini do NOT care about Americans, only their politics

    NPR Host Stuns White House Flack With Shutdown Question: Is the wall worth people getting killed’ in plane crash?

    White House spokesperson Mercedes Schlapp seemed to be caught off guard on Thursday when she was asked if Americans potentially dying in a plane crash due to the government shutdown was worth the effort to fund President Donald Trump’s border wall

    During an interview on NPR’s Morning Edition, host Steve Inskeep noted that the Air Traffic Controllers Association has expressed concern about how the government shutdown is impacting airplane safety

    “If a plane crashes and people are killed because of this shutdown, is the wall worth that?” Inskeep asked

    Schlapp, however, deflected the question.

    “What the president wants to do is have the Democrats come to the table” Schlapp said.

    “The president is the one who is making the demand” Inskeep interrupted. “Is the wall worth people getting killed?”

    “The Democrats’ demand is not going to work” Schlapp replied, ignoring the query. “They don’t even want to have a discussion with the to come to a compromise. So we want to open the government, we want the Democrats to come to the table”

    Inskeep pressed: “If the shutdown leads to a terror attack that gets Americans killed is the wall worth that?”

    “Yes or no?” the NPR host demanded to know.

    “Again, I’m going to say that the Democrats need to come to the table,” Schlapp repeated. “We are ready to open the government”

    “Why are you uncomfortable answering yes or no to that question?” Inskeep asked.

    “I — I think at the end of the day” Schlapp stuttered “not any American thinks that, you know, we want to create any safety concerns. And that is why the president wants to open up the government, secure our border, have the Democrats come to the table”

  5. Great to see my Gruber Goobers out in force today.My Anti American dreams live through you all. Sincerely,Barry Hussein Soetoro

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