Letter To The Editor: Reuse One 41 Bridge For Pedestrians


Reuse One 41 Bridge For Pedestrians

written by Jordan Baer-Evansville

A few weeks ago, I attended an open forum hosted by the I-69 Ohio River Crossing organization. With Loyola being one of the biggest games on the UE schedule and set to tip off within an hour of the forum, I was surprised to see the number of residents at the event. This wasn’t my only surprise.

Prior to the forum, I had submitted pages and pages of reasons for why one of the 41 bridges, preferably the northbound bridge, should be reused for pedestrians and cyclists. Despite this, the current plan calls for the demolition of the southbound 41 bridge which ironically has been closed lately for renovations. I cannot place the blame on the organization leading this project for the current proposal when they have heard from next to no officials, leaders, or organizations on either side of the river demanding this project be done right.

I find it to be nothing short of mind-boggling to see the lack of local representation from local leadership that pedestrians, cyclists, preservationists, and many other groups received at this event and during the whole process of building a new interstate bridge over the Ohio River. And it’s not just one group or government official, nor is it just one side of the river or the other. Everyone who has the opportunity to have an impact on public policy should speak up from here on out.

While there has been a very little outcry for one of the bridges to be pedestrian-only, there has been plenty of opposition to tolling and closing one of the 41 bridges to auto only service. This is just as mind-boggling as the lack of support for a pedestrian-only 41 bridge. The data collected by the project team proved there is no market demand for three auto only bridges. And even with the new I-69 bridge and possibly one 41 bridge being tolled, there will still need to be $750 million to $1 billion in additional public funding to make this project a reality.

The project team estimates that demolishing the southbound bridge will save $145 million from now until the year 2062. Even though this cost is stretched out over many decades and a thimble compared to the $1.5 billion needed for the whole project, this figure is also a little misleading since it was calculated under the premise of the bridge being used for auto traffic not pedestrian. Costs for using the bridge for pedestrian use only are much lower but no study has been done since there has been no request from local leaders. Furthermore, auto traffic should be placed on the southbound bridge since it’s a younger bridge while the northbound bridge is the most historic and fitting for pedestrian use.

A fair amount of the project team worked on Louisville’s project that built two new auto bridges a few years ago. Despite the capacity being dramatically increased, usage has declined. Next to one of those bridges is the Big Four pedestrian bridge. In the 1970s, Thomas McAdam condemned it and requested it is demolished on behalf of the City of Louisville. Back in 2013, the bridge opened up for pedestrian use and McAdam wrote an article titled “Glad I didn’t tear down the Big Four.” Although the 41 bridges are not in downtown like the Big Four, they are far from a bridge to nowhere. They have the potential to connect Audubon State with Eagle Slough and eventually Evansville’s Hi-Rail Trail and Greenway providing a connection to all parts of town.

There will be two Community Conversations this week and hopefully many more. I don’t think it’s too much to ask for both sides of the river to show up and demand a pedestrian bridge study. This is a once in a lifetime project. If done wrong there will be no more opportunities. Let’s make sure it’s done right.


Jordan Baer-Evansville



  1. NORMAN Clature Really a bridge for walkers and bicycles I don’t see people using the paths tax payers paid for in Evansville North Main ect. But I have had to drive to Owensboro from Henderson to get to Evansville and to Owensboro from Evansville to get to Henderson . Is it fair for cars to pay a toll to get back and forth to work but let a few people walk or ride a bike to where ever for free …WE CAN NOT EVEN GET THE DARN BRIDGES PAINTED… there ARE NEW BRIDGES BUILT OUR BEING BUILT ALL AROUND US .Owensboro Ky. lake Barkley lake Ohio river at Shawnee town ect we do not have the right people pulling for us in Evansville ..

  2. Build the new I-69 bridge(s) with an auxilary pedestrian/bicycle structure. Keep both existing bridges in use for north and south bound vehicular traffic. It’s plain stupid to shutdown and demolish if of the existing bridges. And just as stupid to convert one of the existing bridges to a pedestrian/bicycle bridge only. Both existing bridges should remain and be utilized for vehicles.

  3. Jordan: Major bridges around the Midwest and the nation now have safe/separated/protected multi-use pathways for pedestrians/bicyclists/the disabled. Two of the latest examples under construction are the Interstate-74 Mississippi River Crossing at Quad Cities IA/IL, and the Gordie Howe International Bridge over the Detroit River between Michigan and Canada. These are two of many such bridges that are not limited to car/truck travel. There is no reason why Indiana and Kentucky cannot incorporate bike/hike/wheelchair accommodations into the proposed I-69 Bridge design, and give citizens of Evansville-Henderson the same convenient, healthful, non-polluting methods of crossing the Ohio River as we see in Louisville, Cincinnati and Madison IN.

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