Top State Of The Judiciary Issues Include Opioid Crisis And Technology


Top State Of The Judiciary Issues Include Opioid Crisis And Technology

Victoria Ratliff

INDIANAPOLIS—Deep into the 21st century, the judicial system is grappling with an age-old scourge of drug addiction, Supreme Court Chief Justice Loretta Rush told lawmakers Wednesday.

Rush, making her fifth State of the Judiciary speech Wednesday, focused on the opioid epidemic that she said “has invaded every Indiana community.”

She said the courts have teamed up with the Indiana Family and Social Services Administration, the Association of Indiana Counties, Indiana University Grand Challenges and all 92 counties to host an opioid summit to help educate justice professionals from around the state on the ongoing crisis.


Rush also said Indiana more than doubled the number of Family Recovery Courts, from seven last year to 18 this year. Those courts specialize in working with families to help create paths for parents dealing with an addiction to reunite with their families and preserve their families.

“Future generations depend on their parents’ sobriety—because from that sobriety comes safety, love, and stability,” she said.

Rush told the joint session of the Indiana House and Senate that courts continue to struggle with a lack of technology needed in the computer era.

She looked up at former Chief Justice Randall Shepard, sitting in the House balcony, and joked about his then-progressive movement 25 years ago to start accepting paperwork via fax machines.

He’d hoped to make the judiciary process “cheaper, faster, simpler,” she said, laughing that that is her hope as well.

To make that a reality, Rush said, the judicial system has been trying to convert all paper documents to solely online. Now, 80 percent of the state’s new caseload is in one central court case management system. More than six million users visited the website more than 20 million times last year.

In May, the court also implemented new text reminders that are sent before a person’s upcoming hearing. With 99 percent of the state’s jails at capacity, Rush said the court’s goal is to prevent failed hearing attendance and rearrests to lessen the number of people heading to already overcrowded jails.

“How’s that for an inexpensive and effective way to use court technology?” she said.

The court also implemented new strategies for Hoosiers to have easy access to custody and child support information. The state’s judiciary website now offers a calculator that helpsparents set up visitation times with their children, plus a child support calculator which allows parents to estimate weekly costs of child support and have access to case-specific forms.

The courts also are moving to make sure Hoosiers don’t face the legal system alone. Rush said a recent study found that more than 70 percent of low-income households have been involved in eviction cases, employment disputes, or other civil legal matters in the last year, and 80 percent of them lacked legal counsel.

The court created the Coalition for Court Access where 7,780 Hoosier attorneys and law students volunteered to offer legal services to those who cannot afford them.

“Justice only for those customers who can afford it is not justice for all,” she said. “In fact, it is not justice at all.”

FOOTNOTE: Victoria Ratliff is a reporter for, a news website powered by Franklin College journalism students.