Home Breaking News Sen. Braun & Sen. Manchin Introduce No Budget, No Pay Legislation

Sen. Braun & Sen. Manchin Introduce No Budget, No Pay Legislation


Soon after taking the oath of office for the 116th Congress, U.S. Senator Mike Braun (R-IN) and U.S. Senator Joe Manchin (D-WV) have introduced “No Budget, No Pay” legislation.

The legislation requires Members of Congress to pass the annual budget resolutions and all appropriations bills by the start of the fiscal year, October 1, otherwise Members will not be paid, with retroactive pay prohibited.

“In the private sector folks roll up their sleeves and get to work on day one, and that’s exactly what we’re doing by introducing ‘No Budget, No Pay’ legislation,” said Senator Mike Braun. “There are consequences for unfinished work in the business world, and considering it’s Congress’s job to pass budgets and spending bills, it’s time we hold Washington to the same standard.”


No Budget, No Pay Act: S. [Insert Number] — 116th Congress (2019-2020)
Introduced in the U.S. Senate (01/03/2019)

This bill prohibits the payment of any pay to any Member of Congress: (1) if Congress fails to approve a concurrent budget resolution on the budget by the start of a federal fiscal year on October 1, and has not passed all regular appropriations bills by such date, or (2) until Congress approves such a budget resolution and passes all such appropriations bills. Retroactive pay is prohibited for such a period.


  1. Lets make sure none of the Presidents staff or congressional staff gets paid either during shut down.

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