Youth First To Receive Award from D-Patrick Ford


Check from “Donate and Drive” to be Presented January 8

D-Patrick Ford will present a check for $2500 to Youth First, Inc. on Tuesday, January 8th,  at 10:00 am.  The presentation will take place at the organization’s office downtown at 111 SE Third Street, Suite 405, Evansville.

During the month of December, D-Patrick donated $10 to Youth First each time a new Ford was test driven through their “Donate and Drive” campaign.

“Many thanks to D-Patrick Ford for this generous gift and to everyone who test drove a Ford in December. This donation allows Youth First to fulfill its mission of strengthening youth and families in our community,” states Parri Black, the organization’s President & CEO.

Youth First’s services and programs build caring relationships, foster readiness for positive change, and boost resiliency along with other valuable life skills. Research shows these are the keys to preventing addiction, suicide, violence, and similar outcomes for young people.