Mayor Winnecke’s Remarks on Federal Indictment of ERC Member


lloyd winnecke

April 2, 2013

Statement from Mayor Winnecke re: Federal Indictment of Evansville Redevelopment Commission Member

“I’d like to recognize law enforcement, including the detectives from the Evansville-Vanderburgh County Narcotics Joint Task Force for working with the Drug Enforcement Agency Task Force, U.S. Attorney’s Office and the Internal Revenue Service on today’s indictments related to a suspected drug and money laundering operation in our community. I wholeheartedly agree with U.S. Attorney Joe Hogsett that no one, including an appointed public official, is above the law and we look forward to resolution of this case. It is important to note, and reaffirmed by the U.S. Attorney, that this indictment did not name or associate the Evansville Redevelopment Commission with any of the suspected crimes. Questions about Mr. Carter’s service on the Commission should be directed to his appointing body.”

Lloyd Winnecke, Mayor


  1. Did Winnecke approve or sign off on this appointment? (It occurred while he was in office)
    Who recommended the appointment?
    What role did he play on the redevelopment commission?
    If I were the feds I’d start with GAGE (under the table deal approved by Weinzapfel, Tornatta and Winnecke while they were on the executive committee), then go over the DMD (front door pride) and then the Fraud Center. So much corruption so little time. By the time the feds are done with this investigation Mr. Hogsett will be a permanent resident of Evansville.

    • According to an earlier CCO article, he was appointed by the City Council in 2011. The last year of Weinzapfels term.

    • Suggest you check your facts before making allegations about things you obviously know very little to nothing about.

  2. The best thing to do with the redevelopment commission is to abolish it! It is nothing more than an extension of the local chamber of commerce.

    The mayor’s office has the authority to load the commission with a majority of his appointees. Weinzapfel took full advantage of that authority. The appointees who comprise that majority know why they are there and know how they are to vote.

    Redevelopment commissions have almost bankrupted the entire state of California, causing Governor Jerry Brown to abolish all the redevelopment commissions in the state. We need to follow suit and take the public’s checkbook away from the local chamber of commerce.


    • Depressing IIT today.

      The ERC seems to just be there to lend credence to harebrained schemes of the executive and to ensure what money is available gets spread about as unequally as possible to benefit as few as possible. Maybe some of them think they are doing important work, but the track record tells a different story. Instead of trying to put lipstick on a pig, let people keep their money and at least try to create a dynamic, decentralized City with it instead of a Detroit-like wasteland with a few shiny public temples at one end of it.

      The City Council should repeal the Ordinance that created the ERC.

  3. I got all excited and then was disappointed when it turned out to only be this small timer.

    • I feel much the same way. Since Hogsett’s work group is only a year or so old I am cautiously optimistic about its future. This is more a drug bust that just happened to ensnare a appointed political official, rather than a focused investigation on political/white collar crime.

      Scaring the big fish will only make it more difficult to hook one.


  4. John Doe , I’m confident he is only a small player in the weiney crime family … Hopefully the whole mess will be straitened out by the Feds

  5. I do not get it. Most you guys are hurting your credibility when you make it sound like it was Republican Winnecke who made the appointment of Democrat Carter. It was done under Democrat Weinzapfel’s term and under the Democrat controlled (8-1) City Council. Carter was nominated by Democrat Connie Robinson.

    Winnecke does deserve some criticism form time to time but not about Carter. The Democrat controlled City Council has allowed many bad decisions to happen under their watch. Time for a change?

    • Ya sure, whatever. It was Weinzapfel’s loyal that jumped fence and got Weinecke elected. They all did this, as they knew if Rick Davis was elected, this corruption along with lots more would be exposed. Does this explain Robinson’s fence jumping? Thus Wennecke=Weinzapfel

      • Is this the same Rick Davis who received full time pay but screwed the taxpayer by only worked part time? Is this the same Rick Davis who did not not have the backing of his own Party who knew him better than anybody? There is something that is badly wrong when your own Democrat family disowns you.

        Ole Short is correct in that Democrats are responsible for putting Carter in power. The truth is Carter’s stupid actions has hurt both political parties because it causes the public to lose confidence in the political process. Sad.

        • You are under the assumption that there is a difference in the local D/R central committees. The rotating turnstyle just shuffles the leaches from job to job no matter who’s in power. Wenie had at least 25 Repugs to appointed jobs, McClintock had to supply at least that many teat jobs for Dems when he/she got in power. Rick Davis would have upset the playground. Lloyd didn’t have a job for in-ept Jenny so one had to be created. Just wait till Williams gets his cronie deputy elected sheriff so he can be chief deputy, then run for sheriff again in ’18.

        • Most people know that is not true about Rick Davis. It was simply a lie made up during the election. It is becoming obvious why the democrats wanted Davis out of office. It’s becoming super obvious why Connie Robinson fought so hard to see he wasn’t elected.

        • “There is something that is badly wrong when your own Democrat family disowns you. ” (Johnboy)

          * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

          If you are talking about the local democrat party, I think most ethical people would consider it an honor to be “disowned” by them.


      • Didn’t John Friend “Fence Jump” when he couldn’t get elected as a Republican. Now he is a “Loyal” Democrat. OH… I just love politices!

    • Let’s hear about these bad decisions of City Council and then we can compare notes to Winnecke’s idiocy.

  6. I remember not to long ago, Messy, following King Johny’s lead, said she would not vote for a budget that failed to have stricter drug testing for firefighters. And personally have smelled strong alcohol on her breath as entering city council chambers. Looks to me like Council, DMD, Redevelopment commission, and others need drug and alcohol testing. Most certainly, the City Council, spending hundreds of millions of OUR dollars should be tested randomly. Testing a minimum of one member before every meeting.

    • Makes sense. All reports are that she is, in fact, an immature barfly. That’s why it’s so appalling that somebody like that can be elected to the city council multiple times. Is the bar really set that low?

  7. Mr. Editor,

    I would just like to clarify that I am Shaun Short, not to be confused with “Short” who is posting above. I post my comments under the user name “minethatbird” and sign my posts with my full name at the end. I am the same Shaun Short who ran for 6th ward city council, and was beaten soundly by now 6th Ward representative Al Lindsey.

    I am aware that most people likely don’t know who I am so this statement probably seems arrogant since I’m making the assumption that there would be any confusion in the first place. However, given the nature of what I do for a living, it is important to me that I show a high level of professional respect for all City Council members, all other city officials and all city employees. Any confusion caused by anonymous posters criticizing or applauding an official or city employee could be seen as unprofessional if they think it is me, and I hope to prevent any confusion.

    I applaud the CCO for being a promoter of free speech and enjoy posting and bantering with the posters when I have the chance.


    Shaun Short

  8. For the record, Shaun Short is employed by the City of Evansville.

    He is working in the City Controllers office doing accounting work.

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