We hope that today’s “READERS FORUM” will provoke honest and open dialogue concerning issues that we, as responsible citizens of this community, need to address in a rational and responsible way? 


Todays“Readers Poll” question is: Do you feel that City Council shouldn’t release any funds to ECHO Housing Corp. until they are given a copy of the Forensic Audit report of that agency?

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  1. Can anyone answer the question of whether the McCurdy is paying for current water and sewer service from the City?

    • I like how you keep asking this everyday and I think you should continue and maybe finally someone will pay attention. Everyone is so focused on little ECHO Housing while the McCurdy allegedly fleeces the City and our taxpayer dollars to the tune of a million plus. Why does no one care about this???

  2. Kudos to Weaver and Elpers for their vote to withhold funds from ECHO until evidence is presented demonstrating that this organization has implemented proper controls and to what degree public funds have been misappropriated. Perhaps one day our city will truly have an independent fiscal body . . .

  3. ‘He should be nervous’ – CNN Legal Analyst Shows Just How Close Mueller Is To Nailing Trump

    Draft court filings from special counsel Robert Mueller’s office show that conspiracy theorist Jerome Corsi in 2016 used his connections with WikiLeaks to relay information to Trump associate Roger Stone, and CNN legal analyst Laura Coates said the president should be sweating. These filings potentially draw a straight line from WikiLeaks to President Donald Trump himself.

    “If there’s somebody who has a direct connection to Julian Assange and a direct connection to WikiLeaks, and who knows in advance there’s a coordinated attack to influence the 2016 presidential election, he should be nervous”

    She also laughed off the notion that all of these meetings with Russian agents during the 2016 campaign had nothing to do with Trump himself.

    “There’s not this many coincidences in the entire existence of humanity. No prosecutor puts in writing what they do not have evidence to support, and has been corroborated, and has been verified by multiple sources”

    The bottom line is that Mueller seems to have a lot of evidence to back up his findings, and Trump should be fearful of what he turns up.

    “Mueller isn’t acting on a broomstick or a witch hunt. He’s acting on actual facts”

    • EXCLUSIVE: FBI Raids Home Of Whistleblower On Clinton Foundation, Lawyer Says

      FBI agents raided the home of a recognized Department of Justice whistleblower who privately delivered documents pertaining to the Clinton Foundation and Uranium One to a government watchdog, according to the whistleblower’s attorney.

      The Justice Department’s inspector general was informed that the documents show that federal officials failed to investigate potential criminal activity regarding former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, the Clinton Foundation and Rosatom, the Russian company that purchased Uranium One, a document reviewed by The Daily Caller News Foundation alleges.

      The delivered documents also show that then-FBI Director Robert Mueller failed to investigate allegations of criminal misconduct pertaining to Rosatom and to other Russian government entities attached to Uranium One, the document reviewed by TheDCNF alleges. Mueller is now the special counsel investigating whether the Trump campaign colluded with Russia during the 2016 election.


      • Feds Raid Office Of Chicago Alderman Who Was Trump’s Tax Attorney

        Burke’s law firm represented Trump for years, helping him challenge his property tax assessments for Trump Tower

        The raids on Burke’s office came on the same day the president’s former attorney Michael Cohen pleaded guilty to lying to Congress about a Trump project in Moscow as part of special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation into Russian meddling in the 2016 election

        The timing of that development and the raid on Burke’s offices led to speculation that the searches were related to work Burke’s law firm did for Trump

        The net cast by Mueller is gathering more and more in a stranglehold around Trump and his crooked dealings


      • ROFLMAO. Uranium 1? Really?

        Why is it that only right-wing blogs and racists like StormFront have anything on this?

        (See here: bit.ly/RacistTrumpBackers)

        Daily caller, sputnicknews, daily stormer, pjmedia, freerepublic, and gatewaypundit (ROFLMAO). The list of loser blogs goes on and on

        The graphic on Gateway Pundit is proof of how batcrap crazy the right-wing is, by alleging that the Uranium 1 deal had help from President Obama, Eric Holder, Rod Rosenstein, James Comey, the DOJ and FBI, and Robert Mueller to “intentionally hide the national security risk” and that “Obama, Hillary, Mueller, Rosenstein and the rest of the Deep State criminals involved are frantically trying to remove Trump from office to cover up their crimes”

        Is it because everyone knows it is Cheetolini and his Trumpsuckers are scared witless because they will be doing a perp walk because of Mueller any time now?

        Bottom Line: The right wing trumpsuckers will never give up the same old warm and fuzzy conspiracy theories that they hold near and dear because life is not worth getting up to in the morning if they accept the truth and the fact that the bat crap crazy nonsense was debunked time and time again. It’s akin to junkies and their much needed fix.

        So next week they will ad nauseam post and start threads on the same tripe in hopes that by doing so, their dearly beloved conspiracy theory will miraculously come true and Trumpy and his ignorant crime family will see the miracle of vindication (not gonna happen).

        But these are the same folks that bought into a pizza parlor ring of child trafficking in its basement so not much hope for them.

        In closing, there is NO evidence that donations to the Clinton Foundation from people with ties to Uranium One or Bill Clinton’s speaking fee influenced Hillary Clinton’s official actions. That’s still the case.

  4. One-Third Of Migrant Caravan Sick: HIV, Tuberculosis, Chickenpox

    Thousands of migrants marched from Central America to the U.S. border over the last six weeks, but many of them are suffering from respiratory infections, tuberculosis, chickenpox and other serious health issues — including HIV.

    Of the 6,000 migrants gathered in Tijuana just south of the U.S. border near San Diego, more than a third of them (2,267) are being treated for health-related issues, a spokesman for Tijuana’s Health Department told Fox News….

    Hundreds of migrants stormed the U.S.-Mexico border on Sunday, and the U.S. Border Patrol’s top San Diego agent said they shoved women and children to the front of the mob to use as human shields.

    “What we saw over and over yesterday was that the group – the caravan, as we call them – would push women and children to the front, and then begin, basically, rocking our agents,” Chief Patrol Agent Rodney Scott said in a CNN interview.


    • Guess I gotta educate you on diseases

      Fox Noise Says The Migrant Caravan Will Bring Disease Outbreaks. That’s Xenophobic Nonsense

      There is heavy stupidity in the statement on Fox Noise (by an ex-ICE agent) that the migrant caravan of 4,000 men, women, and children mainly from Central America is going to bring smallpox to America

      “They are coming in with diseases such as smallpox, leprosy, and TB that are going to infect our people in the United States” is the ignorance from the former agent, David Ward

      Guess the CDC forgot to give him and Fox the info that smallpox was eradicated over 40 years ago!

      The risk of leprosy being imported from Latin America is very remote. While some foreign-born people do have higher rates of TB, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) screens for TB in people moving to the US.

      While travelers and visitors MAY spark outbreaks in the US from time to time, they tend NOT to be refugees from Honduras, but Americans who get sick overseas and then come back to the US and infect people in their communities who have refused vaccines for themselves or their kids.

      One of the largest outbreaks of measles in recent US history was sparked by an American missionary, who brought the virus back from the Philippines. In the first half of 2014, 97 percent of the 288 measles cases in the US were caused by travelers bringing the disease in from other countries, mainly returning to the US from the Philippines (NOT refugees from South America)

      People coming from South America often have better rates of vaccine coverage than Americans. Brazil has 100% coverage for the measles-mumps-rubella (MMR) vaccine, El Salvador has 94% coverage, Honduras has 88% coverage, and Mexico has 98% coverage. In the US, meanwhile, the MMR rate is a pitiful 91%

      While the CDC acknowledges the (small) risk of migrants spreading disease in the US, there’s NO evidence of large outbreaks at the border

      The idea that leprosy is being imported to the US from Latin America is absurd. The CDC notes “We have leprosy transmission in Texas and Louisiana from armadillos (must be a right-wing thing), and we have registered in the US around 200 people registered (with leprosy). Mexico has only registered about 500 cases, El Salvador has only six, Honduras has nine, and Nicaragua has 21. So leprosy is a non-factor”

      This particular kind of xenophobic fear-mongering, which Donald Trump spread as a presidential candidate, is now surfacing again as we approach the midterms, in an apparent ploy to rile up the conservative base.


      • ‘It’s a Federal Crime’: Tijuana Mayor Says Caravan Organizers Should Be Arrested
        “Fox News’ Griff Jenkins sat down with Tijuana Mayor Juan Manuel Gastelum to discuss the ongoing migrant crisis in the Mexican border town, as thousands of migrants have arrived in hopes of crossing into the U.S.

        Nearly all the migrants have been hunkering down at an outdoor sports complex within sight of the U.S. border — a place that is becoming more overcrowded each day.

        A delegate in the Tijuana area and an official overseeing that shelter told Fox News on Wednesday there are currently around 6,000 migrants there, 4,000 of which are men. The rest are about split evenly between women and children.

        Gastelum told Jenkins that the organizers and leaders of the caravan — such as immigrant rights group Pueblo Sin Fronteras — are to blame for the humanitarian crisis.


        • Trump’s attempts to overhaul the asylum application process have made it more difficult for refugees to even request the asylum they are so desperately in need of, and led to a bottleneck at ports of entry like Tijuana, where the conditions are difficult. Most refugees don’t have even a tent to sleep in. Food and water are scarce. The children are getting sick. Their asylum proceedings could take months. And they are desperate for safety and security.

          Trump’s response? Tear gas children.

          Out of the 4,000 supposed people in the caravan includes men, women, children, people with disabilities, and the elderly. The UN children’s agency just this past week put the number of children in the group at about 2,300. This is babies sprawled in strollers, or slung sweatily across their parent’s chests, or trudging along the side of the road.

          Therefore, only the ignorant and stupid think that the caravan is only babies and men.

          I’m gonna make it simple:

          The author of this article at Fox is a LIAR
          The organization Fox are LIARS
          The patsy in Mexico is a LIAR



          This is all Trump and his right-wing idiots’ fault. By refusing to allow asylum claims which BY LAW should happen, Trump is guilty of the crimes against humanity

          You can point fingers till they all fall off, this was not an issue before Trump started blocking asylum requests that are legal.

          You clearly did not read the disease reports above from the CDC. Till you educate yourself, this is done

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