We hope that today’s “READERS FORUM” will provoke honest and open dialogue concerning issues that we, as responsible citizens of this community, need to address in a rational and responsible way? 


Todays“Readers Poll” question is: Do you feel that City Council shouldn’t release any funds to ECHO Housing Corp. until they are given a copy of the Forensic Audit report of that agency?

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  1. Analysis and proof of how Trump is a cause of home-grown terrorism and violence in America.

    As Republicanism Devolves Into Seething Paranoia, Right-Wing Violence Is Escalating As Well

    The analysis finds what every similar analysis has also found: Far-right violence is not only on the rise but “has surged” with the election of Donald Trump.

    “Over the past decade, attackers motivated by right-wing political ideologies have committed dozens of shootings, bombings and other acts of violence, far more than any other category of domestic extremist, according to a Washington Post analysis of data on global terrorism. While the data show a decades-long drop-off in violence by left-wing groups, violence by white supremacists and other far-right attackers has been on the rise since Barack Obama’s presidency, and has surged since President Trump took office”

    Of course it is. It can be expected to continue, as well, and a large part of that is the winking dismissal of far-right violence by Trump himself. When a pro-Confederate white nationalist drove a car into a crowd of protesters in Charlottesville, killing one, Trump could be bothered to give only the blandest of rote condemnations. Trump’s declarations that the free press is the enemy of the people is the background to gunmen killing members of that free press. At least one devoted fan took Trump’s personal enemies list to heart, taking it upon himself to mail explosive devices to the names Trump groused about most often. Another far-right terrorist, paranoias stoked by an unending stream of accusations in which wealthy Jewish benefactors are supposedly thwarting far-right anti-immigration plans, murdered Americans in their synagogue not because he believed they were the most responsible for the secret plot, but merely because they were the most convenient to target.

    It would be different if the Republican Party was anything other than a cesspool of corruption and paranoia itself. It would be different if Fox & Friends did not exist as reliable purveyors of crackpot far-right conspiracy rhetoric, or if Mike Pence had a human soul, or if the RNC had not latched onto lunacies previously confined to poorly xeroxed pamphlets mailed to your weirdest of relatives.

    But things aren’t different, and both Trump and his party are so seeped in paranoid, conspiratorial rhetoric that it would be a miracle if the promotion of those theories did not result in heightened violence. The descent of conservatism into a grifter-laden fever dream of secret plots and invisible enemies is, of course, resulting in more and more conservative ideologues deciding to fight back against those enemies by launching violent attacks against whichever real-world targets they suspect are part of the plot.


      • Your inability to recognize the First Amendment and that I and others are encouraged to write our thoughts “concerning issues that we, as responsible citizens of this community, need to address in a rational and responsible way” is a bigger issue than you being bored

  2. The Evansville City Council must start doing the he job they were elected to do and that would start with backing up the taxpayers of our city,,,I guess they have decided to let ratepayers pay the water bill for the MCcurdy building?? If I wasn’t paying my bill duh I would not have water,,,
    Echo director uses TAXPAYERS MONIES to pay her hugh property taxes so the council tells Echo no city money until we get to the bottom of it ,,,yet Echo says we need the money because of all the homeless,etc. yet cause of thefts of said property taxes ,our property taxes will rise ,making more people homeless,,,,

  3. The only way to change the City Council is for the City voters to remember the actions of this council in the coming elections. Complain all you want, but until the Council make-up is changed, expect the same old, same old

    • So a person was investigated, charged, and voluntarily turned himself in to face charges?

      Unlike all the right-wing KKK and white supremacy terrorists that hide and refuse to admit their racism

      Like the killers at the Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville, where prosecutors say the men flew in from the West Coast “with the intent to encourage, promote, incite, participate in, and commit violent acts in furtherance of a riot”

      But the white power crowd never gets covered by the right-wingers and Trump

  4. Some Migrants Acted ‘Criminal’ in Clash with CBP: Tijuana Mayor

    The Mayor of Tijuana, Mexico called actions by some members of the migrant caravan that forced a brief closure of the San Ysidro Port of Entry on Sunday “criminal” and said it was unfair to Tijuana residents.

    “Bad people, not the good people, some of them, not all of them, came in and [participated in this], walking disorderly, trying to cross the border without [the United States’] permission. I mean, that’s a criminal way of doing things,” he said.

    Gastélum said it wasn’t his place to criticize members of the migrant caravan, but said if they don’t meet the United States’ requirements for asylum then they should either return to their home country or stay in Tijuana and try and make a decent living.


  5. IS IT TRUE the McCurdy’s legal issues and code violations could lead to a major battle with the City? Is it true we need this cultural gem to be successful for the health of downtown? Is it true we hope the two parties find a way to resolve their issues so that this area can thrive?

    IS IT TRUE a developer appeared before City Council at the last meeting seeking a rezoning for the old Fred Geiger and Sons National Biscuit Company property? Is it true the developer plans to rehabilitate the historic property to be mixed use? Is it true we are excited to see what comes of this development?

    IS IT TRUE the City elections will start to get more interesting as candidates make their announcements? Is it true we expect Michelle Mercer, Alex Schmitt, and Ron Beane to run as Republicans at-large? Is it true we expect Jonathan Weaver and Ed Bassmeier to run as Democrats at-large? Is it true we are curious to see whether Dan Adams chooses to run again? Is it true we wonder who Republicans will choose to run in the all-important 1st ward?

    IS IT TRUE the City Council will soon vote on their attorney for 2019? Is it true we expect Josh Claybourn to be retained since a majority have already voiced their support him? Is it true that some other attorneys wanting the position have tried to make an issue out of Claybourn living outside of city limits? Is it true this will be a tough argument to make since the previous attorney Scott Danks also lived outside of city limits? Is it true that most City Council members report Claybourn has stayed out of the political fray and that it will help him keep his job?

    IS IT TRUE we hear that new County Commissioner Jeff Hatfield has hit the ground running with Commissioner Shoulders and Musgrave? Is it true we expect to hear about committee and board appointments soon? Is it true that County Commission attorney Joe Harrison Jr. hopes to stay on as County attorney but that the firm of Jones & Wallace is giving him a run for his money? Is it true that Jones & Wallace represented Hatfield during his possible recount? Is it true that this will be an interesting issue to watch develop?

    IS IT TRUE that Memorial Baptist Church and Progressive Holy Temple are coming together for a citywide community outreach effort to collect socks for the homeless and elderly in our community? Is it true that they will be collecting socks up until December the 21st?

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