Bucshon on Senate Budget: More taxes and more deficits



(Washington, DC) –Representative Larry Bucshon released the following statement regarding the budget passed by the United States Senate this morning.

Representative Larry Bucshon (IN-08) states:

“Senate Democrats passed a budget early this morning that raises taxes by almost a trillion dollars and never balances, continuing deficits as far as the eye can see. Their budget includes even more stimulus type deficit spending at a time when we are borrowing 42 cents of every dollar we spend. They also fail to address the impending bankruptcy of our critical mandatory spending programs (Medicare, Medicaid).

“Senate Democrats up for reelection in 2014 in conservative leaning States were allowed to vote no while other “moderate” Senate Democrats voted for the measure since they won’t be facing the voters for years. Democrat Senator Joe Donnelly voted for the measure while Republican Senator Dan Coats voted against it.

“This is why the American people disapprove of Washington D.C. Instead of voting what they believe in, the Senate Democrats that voted no did so hoping to pull the wool over the eyes of the voters in their states. Hoosiers are smarter than that and deserve more from their elected officials. The Democrat controlled Senate budget contrasts sharply with the Republican controlled House passed budget. The House passed budget does not raise taxes, responsibly addresses our mandatory spending programs to preserve them for current beneficiaries and future generations of Americans and balances within 10 years.

“With a federal government budget deficit over $1 trillion for 5 straight years and a national debt approaching $17 trillion, it is time for Washington D.C. to tell the American people the truth and responsibly balance our budget.