We hope that today’s “IS IT TRUE” will provoke honest and open dialogue concerning issues that we, as responsible citizens of this community, need to address in a rational and responsible way?”

IS IT TRUE that some local politicians think that Vanderburgh County is part of the United States Government by the way they are spending our tax dollars money?.

IS IT TRUE that a late great professor from the University of Evansville once said, “come to the revolution all of this $%#! will cease?”…the obsession with fun and games spending is what has led the sheep to this unsustainable abyss?

IS IT TRUE we would like to thank Vanderburgh Chief Deputy County Prosecuting Attorney Gary Schutte for doing one heck of a job for the citizens of Vanderburgh County?  …Vanderburgh County Prosecuting Attorney Nick Hermann should be very thankful that Mr. Schutte is around to watch his blind side?

IS IT TRUE we are told that several people are upset with the way that the Vanderburgh County Prosecutor Nick Hermann has awarded ABK, Inc. drug testing contracts? …we are told that Mr. Hermann doesn’t put the contract for drug testing out for competitive bidding? ..we are told one would be extremely surprised how much Mr. Hermann pays ABK, Inc. for drug testing each year? …we wonder if the owner of the company doing drug testing for the County Prosecutors office ever donated to Mr. Hermann past or present campaigns? …we’re told if Stan Levco beat Nick Hermann in the Vanderburgh County Prosecutor race he will put the contract for drug testing out for competitive bidding?

IS IT TRUE we are told that many people feel that its time that our elected officials pass an ordinance stating that if any individual or business who are wanting to do business with City or County government won’t be allowed to donate money to anyone running for elected office or who is an elected official?  …if this ordinance is adopted, it would help eliminate a conflict of interests or influence peddling?  …it wouldn’t hurt if they would also pass an ordinance stating that all bids over a certain dollar amount must be put for competitive bids?

IS IT TRUE when Vanderburgh County Prosecutor Nick Hermann received the political endorsement from the local Fraternal Order of Police Association 8 years ago over Stan Levco Mr. Hermann said: “it was awesome to be endorsed by the local FOP”?  …last month Stan Levco received the endorsement of the local Fraternal Order of Police for Vanderburgh County Prosecutor?  …we are told that the Vanderburgh County Prosecutor Nick Hermann now feels that FOP enforcement means nothing?

IS IT TRUE that the race between Joe Donnelly and Mike Braun is to close to call? …that our statistical guru predicts that the winning margin of this race could be decided by 200,000 votes or less? …he also predicts if the Libertarian candidate receives over 3 1/2 % of the popular vote then Joe Donnelly could be re-elected to the United States Senate by the slimmest of margins?

IS IT TRUE we are wondering who is paying for the TV ads opposing the re-election of State Representative Wendy McNamara? …we feel that whoever placed these ads have wasted their money?  …it’s obvious that they don’t want you to vote for Ms. McNamara?  … they never say in the ad who they want you to vote for? …this TV is just downright dumb?

IS IT TRUE we are told that Steve Folz (D) is giving Wendy (Mac) McNamara (R) a run for her money? …we hear when Mr. Folz ask the question; “how can Representative McNamara be paid as a full-time administrator with EVSC but is allowed to go to Indy many times every month to conduct her Legislative duties” may be getting the attention of some of the voters?

IS IT TRUE we are told that several members of the Evansville Police Department are doing part-time doing security work at EVSC schools?  …we are told that want their hourly pay to be increased from $25 per hour to $30 an hour? …we are told that the Superintendent of Vanderburgh County Schools said “he will only increase their pay to $27 an hour”? …we can’t imagine why any responsible administer of a Metropolitan schools system would  jeopardize the safety of our children over a mere $5 dollar per hour raise for part-time public safety officers during times like this? …we hope that the newly elected EVSC School Board members will push to override Superintendent Smith’s ill-advised pay raise decision?

IS IT TRUE we are told that the 8th District Congressmen Larry Bucshon will be re-elected by nice margin?

IS IT TRUE that the House of Representative of the United States has many doctors who have given up their life’s work to run for elected office and Southwest Indiana is not without an example of such an official?…Dr. Larry Bucshon was a respected doctor before turning in his medical practice to run for Congress?…the issue that opiate addiction is just the kind of problem that congressional doctors should be taking on?  …we would like to thank Congressman Bucshon for stepping up to finding ways to fight this national problem?

IS IT TRUE we are told that EVSC School Board will be adding two (2) new faces this coming year? …we are told that one of them may be Ann Ennis?

IS IT TRUE we are told by several movers and shakers in Vanderburgh County politics that Vanderburgh County Commissioner Ben Shoulders is considered to be a rising political star?  …we agree with their assessment of Mr. Shoulders political staus?  …all we can add to their comment is “shine on Mr. Shoulders”?

IS IT TRUE that Matt Hostetter is running unopposed in the District 64 State Representative seat in tomorrow’s election?  …although he has no opposition we urge you to give him a complimentary vote because we need a “true conservative” representing us at the Statehouse?

Todays “READERS POLL” question: If the election was held today for District 76 State Representative race who would you vote for?

Please take time and read our newest feature articles entitled “LAW ENFORCEMENT, READERS POLL, BIRTHDAYS, HOT JOBS” and “LOCAL SPORTS” posted in our sections.  You now are able to subscribe to get the CCO daily.
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EDITOR’S FOOTNOTE:  Any comments posted in this column do not represent the views or opinions of the City-County Observer or our advertisers

City-County Observer Comment Policy. Be kind to people. No personal attacks or harassment will not be tolerated and shall be removed from our site.
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  1. ABK also has the contract for ankle bracelet monitoring.

    $30/hr for a cop to be at a school? Ridiculous. They’re worth no more than $20/hr tops. And that’s still $40,000+/year. No wonder you see so many cops living in high dollar homes and driving high dollar cars.

  2. A mere $5/hr raise? Wish I could get a “mere” $5/hr raise. $5/hr = $10,000+/yr.
    Someone is living in a It’s not like being a cop is a professional like a doctor or a lawyer or an engineer or has a college education.

  3. Vote no for Pelosi Joe:
    ““After joining the angry liberal mob against Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh, Mexico Joe Donnelly is doubling-down with the liberal resistance movement by campaigning with Barack Obama,” Josh Kelley, Braun’s campaign spokesman, said in a statement on Sunday.

    “While Hoosier job creator Mike Braun proudly stands with President Trump, it’s Mexico Joe Donnelly who has supported Obama’s Iran nuclear deal, served as a superdelegate for Hillary Clinton and stands with Barack Obama’s liberal philosophy,” Kelley added.”

    • My 81-year-old mom is Republican, and she is not political in nature. She does not watch a lot of TV news, and has no idea how political ads are.

      However, she has stated (without prompting) that she LOATHES Braun because of how he fired a man who suffered a serious medical episode

      An employee worked for Braun’s auto parts company when he landed in the hospital with blood loss due to severe anemia. While was in the hospital, Braun fired him and backdated his termination so his insurance was canceled”

      The employee showed that after missing only three days of work, he called his supervisor fearing he’d lost his job, but his supervisor said he was not fired. The next day he went to a hospital and received blood transfusions to treat his anemia. It took several days to recover. After he got out of the hospital Braun fired him.

      The “Notification of Termination” document given him indicated the employee had been fired for “job abandonment” and stated he had “not showed up to work and not called in for the three days” while he was bedridden, even though he spoke with his supervisor. Another document, a letter from a human resources employee with Braun letterhead, says his last day was July 16, because that was the last day he’d come in. This went on to state “His last day of insurance coverage would have also been July 16, 2018”

      The backdated termination meant the Braun employee was stuck with a $28,000 hospital bill that his company insurance would have paid if he hadn’t been fired. In addition to the job and insurance loss, he lost his apartment and has no way of paying the hospital.

      When he filed for unemployment insurance, Braun fought the claim saying he’d been fired for cause. But an administrative law judge (ALJ) ruled in the employees favor, citing a state law that says people fired for missing work due to illness shouldn’t be disqualified.

      From the Indiana unemployment ALJ: “The claimant was involuntarily unemployed as the result of a medically substantiated physical disability after making reasonable efforts to maintain the employment relationship”

      The political crap Braun has posted turns my stomach. Anyone who supports Braun is deluded and NOT in the best interests of Indiana.

  4. In med school Seldom Seen Larry most likely received little to no training in addiction. This is evidenced by doctors suddenly refusing to renew prescriptions when the docs realize they have created an addict. Doctors do not understand withdrawal from opiate addiction, if they did, they would work with the addicts they created to withdraw from their addiction. Seldom Seen is a multimillionaire from his practice and his company continues to reap millions in revenue allowing Seldom Seen Larry the opportunity to do anything he wants without income risk.
    I want a candidate that lives in the area they serve, willing to meet with their constituents and actual listen to the members of the district, work for health care not try to destroy it, will not support a president who continually insults our intelligence by constantly lying to us,.

    • Yes! He does nothing for his constituency. He’s definitely not a public servant.

      • He does no harm, we can’t say the same about Ellsworth who he replaced. See Tanoos and Ellsworth cut from the same cloth, that’s why Bucshon will keep his job. Conservatives and smart liberals will move to Newburgh and continue to thrive, what’s left in Evansville will continue to move it to cesspool status. Democrats in Evansville have members in both parties to ensure their continue control of this city. Winnecke is an example of a stealth democrat acting like a conservative.

    • Paul: Thank You!

      I’ve been in healthcare for almost 35 years, and have worked with more physicians I can count, and the sheer ignorance of Bucshon in regards to health care is staggering. Well, more than just healthcare, but I am trying to focus

      I’m not questioning his medical skills or how he performs as a physician. However, he lacks ANY credibility in regards to the management and business of how health care works. He has repeatedly lied about the Affordable Care Act, proving each and every time that he is ignorant about any and all issues regarding the Affordable Care Act. He has walked in goosestep along with every other rightwinger in Congress, and this has been disgusting to watch. Every comment he has made have been from partisan political viewpoints. He has abdicated his duty to “do no harm” by ignoring the needs of millions of Americans who have been killed, bankrupted, or otherwise harmed by their inability to get medical insurance.

      Bucshon has shown his predilection to protect campaign donors by being more concerned with billion-dollar insurance companies (and the NRA which keeps victims needing medical care) instead of helping the Hoosiers he is supposed to represent.

      You might think that a former heart surgeon would have had enough time in higher education to have an understanding of science, but Bucshon proves how wrong that is

      In 2011 Bucshon voted to defund Planned Parenthood on the same day that he voted to keep the government using federal funds towards NASCAR sponsorships

      In 2013 Bucshon voted to prevent $20.5 billion in funding towards the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) from being restored. If you are poor and hungry, Buschon does not care

      In 2016 Bucshon voted against House Amendment 1079, which would have prohibited the use of federal funds for discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity. So if you were wondering, Buschon is apparently pro-discrimination

      In 2017 Bucshon voted for HR 1181, which would allow veterans deemed mentally incompetent to continue to own firearms, and not have them taken away without a judge’s written order. I feel safer already

      Also in 2017 Bucshon voted for one of the GOP’s disaster healthcare plans that would have allowed 24,000 more people to die a year, give $50,000 in tax breaks to millionaires, would eliminate coverage for pre-existing conditions, and would have treated pregnancy, post-partem depression, and sexual assault as “pre-existing conditions”

      And a provision in that bill would have made sure that Bucshon would be allowed to keep his health care plan as it exists under the ACA, which would be repealed for the rest of the country. He and his Republican compatriots threw themselves a beer bash to celebrate taking away health care from millions and then gloated about it with Donald Trump at a White House press conference

      Bucshon is one of many Republicans who for repeated elections ran and hid from their constituents rather than host a town hall. When pressured for months about it his “idea” was rather than actually have to be confronted by someone who’s justifiably angry with him, he would stream a town hall on Facebook live, so he doesn’t actually have to look them in the eye when he talks about how it’s really in their best interests that he’s going to take away health insurance for about 23 or 24 million Americans or so

      Truly, a Republican profile in courage

  5. That University of Evansville professor was my advisor. The year was 1982. He didn’t cuss but the message was the same. He also said “What Evansville needs to move forward is a hundred funerals.” He was of course speaking of local government. Just before he passed away I asked him if he still felt that way. That was 2007 when I was becoming frustrated with my job at GAGE. His response was, “no Joe now we need two hundred funerals.”

    • Louie is almost as bad as John Kerry in providing comfort and support for the Iranian regime.

  6. A year from now will the Democrats have a formidable foe for Mayor Winnecke? Whoever runs against him needs to constantly bring up that their checkbook (General Fund) is in the red ten months of the year and the Hospitalization Fund is permanently millions in the red.

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