We hope that today’s “IS IT TRUEâ€Â will provoke honest and open dialogue concerning issues that we as responsible citizens of this community need to address in a rational and responsible way?
IS IT TRUE that the way to promote the best in an election is by candidates and their sponsors being straightforward, open, and clear in their communication to voters?
IS IT TRUE we are been informed that the candidate for Vanderburgh County Prosecutor Stan Levco’s failed to put the required “paid for” disclaimer on a couple of campaign billboards? …this oversight has been corrected by his campaign committee? … we also been told that Nick Hermann, Chris Kiefer, John Monstraselle campaign signs have been placed illegally on several public right-a-ways throughout the City and County which is a violation of local ordinances? Â …as of this date, their signs still remain on the City and County public right-a-ways?
IS IT TRUE an “endorsement†and “solicitation” letter (dated September 14, 2018) supporting three school board members running for re-election (Kieffer, Guarino, and Ossenberg) were written by a select group of men and one woman (not a resident of Vanderburgh Co) defies clarity?
IS IT TRUE that several of our readers are asking if the above campaign “solicitation” letter meets the campaign finance requirement of IC 3-9-2-10, and if it does, why wasn’t there an IRS statement about “contributions are not tax deductible?” written on it?
Is It True that the definition of a legal PAC (political action committee) is in IC 3-5-2-37, that if this select group is a legally determined PAC, why wasn’t it noted in this letter?
IS IT TRUE that “a lack of transparency results in distrust and a deep sense of insecurity.† …this is a quote by the Dalai Lama?
IS IT TRUE that the Vanderburgh County Sheriff Dave Wedding is running unopposed in the upcoming November 6, 2018, General election?  …we apprecuiate if you would give Sheriff Wedding a complimentary vote because he has done a credible job during his first term in office?
IS IT TRUE we predict that the voters of Vanderburgh County will elect two new individuals to serve on the EVSC school board?
IS IT TRUE during the most recent budget hearing City Controller Russ Lloyd Jr., CPA stunned those in attendance when he announced that the city employee health care bills aren’t current? Â …Mr. Lloyd stated that the city employee healthcare deficit is about $3 million dollars?
IS IT TRUE that the City of Evansville will raise our taxes by 7.6% in 2019?…we wonder how on earth can a city that has ZERO population growth and minimal wage growth feel that they can collect 7.6% more tax money from its huddled masses than it did the year before?
IS IT TRUEÂ don’t be surprised to hear that the County Council will decide to use the entire allocation” of COIT funds for 2019 to build a new addition to the Vanderburgh County jail?
IS IT TRUE that very little has been said on how Mayor Winnecke plans to pay for the Evansville Thunderbolts Hockey 2019 team operating expenses? Â …we can’t find any reference in the proposed 2019 City operating budget? Â …we been told that some of the 2018 Thunderbolts operating expenses may have been quietly added to the Evansville/Vanderburgh County Building Authority and the Ford Center operating budgets?
IS IT TRUE that the Evansville City Council doesn’t have a revenue problem? …they just have a spending problem? …that ‘Government Shouldn’t Do For People What They Can Do For Themselves”?
IS IT TRUE we are told that several patrons of Ellis Park are hoping that the new owners of Ellis Park (Saratoga Gaming of New York) will invest the money to professional pave the parking lot, install proper exterior security lighting and signage, install a first-class exterior digital on-premise sign located next to the highway? … they also are hoping that the new owners will also decide to update the interior decor, remodeled the restrooms, correct the issues with the heating and air conditioning, fix the leaking roof and damaged ceiling tiles in the main Club House building and the Sky Theater area?  …a couple of patrons also told us that is would very easy for Ellis to round all the old that artifacts in storage and laying around the historical track to create a ‘Horse Racing Museum?”  …if done correctly this ‘Horse Racing Museum” would attract new visitors to visit Ellis Park?
IS IT TRUE over the years we have made numerous reference that the Evansville Water and Sewer Utilities Board were not only known for their political patronage activities but was also used as a funding source to help the City of Evansville in their occasional financial cash flow problems?  … it’s safe to say that over the last several years the Evansville Water and Sewer Utilities Board have advanced the City of Evansville many millions of dollars in cash to help the city with cash shortfalls?
Todays READERS POLL question is: If the election was held today in the District #2 Vanderburgh County Commission race who would you vote for?
Please take time and read our newest feature articles entitled “LAW ENFORCEMENT, READERS POLL, BIRTHDAYS, HOT JOBS†and “LOCAL SPORTS†posted in our sections.  You now are able to subscribe to get the CCO daily.
If you would like to advertise in the CCO please contact us City-County Observer@live.com.
EDITOR’S FOOTNOTE:  Any comments posted in this column do not represent the views or opinions of the City-County Observer or our advertisers.
Why doesn’t the city look into getting rid of the insurance for employees, raise everyone’s pay to offset the reduction in benefits and put each individual in charge of their own health insurance? It seems this is one of the largest deficit issues we have and clearly a change is needed. ACA has made insurance affordable and one can keep their doctor if they like their doctor so this seems to be a “no-brainer”….
WOW! Someone’s off their meds today. The Affordable Care Act (ACA, a.k.a., Obama Care) has not made real medical insurance affordable. The ACA is flawed. Obama knew it was flawed when he signed thr legislation. He was intent on getting any form of this legislation enacted to cement his legacy and satisfy his ego. He knew it was flawed but thought the next administration and Congress would de-bug it. Of course he thought the next administration would be Hillary’s and follow his agenda. Surprize, surprize, surprize!
I’m all for a centralized universal medical plan for all citizens of tbis country. But look what our government gives us with Medicare; it’s so pitiful we need to have (pay for) a supplement to assure adequate medical care.
OLDmustang: You are wrong on multiple levels
The bottom line is that millions of Americans with pre-existing conditions (me included) were finally able to obtain health insurance. Millions of Americans are now able to find a meaningful life because they are able to get medical care.
When I was reaching the end of my COBRA coverage I contacted 15 major insurance carriers, and NONE of them would even talk to me long enough to get a quote. I do not any prior hospitalizations for a major illness, and my only surgeries were an appendix and gallbladder. No hypertension, no cardiac problems, no GI problems, nothing major. But I have a couple of monthly medications, so the morons would not even talk to me
And do not get me started on the numerous rightwing governors (Pence included) who have spent billions being idiots with refusing to properly fund the Affordable Care Act exchanges and State Medicaid programs, which meant more millions who could not get proper medical coverage because GOP governors were more interested in playing politics than doing their job to assure the residents of the State remained alive
Then there is the vomit-inducing politics of Trump by cutting 75% (or more) of the budget for the Affordable Care Act to educate Americans on the dates of when they can enroll for the Affordable Care Act, coupled with the lies that the system had to be suddenly “maintained” starting the weekend the Affordable Care Act enrollment period begins is beyond disgusting. More rightwing politics more interested in their pockets than caring for Americans
Finally, trump and the rest of the rightwing telling people that they are going to protect folks with pre-existing conditions after voting hundreds of times to defund or eliminate the Affordable Care Act makes me want to scream.
So when folks like you badmouth the Affordable Care Act with ZERO facts, you repulse those of us who have been in healthcare for decades (35 years for me and counting) who actually understand why the Affordable Care Act is necessary. America is almost dead last in the world for healthcare for the people they are supposed to protect and care for
The rightwing wants more dead than anything else (except maybe votes)
One of the flaws of the ACA was it didn’t go after tbe two major problems with medical/health insurance: the health care industry and the health care insurance industry.
When I started working after college (45 years ago and even before that), if you were a full time employee – 30+ hours a week, virtually every employer I knew offered individual and family insurance for free or at a very low cost. I had $5 co-pays and no deductibles to be met and a maximum yearly out of pocket expense of $500. And that included dental and optical. Then the bean counters and MBAs got involved and greedy. Medical insurance premiums went through the roof, co-pays went up, and max out of pocket expenses sky-rocketed. And the prices the medical industry charged were ridiculous and went to line the pockets of the heath care industry management. The money the health care insurance industry raked in went to the mutual funds financing them, their Boards of Directors, and to their stockholders.
The ACA did nothing to alleviate these financial windfalls or reduce the actual costs; it just created a rob Peter to pay Paul scenario. And it is not a “one size fits all” scenario either. Why are there different rate structures for different parts of the country? Why isn’t there a uniform rate structure across the country? I’m not a big fan of Medicare, but at least everyone across the country pays the same monthly rate for the same plan. Why isn’t the ACA funded and executed the same way?
Why? Because Obama was in too big of a hurry to get his “legacy” implemented.
Old Mustang, not off the meds, just offering a solution to what seems to be one of the biggest problems the city faces fiscally. I was talking a bit tripe in my proclamation of the ACA’s brilliance however, the elephant in the room nobody wants to face is that health care expenses are a back breaker for many a small and medium size business. One of the “beauties” of the ACA mandate was that the more healthy people that signed up, the more the cost of the sickly would be watered down and everyone would win. Let the employees fend for themselves in finding coverage and reduce the overhead of HR personnel as well = win/win…
yet more bad news for the anti American kenya liberals……..
Why no outcry over the illegAl dark money mailers without sender returns against Mr Braun? Typical dirty tricks of Democrats .
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