We hope that today’s “IS IT TRUE” will provoke honest and open dialogue concerning issues that we, as responsible citizens of this community, need to address in a rational and responsible way?
IS IT TRUE that yesterday the Rotary Club of Evansville planned to host a political discussion between a candidate for Vanderburgh County Prosecutor, Stan Levco and current County Prosecutor Nick Hermann?  …those in attendance were dismayed when they were informed that current County Prosecutor Nick Hermann opted out of this important political event to attend a drug symposium in Indy? …we are told that the decision made by Mr. Hermann to go to Indy instead of attending the Rotary Club political event may have cost Mr. Hermann some votes?  …Gary Schutte, Chief Deputy Prosecuting Attorney of Vanderburgh County represented Mr. Hermann while he attended a drug symposium in Indy did a credible job?  …Mr. Levco did an outstanding job in explaining the reasons why he is running for Prosecuting Attorney for Vanderburgh County? …we commend both Mr. Levco and Mr. Schutte for not only attending this most worthwhile public political forum but treating each other with respect?
IS IT TRUE we have been told by reliable sources that a full-time employee of the Vanderburgh County Prosecutor Nick Hermann office (working 37.5 hours per week), has allegedly billed Vanderburgh County for 4,000 hours during the year for time spent writing grants for another Vanderburgh County department? …this grant writing job had nothing to do with the Vanderburgh County Prosecutor office? if the above information is correct this calculates to 77 hours per week if they work a full 52 weeks per year, never taking vacation, holiday, sick day, etc?that simple math shows the claims of working 114.5 hours per week (37.5 +77) or 22.9 hours a day Monday through Friday? this only leaves 1.1 hours per day to sleep, eat, bathe, drive to and from work, spend time with family, etc., etc. etc.? …it’s possible that someone may have errored when they reported that they spent 4,000 hours on grant writing but in reality only spent 400 hours writing grants? …sometime mistakes happen? …the City-County Observer respectfully request that the Vanderburgh County Prosecutor Nick Hermann look into the above allegations in order to determine what is fact and what is fiction? …if Mr. Hermann decides not to investigate this matter, we suggest that he appoints an independent special prosecutor to investigate this issue?
IS IT TRUE that the State Board of Accounts states that routinely overdrawn funds could be an indicator of serious financial problems which should be investigated by the unit?  …according to the SBOA audit, it looks like the City of Evansville might have some serious financial problems?
IS IT TRUE we are told that the patrons of Ellis Park are excited that the new owners of Ellis Park (Saratoga Gaming of New York) has promised to do some extensive updates to the interior decor of the main Club House?   …we urge supporters of Ellis Park to be a little more patient with the new owners of Ellis because we’re told that they shall address the interior remodeling challenges in the main Club House area in the very near future?
IS IT TRUE that it is not just Thunderfest racing event that is a perpetual drain on public and private funds?…the Evansville Thunderbolts Hockey team has done the same thing in a much shorter time frame and the latest rendition called the Evansville Thunderbolts are going the way of the past sporting venues in Evansville with serious operating losses that have already picked the pockets of every private investor that has been seduced by the sirens song of being a big shot team owner?…the fun and games crowd of Evansville needs to learn how to throw in the towel when the time has come to do so?
IS IT TRUE that the Jacksonville Icemen (formerly the Evansville Icemen) are not only the undefeated team in their conference (5 and 0) but are also are the only undefeated team in the ECHL? …we send the Jacksonville Icemen owner Ron Geary big congrats?  …it looks like the City of Evansville made a major mistake when that forced the Evansville Icemen to move to Jacksonville, Fla?
IS IT TRUE we hear that the 5th Ward City Council member Justin Elpers and his wife are going to have a baby boy in the future?  …we send best wishes and congratulations to the Elpers?
IS IT TRUE that we would like to thank Susan Harp for donating two pet oxygen masks to the EFD?
Today’s “Readers Polls” question is: Do you feel when County Prosecutor Nick Hermann decided to attend a drug seminar in Indy instead of participating in the Rotary Club political forum has hurt him politically?
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Footnote: City-County Observer Comment Policy.  Be kind to people. No personal attacks or harassment will not be tolerated and shall be removed from our site.
We understand that sometimes people don’t always agree and discussions may become a little heated.  The use of offensive language, insults against commenters will not be tolerated and will be removed from our site.


  1. Diaspora Affairs Minister Naftali Bennett, currently on a visit to the US and Pittsburgh, said that “some people are using this horrific antisemitic act to attack President Trump,” something which is “unfair and wrong.”

    Said the minister “President Trump is a true friend of the State of Israel and to the Jewish people. With President Trump we never have to worry if he has our backs… He is fighting terror worldwide including Israel’s greatest enemy, the murderous regime of Tehran. He recognized Jerusalem as Israel’s capital and kept his promise to move the embassy there.”

    Bennett said that Trump’s condemnation of antisemitism after the shooting, including his vow to destroy those seeking to harm Jews, “was the strongest condemnation of antisemitism that I have ever heard from a politician outside the State of Israel.”

  2. Second Migrant Caravan: Mexico Warns of Molotov Cocktail Threat

    A warning was issued by Mexico’s immigration authorities over individuals in Guatemala who are building Molotov cocktails and other makeshift incendiary devices they plan to use against federal police officers guarding their southern border, according to a recent report by Breitbart.

    The alert comes after a group of migrants in what’s being dubbed the second caravan threw rocks at officials at the Guatemala-Mexico Border and tried breaking through international barriers. It has been confirmed by Mexican law enforcement officials that some of the protesters in the clash carried firearms.

    Mexico’s National Migration Institute (INM) issued the warning, claiming it learned of several individuals in Tecan Uman, Guatemala, were building Molotov cocktails with the intention of using them against Mexican border authoritiess. INM asked in a public statement for the Guatemalan government to intervene, adding that the violent actions were those of “criminals and not of a vulnerable migrant population.”

  3. Any word on the City’s’ lawsuits to collect the water/sewer bill from the McCurdy apartments?

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