Art Show


The Rumjahn Gallery is hosting an art show by Stephanie Christian and Joanne Scott Massey.  The opening reception is this Friday, October 26 from 5-8 pm.  The public is invited to stop by the reception for a glass of wine and to enjoy some great art.    The show can also be viewed during business hours until November 12. The Rumjahn Gallery is located at 310 Main St. in Downtown Evansville.

Stephanie Christian began her education at Western Kentucky University with a major in Interior Design.  After moving to Nashville in the late 1980’s, she switched her major to Studio Art at Belmont University.  Her work has touched on many media- from wood sculpture, to charcoal, to mixed media before to evolving to her current focus.

Stephanie is an award winning Landscape painter.  She creates moody, textured scenes with a dream like quality.  Her work would remind one of some of the old masters works, but in a modern way.  To the viewer there is familiarness with the scenes as if there is a memory associated with each painting.  The color palate for her paintings is dark and moody with breathtaking illumination.  Stephanie captures mystery and  great depth, intriguing the viewer with a feeling of the scenes being lost in time.

Joanne Scott Massey is considered a floral painter by most.  When viewing one of her flowers, you suddenly notice that you are paying attention to things that are usually overlooked.  She draws you into the smallest details by blowing up and illuminating them.  Her florals have a gracefulness that makes one feel like they are swaying in the wind.

Joanne has created a new body of work for this exhibit which showcases her flowers and introduces new subject matter that will intrigue you.

The new interest is in painting fish.  Joanne handles this much the same way that she does her florals.  You will be drawn in with an experience of noticing details in an up close and intimate way.  After you see one, her style will be familiar to you.  In some of these paintings, she created compositions that include both fish and flowers which are very interesting and take on a modern style.  You will have the feeling that you are spying on the fish in some of these paintings.