Home Breaking News “IS IT TRUE” OCTOBER 15, 2018


We hope that today’s “IS IT TRUE” will provoke honest and open dialogue concerning issues that we, as responsible citizens of this community, need to address in a rational and responsible way? 
IS IT TRUE we recently posted our non-scientific but trendy “Readers Poll” question asking our readers “Do you agree with Councilman Jonathan Weaver that the City of Evansville is having serious cash flow problems”? …that 257 CCO readers voted in this poll?  …that 211 people voted “YES”, 27 people voted “NO” and 19 said they had “NO IDEA”?
IS IT TRUE during the recent budget hearing the At-Large Evansville City Council member and Finance Chairman Jonathon Weaver warned members of City Council that the City has a $13 million deficit so far this year? …despite this warning members of City Council still voted 8-1 to approved Mayor Winnecke’s 2019 City budget? …that Mr. Weaver was the only City Council member to vote against the 2019 City budget? …that the 2019 City budget has been increased by 7% over this year’s budget?
IS IT TRUE we are extremely disappointed that the two conservatives City Councilman (Justin Elpers (R) and G. John Hayden, CPA (R) didn’t heed Mr. Weaver’s warning concerning the City of Evansville current cash flow problems?  …we also somewhat surprised that eight (8) Council members also voted for Mayor Winnecke’s 2019 budget without making any meaningful amendments to the 2019 City budget?
IS IT TRUE because of the 8-1 vote on the 2019 City budget we are told that many people are now expecting that every member of the current Evansville City Council will have someone to run against them in the 2019 City election? …it looks like members of City Council will now be put in a position to defend why they voted on other issues that affected our quality of lives during the last four (4) years?
IS IT TRUE we find it interesting that the local area Chamber of Commerce decided not to make a political endorsement in the Vanderburgh County Commission race?  …we are told that Mayor Winnecke lobbied hard to get his hand-chosen candidate Mike Duckworth to get the Chamber of Commerce political endorsement for County Commissioner?  …we hear that several people feel because Mayor couldn’t convince the local Chamber of Commerce to support Mike Duckworth for Vanderburgh County Commissioner is a sign of political weakness?
IS IT TRUE we also have been told that last week Mayor Winnecke and his wife held a political fundraiser for Mike Duckworth?  …we hear that the turnout for this political event was less than impressive?
IS IT TRUE we also been told that many supporters of Mayor Winnecke feel that he will be re-elected?  …that we also been told that there has been a discussion among a group of people that feel the need to review the past decisions made by Mayor Winnecke since he been in office? …we are told that several members of this group feel that the possibility of Mayor Winnecke being elected to a third (3rd) term could be questionable because of his excessive spending habits?
IS IT TRUE we have been informed by one our loyal reader and poster that the former Executive Director of ECHO Housing Corporation is asking $599,000 for the home that she owns?  …that our poster alleges that this home is only assessed at $294,000? …if this statement is true we wonder if the Vanderburgh County Assessor can explain why his office assessed this home for $294,000 and the owners feel that it’s worth $599,000?

IS IT TRUE we are wondering who is funding the current construction work now being done on the old boat dock once used by Casino Aztar? …we have been told that the loading ramp at the old Aztar pavilion has been stripped of exterior siding and roofing? …it now appears that the former Tropicana loading ramp is being prepped for removal in the very near future?

IS IT TRUE that Vanderburgh County Commissioner Ben Shoulders had his third annual  “Golf Outing”  last Friday?  …that  County Commissioner Ben Shoulders political fundraiser golf scramble was a sellout?  … there were over 30 foursomes and  Mr. Shoulders raised over $40,000 for only one (1) flight in the morning at Helfrich Hills?  …not a bad political fundraiser for a guy who isn’t up for re-election several years from now?

Todays“Readers Poll” question is: Do you feel that every Evansville City Council member will have someone to run against them in the 2019 city election?

If you would like to advertise on the CCO please contact us City-CountyObserver@live.com

Footnote: City-County Observer Comment Policy.  Be kind to people. No personal attacks or harassment will not be tolerated and shall be removed from our site.
We understand that sometimes people don’t always agree and discussions may become a little heated.  The use of offensive language, insults against commenters will not be tolerated and will be removed from our site.



  1. Just when you thought the liberal left couldn’t get any loonier:
    A large group of witches is meeting in Brooklyn this month to place a curse on Judge Brett Kavanaugh “and upon all rapists and the patriarchy which emboldens, rewards and protects them.”

    “We will be embracing witchcraft’s true roots as the magik of the poor, the downtrodden and disenfranchised,” states a website advertising the October 20 event, “as often the only weapon, the only means of exacting justice available to those of us who have been wronged by men just like him.”

    Approximately 1,000 people have said they will attend the sold-out event, which will also be live-streamed on social media. A quarter of the proceeds will be donated to abortion giant Planned Parenthood, organizers stated.


  2. If it is really true and it seems from admission that it is true that the City of Evansville is deferring paying bills with a few urgent exceptions, that this is a classic tactic to mitigate cash flow problems. It may not be fatal if the cash to cover the expenses comes in before the vendors who are being strung out start to feel the pinch. There may be some late fees to be absorbed that take money away from general operations. The reality seems to be that yes there is a cash flow problem but city officials have diminished it by saying it happens every year in the fall and that the funds are coming in January. Stay tuned.

    • Dear Joe,

      Trends over the past five years is alarming concerning the unrecorded accounts payable at year end. However, this will soon be coming to an end . . .why? Finra and the SEC is requiring cities with populations great that 100k to report using the accrual method of accounting starting in 2019. . . .what does this mean . . .well, old Russ will have to record those unpaid bills at year end even if not paid. For instances as of Dec 31, 2013, the accounts payable balances in the GF were approx 2.3 million . .advance to December 31, 2015, just 24 months later, the unpaid accounts payable were 8.1 million . . .in addition, when old Rust request revenue advancements from Susie Kirk and the Utility Dept, those transactions will be considered liabilities and NOT revenue . . .so, stay tuned and do not be surprised to see Evansville’s bond rating go to “A” just steps away from junk bond status . . .

  3. Editors and Admin


    Once again the CCO, and in particular the IIT page, is overrun by posts that simply steal text from disreputable websites and add nothing to the IIT. Why is it allowed?

    Can you please answer the question (posed repeatedly) of the allowance of certain users who post the same right-wing misstatements and lies day after day? These people post repeated items that do NOT even respond to the items you have shared (such as the various Is Is True articles), and they fill the pages with various inaccuracies that are from sources with zero credibility?

    Why do you permit these users to fill the pages with cut and paste from websites that are not only easily disproved, the websites used are ranked as right-wing propaganda, websites that do zero fact-checking and the items are only pablum for the right-wing?

    It has gone beyond distracting, it is a disgusting aspect of the page that has driven numerous readers to stop bothering with the CCO? Discussions are no longer remotely related to the issues of the day, they are only the ranting of certain users who clearly take glee from just being annoying

    We wonder if you would allow posts that were not simply right-wing garbage?

    • I srongly agree with the above post. I used look forward to the days discussions in CCO, but now when I see posts from Joe Biden, I close the page, rather than be subjected to his/her bullshop

  4. Went to N Main Street for lunch on the $16 million built too narrow shopping cart path project. 2 buildings the the NE corner of Franklin St. are about to collapse. The blue door brick bar and “Earls”. Holes in the buildings, rotting wood, and general decay. This is an embarrassing safety hazard.

  5. Always like Joe Biden comments, he adds to the CCO comment section. His comments always seem to receive a few replies, a good indication his comments are read. Keep up the good work CCO, you to Joe.

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