Man With Brain Cancer To Complete 15th Evansville Half Marathon


Man With Brain Cancer To Complete 15th Evansville Half Marathon

Like wolves, many runners tend to run in a pack. The pack mentality is all about lifting up the weakest members for the health of the group. It could be said that’s exactly what Evansville running club Team 13 is doing for Bob Wolf.


Wolf is one of the first members of Team 13. The running group trains beginning runners to complete a 13 mile half marathon race. Wolf has been running with the group for 15 years.

Bob started running the Evansville Half Marathon the year after he joined Team 13. He completed 14 of those races before he was diagnosed with brain cancer during this past year. From his hospital bed, one of the first things Wolf said was that he wanted to do his 15th Evansville Half Marathon this October.

That’s where Wolf’s pack steps in. They started a GoFundMe to buy a high-quality racing chair. It only took three weeks for them to meet their goal.

Wolf got his first view of the chair. His pack got him in before taking it out for a spin. Like a true wolf pack, each of the members of Wolf’s pack will take turns at the front, pushing him to victory in his 15th Evansville Half Marathon.
