IS IT TRUE March 7, 2013

The Mole #??
The Mole #??

IS IT TRUE the infamous and lingering Johnson Controls deal shoved through by the Weinzapfel Administration in its last days will be heard by the Indiana Utilities Regulatory Commission (IURC) on March 14th and is referred to as Case number 44295?…this will be the third time the Commission will have heard some version of this deal that keeps being tweaked in hopes that if can just sneak in under the restriction for being approved as something that pays for itself through guaranteed savings? Just as City Councilman John Friend, CPA warned the Evansville City Council last August, Umbaugh would come back with accounting trickery, they have done so?…the first time, they forgot that the project had to save at least 10%?…Umbaugh is also the same outfit trying to get the City of Evansville’s books in balance and were paid about $100,000 for the time they spent trying?…they are also receiving $55,000 for advise on the refinancing of the utility bonds which the Council approved last Monday’s meeting?…we really do trust that this organization will independent in their analysis in spite of their history in the book balancing and getting great contracts from the City of Evansville by both the Winnecke and Weinzapfel Administrations?

IS IT TRUE that the Evansville Vanderburgh School Corporation (EVSC) has been found in court to have violated public bidding laws for the way they transferred assets to remodel their headquarters without competitive bidding?…back when this was going on the City County Observer had opined that what the EVSC did was SNEGAL (sneaky but legal) as opposed to a violation of public bidding laws?…it seems as though even though care was taken to move property into other entities with perfect timing that the Court of Appeals has decided SNEGAL crossed the line this time?…it will be interesting to see what will be the consequence for this action as the building seems to be done in a quality manner and the price per square foot for the work seemed reasonable at the time?…we suspect slapped hands and maybe a fine will be the consequence?…we hope the Court realizes that any fine will come straight from the operating budget for running the public schools?

IS IT TRUE well placed CCO MOLES that there is a move afoot by a couple of elected officials to arrange a meeting between the City Controller, Russ Lloyd, Jr. and City Council Financial Consultant, David Garrett so they can to sit down together and discuss the issue of the Oct. 2012 Bank Reconciliation report?…if this happens we hope that the Mayor’s Chief of Staff stays at home because he seems to overreact in situations like this and shall causes problems between the above parties?…we hear that the powers that be are trying to set up this meeting on Friday morning of this week?

IS IT TRUE if you think that the October 2012 Bank Reconsolidation has caused major problems between the Winnecke Administration and Evansville City Council just wait till the findings for November and December of 2012 are released?…we hear that Mr. Garrett is presently working on the November 2012 Bank Reconciliation report as we write?

IS IT TRUE that yesterday in Washington DC in the United States Senate, Senator Rand Paul from Kentucky launched an old fashioned filibuster to block the candidacy of the person the Obama Administration put forward as the next Director of the CIA?…the purpose for the filibuster was simply to get high ranking members of the Obama Administration to publicly state that they do not feel empowered to murder US citizens on US soil?…they obstinately refused to simply answer NO to that question?…if the interpretation of the Constitution that these people are putting forth by refusing to answer NO is one that would lead to those who are suspected of crimes being murdered without being charged or convicted, the suspension of habeas corpus laws, and who knows what other 3rd world dictatorial practices?

IS IT TRUE that the world is a little bit better place since the despot Hugo Chavez of Venezuela has died and gone on to join his soul mates Josef Stalin, Adolf Hitler, Benito Mussolini, and Pol Pot in death?…if the United States is going to sit by and allow a constitutional interpretation that allows any government to make pre-emptive drone strikes or run black ops on US citizens who are considered by some government tribunal to be a threat the world will be a much darker place?…our country may be transformed from the “leader of the free world” to the “leader of a world without liberty”?


  1. The real story here is the fact that a radical like Rand Paul is being taken seriously by anyone. He should be treated like what he is, a guy who got elected because he ran in a backwards state like Kentucky. This man still supports segregation for crying out loud. This filibuster was political grandstanding, nothing more.

    • This is just a ridiculous and offensive diatribe that is so much sound and fury signifying nothing.

      Rand Paul is an eloquent and effective communicator. You can hate on him and attempt to relegate him to the “tinfoil hat” dunce corner all you want, yet the fact remains, yesterday this man got American talking about the intent and meaning of the Constitution and the Fifth Amendment. Average Joes were pontificating on the merits of killing American citizens on American soil not engaged in combat without due process. That is a feat our Teleprompted-in-Chief could never have pulled off in a million years.

      One interesting point Sen. Paul made about Obama stuck with me… Then-Senator Obama fought and spoke out and railed against Bush wiretapping Americans without a warrant (as did I at that time), yet his language intimates he’s a-okay with KILLING Americans without a trial.

      Now who is radical here?

      • I’ll answer the question. Rand Paul. The man is a radical. He took this as an opportunity to get the spotlight on him in preparation for the Republican presidential primary. That’s it. Nobody is getting “droned.”

        • That spotlight has already been on him. Regardless whether this had the fringe benefit of setting him up in the Republican catbird’s seat for the 2016 nod, which I agree it does, every single point he made about Obama and Co. evading his questions when they could have stated unequivocally “no, we will NEVER under any circumstances kill American citizens without due process of Law as required in the Constitution we all swore to uphold” were 100% valid both from a politically opportunistic viewpoint and from a defender of Liberty viewpoint.

          I would contend it is YOU and others like you who are turning what should have been a simple non-partisan check on Executive authority into something political. The election is still years away. If Rand were merely position for 2016, why blow his political capital load on this? Why this issue now?

          • Furthermore, he caused his own Senior Senator and Minority Leader Mitch McConnell embarrassment and headache by making him show up at the 12th hour last night to show support in what’s going to be a tough election coming up for him.

            I don’t think you even get how political capital works. Rand Paul is causing as much of a problem in his own Party as with the Democrats and the President on this. Our own Senator Dan Coats is taking a right BEATING this morning on his Facebook page for only just now coming out in support of Rand after the fact.

            The fact that you don’t seem to understand the first thing about how politics actually works tells me you’ve been watching way to much TV on the subject and not spending enough time actually thinking about it. Jesus man, just look who Rand’s father is – the guy who voted “no” on virtually every single thing Congress ever tried to do while he was there, most of the time against the wishes of his own Party hierarchy. Get with the program dude.

          • Yeah, if only… I’d settle for a simple majority.

            If it makes you feel any better, Lindsey Graham and John McCain agree with you on this too. One good rule of thumb way to tell if you’re on the wrong side of an issue in my experience is if you find yourself agreeing with either of those irrelevant pieces of horse manure.

          • John McCain survived 5 years of torture and deprivation at the Hanoi Hilton with his honor and dignity intact, surviving largely because of the strength of his character and beliefs…

            Sen. Paul gave up HIS heroic fight against this insidious threat to our basic freedoms and constitutional rights (his words) after 13 hours because he had to go potty…

            Tell me again, which person I should be impressed by?

          • Bravo, I do have respect for anyone willing to stand up for what they believe in on the Senate floor. That is of course as long as it isn’t fear mongering and sensationalizing a non issue created out of thin air for your own political advancement.

          • Whatever McCain’s service record, his Senate record as a constant war hawk and apologist for the military industrial complex makes him completely out of touch. He and Lindsay Graham are both dinosaurs whose time has come. Their stroppy display on the Senate floor today is just the first in a long series of death throes for their political careers. Remember where you heard that first, mmmkay?

          • Brad Linzy…. did you really just use the phrase mmmkay???? Now its clear why you use a Smiley winky face. Like you like to say so often…..really dude?

  2. IS IT TRUE that the editors sure are silent (as usual when the story does not fit their slant) about the recent Sheriff race resignation?

    • Let’s give the CCO a brake, they must have their hands full tracking down the alleged amount of missing money in the Levy Authority! Get of the CCO butt, stay on message>>>

    • Dear everylasting Truth…did the Winnecke Adminstrate want the Johnson Control thing to go away? Amazing how a few phone call change people minds??

    • How about laying off the CCO for just reporting the truth…maybe the CP need some encouragement. Their new name is “CAN” [City Administration News] You will ready meet it you read the new in the CAN…

    • CCO_TruthSquad sorry about not posting the news about Mr. Tucker withdrawing from the Sheriff race. I didn’t get a news release from his campaign until late this afternoon..

      Couldn’t post it because I been at the heart doctor all day. I do agree that this news was worth a post. I personally feel Mr. Tucker made the right decision by withdrawing from the campaign.

      We hear that any day now we shall be receiving news that an extremely well known and highly respected individual shall be entering the race for Vandy Sheriff.

      We shall post that news soon as we get it.

      Thanks for reading the CCO.

  3. The big story today is the vindication of the local people who spoke up at the time the EVSC and Vince Bertram tried to turn the competitive bidding process for publicly funded projects on its head.

    Obviously EVSC was the victim of some very poor legal advice from the corporations attorney.

    The matter has been corrected now, but at what cost to the contractors who brought the suit, and at what cost to the taxpayers who’s money support the school corporation and therefor must pay the legal bills presented to the corporation?

    Common sense prevailed, yet everyone but the lawyers lost something. The only fair conclusion to this fiasco would be for the EVSC Foundation to restore the funds expended on the project to the taxpayers and to pay the legal fees of the contractors who filed the appeal.


    • I dare say, there’s more unethical activity in EVSC than this mess. It has been reveled to me teachers who teach in the more destitute schools will be required to reapply for their positions. Simply criminal. As if these poor teachers don’t have enough to worry with. They are given more paper work each year, more students in their classes, less help, sometimes no textbooks. It’s the EVSC board and administration who should have to reapply not the teachers.
      Also, I’d like to know exactly what the EVSC Foundation does.

  4. I dare say, there’s more unethical activity in EVSC than this mess. It has been reveled to me teachers who teach in the more destitute schools will be required to reapply for their positions. Simply criminal. As if these poor teachers don’t have enough to worry with. They are given more paper work each year, more students in their classes, less help, sometimes no textbooks. It’s the EVSC board and administration who should have to reapply not the teachers.

    Also, I’d like to know exactly what the EVSC Foundation does.

  5. My educated guess? Just some good old fashioned slimeballs concocted this EVSC Snegal maneuver. The whole thing is a telling reminder of the “Pall” over Evansville and it’s roots in the aristocracy that runs this community.

    • No he doesn’t. What he said was if he had lived at the time it was being debated he probably would have opposed it because of property rights issues – same reason many people opposed the smoking ban here, because it tells property owners who they can and cannot serve and what they can and cannot allow on their own property. He also stated in that often intentionally misused interview with Rachel Maddow that he would have stood with civil rights activists in denouncing shop owners who refused them service he simply wouldn’t have preferred to use government FORCE to get it done.

      That’s what many people can’t seem to understand about classical liberalism, i.e. libertarianism, the OPPOSITE of neo-liberalism or statism, is that it’s pretty easy to figure out once you understand the basic premises. In the long run, the libertarian approach to civil rights would have been far more beneficial to people of color than the statist approach of feed them on welfare and give them special treatment, which will further fuel hatred and resentment in society.

      His approach on that issue, as with most all issues, has been nuanced and considered. He also states flatly in the Maddow interview he does not wish to turn back the hands of time now and ever repeal the Civil Rights Act because that issue is a long-dead decided issue.

      You’re doing the very thing you’re accusing him of doing…playing politics. And not very well, I might add. This is old news.

      • He got called out and was trying to do some damage control. He and his father are known racists. In Kentucky, that will get you a US senate seat.

        • You really are quite the simpleton aren’t you?

          That was a rhetorical question. Difference between that and a hypothetical is you shouldn’t answer the rhetorical kind.

        • Yeah, a half a million people voted for Rand Paul. Are you trying to tell us that there are a half million people in Kentucky that are voter card carrying racists? Get real dude!!!

      • Rand Paul is doing a poor job as a Libertarian. He needs to stop opposing personal freedoms like abortion and drug use.

        • There is no cut and dry libertarian argument on abortion. Libertarianism denounced the use of force against another human being. The problem is with libertarians as it is with everyone else…what defines a “human being”?

          As for the drug war… I hope you have more compelling evidence than this, otherwise you will have lost that argument too:

          Any more Aqua Buddhas you want to drag out? Maybe someone can help you. Political debates aren’t supposed to be this easy.

          • I think defending a loony like Rand Paul is all anyone would need to know to dismiss your position on something.

          • Funny. Abraham Lincoln and every significant person in our political history was labeled a loon. Names only help the cause. Thanks!

  6. IS IT TRUE that the editorial staff of the CCO are ignoring Evansville’s favorable rating by Moody’s, yet this bunch would have soiled themselves to trumpet from the rooftops if the report would have been negative. CCO would have been blaring this in a SPECIAL UPDATE, or BREAKING NEW, or some other blather. But since Evansville and the finances we rated as “to be of high quality and are subject to very low credit risk”, they ignore that. Guess their sneagal crap was not in their favor.

    Same hypocrisy, different day……

    • The City of Evansville’s rating will likely change after Mr. Garrett has completed his audit.
      Not knowing how much money you have in the bank …
      Not knowing where money is….
      Bouncing checks…
      Those things lead to bond rating deductions…

    • If you would like to contribute an article on the wonderful things of Evansville with your real name attached to it we will gladly publish it a weekly column. How about this, you publish a column on some rotten things that need to be fixed and we will counter with a happy news article. Of course the good bond opinion is positive as we fully agree. Lets hope it stays that way.

          • I’d love to see him put his real name to something. I think the debate improves just by that alone.

        • It is in writing. The question is whether or not you have the courage to take us up on the offer. By the way hypocrits do not make such offers. Try to get the same offer from the CP. As you may recall I was banned from posting there and never once broke their rules.

          • So anyone who wants coverage of something good has to write it themself and anyone who try’s to bring a little humor to this gloom and doom blog gets their comments removed?
            Why do you post as Joe sometimes but then as “editor” when calling out someone to use their real name?
            This site is dominated by screen names. The only ones that are called out to use their real names are the ones that disagree with Joe or Brad. Why is that?
            How many other screen names are being used by CCO staff?

            • All editor posts are not from me and I do not screen posts from the other editors. When I post something that speaks for the CCO I post under editor. When I post something that is personal I use my name. All editors do not think alike all of the time. I try to honor that.

              People are called out to use their real names by me when I think they may have a decent article in their mind that we can publish as with CCO Truth Squad yesterday. As editor I like to see opposing views that are well thought out that promote good dialog.

    • Off subject, but Sen. Rand Paul is filibustering the President’s CIA nominee until he says he will not kill American citizens on American soil without due process of Law.
      Click the link and click “Senate Session” below. He’s been talking for over an hour now that I’ve watched.

      Off subject remark that was followed by umpteen other off subject remarks. Followed by calling a great man that sacrificed a lot for his country a “piece of horse manure”. All of that was left on here.
      I try to lighten the mood a little and get removed. I have had enough. I am canceling my subscription.

        • There is lots of breaking news everyday. Surely they do not want everyone to begin their own coverage of events as they see fit.
          Reagrdless, my post was a spoof. Just because people do not agree with each other does not mean there can not be some humor along the way. Lighten up Francis.

          • You misunderstood me. I was saying perhaps the editors didn’t take down MY posts because they thought they were newsworthy.

            I didn’t say your posts should have been deleted. I appreciate good satire, and I don’t mind even some impersonal attacks against me. I can be an a-hole myself from time to time, so it stands to reason there would be pushback.

            I wouldn’t like to see ANY posts deleted unless they were proven libelous or suspected of being so, or unless they contained personal information published against someone’s will. That would be my standard if I were an editor, but I’m not.

      • Wow, extremely off message???? I thought it was funny. As inquiring mind said, he posts off subject all the time, even said so before his never ending play by play postings yesterday. But since Brad and Joe are each others BFF’s, you go girl cheerleaders, I’m not surprised my post was removed.

        • I’m curious as to what those posts contained. Selective censorship like this is why I no longer frequent the C & P web site.

          • I was spoofing the hours long play by play by Brad Linzy last night. I was giving play by play of Ryan Seacrest as the American Idol judges joined him during the show. Completely meant as humor. Oh we’ll.

  7. I will preface a question about identities, with an observation. For the most part, aside from the ballot box, opinions are like..everybody’s got one. What is it’s impact when it is expressed on forums like this? In the scheme of things, I figure nobody gives a rat’s ass what my opinion is, it only makes me feel better, when I feel compelled to speak out. My point is , do you really think anyone will sit up, take notice, and change the World , if I put my name on what I have to say on here? I learned long ago not to take myself too seriously. So that said, I will continue to vent, it as I said, makes me feel better, and I enjoy these comrades in arms comments and know your posts make you feel better too. The CCO is always a neat place to visit.

    • All I’ve ever said about that is when people are trashing someone’s reputation, or attacking their family, or accusing them of malfeasance of some kind, the only honorable way to do that is with your real name. Otherwise, I agree, it’s not that big a deal. I only post with my real name as a rule because I am not ashamed of anything I say here and I do not fear reprisals by anyone.

      • There are times the IIT section has info in it from a “mole” that accusses someone of something that makes it IIT worhty. If the “mole” does not have to give a name or prove their info, than why should anyone else on here ever be expected to do the same?

        • That is the best argument I have heard about this from you. I still think the honorable thing when attacking someone, or somepoint, is to use your name, but you have a point.

        • I don’t phrase myself in the form of questions… I use statements. Therefore, I think it’s honorable to use my real name when criticizing someone.

          I’m not in control of CCO editorial standards. I can only speak for myself on this. One thing I will say for CCO is that when these mole speculations are proven false, they usually come out with the next day’s IIT and ask if it’s true they are false.

          • Good for you guys. It still does not change the fact that their claims are presented to the public as news and they stay unknown, even when they are proven wrong.
            Is there a policy that says you lose your “mole card” if your info is inaccurate too many times?

            • Did the guys that uncovered Watergate expose their informants? Yes mole status can and has been lost on several occasions. The easiest way to lose mole status is to push an agenda with false information.

            • You know, most of the comments come from people with an agenda and that is fine with us. Have at it. It is people posing as moles who are trying to push an agenda through our publishing that I was talking about. There are plenty of them too.

      • But you know what? It is their site and they can do as they choose. Those who want to read it will. Those who don’t, won’t.
        I still think that obvious humor is not disrespectful. I did not post during your #standwithrand coverage. I waited until there was nothing else going on. There is plenty of time for seriousness.

  8. Editors of CCO, can you repost the article with photos of the bone dry Roberts Stadium floor during the demolition after the pumps had been removed?

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