State Offers Schools Second Opportunity for Handheld Metal Detectors


Governor Eric J. Holcomb and the Indiana Department of Administration today announced the second opportunity for Indiana schools to order state-funded handheld metal detectors. Gov. Holcomb announced the original program earlier this summer.

Schools that have not ordered the devices can contact Ordering instructions will be provided. The deadline to order is 5 p.m. ET on Friday, Oct. 5.

To date, 3,231 total handheld metal detectors have been requested by 370 school entities — including 94 percent of all traditional public school corporations.

Originally announced on July 9, the program makes one handheld metal detector available for every 250 students in a school building. The cost of the program to date is $331,720.20 and is funded by IDOA.

This program is just one of several actions the state has taken in the last year, building on the state’s reputation as a leader for its existing school safety policies and practices.