Trailblazing Astronaut Eileen Collins to Speak at UE’s Snyder Lecture on October 17


Trailblazing astronaut Eileen Collins, the first woman to pilot and command an American spacecraft, will be the guest speaker for the University of Evansville’s Patricia H. Snyder Lecture in October. The lecture is planned for Wednesday, October 17, at 7:00 p.m., in Eykamp Hall, Ridgway University Center, on UE’s campus. The event is free and open to the public thanks to the generosity of the Snyder family.

One of America’s most admired women, Col. Collins became the first female to pilot a US spacecraft with the Discovery shuttle flight in 1995, and the first female commander on the 1999 Columbia shuttle flight. In 2005, NASA tapped her to command the space shuttle Discovery’s historic “Return to Flight” mission, NASA’s first manned flight following the loss of space shuttle Columbia in 2003. While logging 872 hours in space, Collins earned a reputation for coolness under pressure.

Collins will discuss how her career as an astronaut took shape, from her early years in the US Air Force to her ground-breaking experience with NASA. Drawing from her career experiences, she will share valuable insights learned from both her successes and her failures. She will also provide insight into the future of space travel as the world turns to exciting new space frontiers.

The Patricia H. Snyder Concert and Lecture Series was made possible in 1997 through an endowment from the late Patricia H. Snyder, trustee and longtime friend of the University, to bring speakers or performers of renown to Evansville at no cost to the public.

Reservations are encouraged, but a ticket is not required to enter. Save your seat online at