We hope that today’s “READERS FORUM” will provoke honest and open dialogue concerning issues that we, as responsible citizens of this community, need to address in a rational and responsible way?

Todays“Readers Poll” question is; Do you feel that State Senator Jim Tomes decision not to debate his opponent is an insult to his constituents? 

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  1. WOW, the Dali Lama agrees with President Trump and conservatives. Time for left wing snowflakes to find a safe space:

    Dalai Lama: Germany cannot become an Arab country

    Spiritual leader says there are ‘too many’ refugees in Europe.

    By Cynthia Kroet

    6/1/16, 8:19 AM CET

    Updated 6/1/16, 9:55 AM CET

    “There are too many refugees in Europe,” and this “makes it difficult in practice,” the Dalai Lama said in an interview with German newspaper FAZ published Tuesday.

    The Tibetan spiritual leader said everyone has a responsibility to help refugees, but added that “there are now too many.”

    “Europe, and for example Germany, cannot become an Arab country,” said the Dalai Lama, who himself fled from Tibet to Dharamsala, India in 1959.

    “And morally speaking, I think that refugees can only be taken in on a temporary basis. The goal should be to return them and help them to rebuild their own countries,” he added.


    • ………..none of this is going well for Trump.

      NONE of it.

      JoeBiden, your posts?
      They are the most LAUGHABLE b.s., because everyone knows you’re in a PANIC and are cutting and pasting as much crap as you can find, because? Because you’re in a PANIC, that’s why!!

      How do you know Trump is going down?
      Cause HE knows.
      Trump is such a disaster, such a liar, such a disgrace to the Presidency of the United States……that the number of people WHO WORK ALONGSIDE HIM at the White House who he can trust?

      Zero. Not even his son-in-law and daughter!

      None of them trust him. Even his Chief of Staff! Even his White House Counsel! Even his former attorneys (who plainly say, “He’s a fuc–ng liar, and that is too big of a problem.”)

      The guy is going down, it’s his own fault……and PENCE will be the next President of the United States before Trump’s first term is over.

      (Post more graffitti and links Joe. C’mon. Wear your fear!!)

      • “Anne” you appear in the minority:

        “American voters by a 56 to 36 percent margin said they do not want Congress to impeach President Trump, according to a new poll released Wednesday.

        Although they back Democratic candidates over Republicans by 14 percentage points — 52 to 38 percent — they don’t want Congress to take action against Trump, a Quinnipiac University National Poll said.”


        • Impeached? I don’t want him impeached.
          Most people don’t want him impeached, I acknowledge that. That is what is known as strictly an entirely reluctant activity.

          No Patriot loyal to his country wants to do that!!
          ……..UNLESS the person in the office is such a heathen, criminal, liar and entirely immoral and a danger to the country…..that THERE IS NO CHOICE.

          But Pence WILL be President before Trump’s first term is over.

          I think he’ll resign though.
          Or he’ll be forced from Office, by THE LAW.

      • “Anne” more good news on the Trump economy:

        “That recession driven grimness hanging over the workplace has lifted and now workers of all shades are feeling good about their future.

        A new survey provided to Secrets said that 72 percent of blue collar workers and 76 percent of white collar workers are optimistic about their future.”


  2. This is what the far left thinks of America:

    “Leftists Caught Uprooting US Flags at Veterans Cemetery — Urinating on Flags — HERE ARE THEIR PHOTOS”

    • Really?
      I mean, we know you have to cut and paste…..cause you’re panicked JoeBiden.

      But c’mon! The same one twice?

    • A well known leftist Swamp Creature “Lurch,” is providing care and comfort to the terrorist Iranian regime:
      “Former Secretary of State John Kerry is being slammed for conducting shadow diplomacy with Iran after admitting to multiple meetings with Iranian officials behind the backs of Trump administration officials — including over the scrapped nuclear deal…

      “John Kerry is out giving advice to Iran about how to maneuver around what Donald Trump is doing; it’s insidious,” Ari Fleischer, the former White House press secretary for George W. Bush, said Wednesday on Fox News’ “Special Report.” “I don’t know if it’s legal or illegal, I don’t care about that side of it. It’s wrong.”

      Trump in May, though, announced plans to leave the Iran nuclear deal, declaring the pact has failed to halt the country’s nuclear ambitions. Last month, the Treasury Department restored sanctions against Iran.

      It has been suggested before that Kerry’s meetings with high-profile foreign leaders could violate the Logan Act — which prohibits private citizens from negotiating on behalf of the U.S. government without authorization. No one has ever been successfully prosecuted under the law, however.


  3. Let’s see…………….if TRUMP really wants a Mexico Wall.

    Two federal budgets now? He’s cut out the Wall and approved the budget.
    Two times, no wall.

    The next budget is HERE.
    Gonna find out!!!


    “Trump is destroying any chance the GOP can take back the IN Senate seat from the Dems.

    Braun is down six (6) points below US Senator Donnelly.”

    • CoC, 12,000 people at the Trump/Braun rally might respectfully disagree with you.

      • He should be UP because of that.

        But he’s not.

        Trump is a skunk for Braun.
        Down SIX POINTS!!!!

  5. Does anyone have an update on the status of the McCurd’s overdue sewer bills? Did the City start to foreclose on the liens?

  6. Today the left is blaming President Trump for creating a hurricane. How can an effing idiot with cheetoh skin and a mophead command the winds and waves? The democrats have lost their collective minds.

    • Yoda, I thought Al Gore said my lawnmower and SUV caused the hurricane and they cause it to get cold in the winter. Good to know Trump’s hairdo or hairspray was responsible. We can all sleep easier at night.

      • Not me. Most Democrats did not vote to be the most powerful person on Earth someone who has never read the U.S. Constitution, who never held elective office, who walked in on naked teenage girls, who lies like most people take vitamins, who doesn’t like our soldiers who are captured, who demeaned a Gold Star family, who stood in front of 117 stars at CIA headquarters and bragged about his inauguration crowd size that was a lie, who has filed bankruptcy 6 times and who has in a year and a half cranked our yearly deficit back up to a cool trillion.

        But you and Yoda certainly did.

        And your odds of lucking out on not being consumed by Mop Head’s unqualifying un-qualifications has about as much chance as this guys audience paying attention;


        “Golf, golf, golf, If your in the White House, who in the Hell would want to play golf”?

        I’ll give you 3 guesses suckers….

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