We hope that today’s “READERS FORUM” will provoke honest and open dialogue concerning issues that we, as responsible citizens of this community, need to address in a rational and responsible way?

IS IT TRUE we would like to congratulate Mayor Winnecke and his staff for planning a first class presentation concerning building the Deaconess Aquatic Center at Garvin park? …that Mayor Winnecke did a masterful job in convincing that the City can afford to build the Aquatic Center?  …that Olympian Gold Medal winner Lilly King was extremely convincing when she told City Council that the City needs to bit the bullet and build a new Aquatic Center? ..the group of well-prepared swimming enthusiasts also made a convincing argument for this projects?  …we wish that the City could have afforded to build the new Aquatic Center at Robert’s Park?

IS IT TRUE that the Evansville City Council voted to approve the construction of a new $28 Million Aquatic Center on Monday evening?…even Evansville’s pride and joy Lilly King who distinguished herself as an Olympic Gold Medalist and World Champion was on hand to encourage the expenditure on yet another quasi-fun and games investment?…what escaped many people is that the nationally acclaimed Ms. King developed into an Olympic caliber swimmer without such a facility right here in Evansville?…we say quasi- fun and games because such an Aquatic Center will also serve as a year round opportunity for swimming and host swim competitions in a location that has never had something like this?…the location of Garvin Park is being questioned by some due to the parking issues and the general state of the neighborhood?…it is widely believed that the new Aquatic Center would have been better served by becoming the anchor for the future Roberts Park where the Roberts Stadium once sat?…all in all as such investments go, this is a decent one and will provide opportunities that have not been available in Evansville?…the real question is whether or not the City of Evansville has the cash and willingness to take care of the place?…the list of neglected things is long and includes but is not limited to Mesker Amphitheater, Roberts Stadium, the Victory Theater, Lloyd Swimming pool, dozens of city parks, and of course the condom and heroin needle filled sand boxes for children?…we hope the historically negligent City of Evansville does a better job with the new Aquatic Center?

IS IT TRUE that another bizarre crime was reported with a man on a bicycle carrying a sword has been arrested for trying to use his sword to steal a scooter?…the mental picture of this meth head jousting is both concerning and every bit a skit that Johnny Knoxville would have invented for the Jackass movies?…picturing a knight in tattered clothing galloping on a bike with a sword brings back memories of Don Quixote tilting at windmills while slowly going crazy defending the virtues of a streetwalker named Dulcinea?…much to our surprise, a Sir Galahad imitation on a bike with a sword was done about a year ago in Evansville too?…this is the dumbest crime since some fool tried to climb down the chimney and got stuck in Goosetown?… Evansville is making a name for itself in the dumb crimes world and nothing is ever a surprise in River City?

IS IT TRUE that former Mayor Weinzapfel and his political buddies told us years ago that if a new downtown arena is built the “big” rock and roll acts will come to Evansville?…one of the acts that it was claimed would not come to Evansville because of the stadium rigging was Metallica?…on March 9, 2019 Metallica will be playing at the Yum Center in Louisville?…no date has been announced for Metallica to come to Ford Center and we assume that Evansville is not on the spring tour even though the Ford Center was built and the ceiling will supposedly hold the speakers?…we suspect the whole ruse of building a smaller arena for “big” bands was just lies and that Metallica will not be coming to Evansville as long as they can sell out 20,000 seats a night elsewhere?…it looks like we got fooled again?

IS IT TRUE that Edie Hardcastle, Democratic candidate for State Senate seat District 49, revealed yesterday that her opponent, Republican incumbent Jim Tomes, refuses to participate in a televised debate jointly hosted by the Courier & Press and by WNIN? …that State Senator Jim Tomes decision not to debate his opponent is an insult to his constituents? 

IS IT TRUE we wonder how much the City of Evansville will have their “Rainey Day Fund” account for 2019?

IS IT TRUE we wonder how much did the City subsidized the Evansville Thunderbolts during their 2017-18 hockey season?

IS IT TRUE the very popular community music event “Parksfest” was moved over the weekend from Garvin Park to Old National Events Plaza due to bad weather? …that the “Parksfest” committee and volunteers were in a bind and called upon Vanderburgh County Commissioner Ben Shoulders for his help just in case bad weather hit and it had to be taken inside or canceled? … that County Commissioner Shoulders engaged the General Manager of ONEP, Alexis Beggren, and her team to ensure this event could be moved on such short notice in case of bad weather? …the rain hit and “Parksfest” event has to be held inside and went off without a hitch? ….we give five (5) cheers to Commissioner Ben Shoulders, Alexis Berggren and the entire ONEP team for helping to save this worthy community event? ..we also give five (5) cheers to Nathan Jochum, Zach Evans, Amy Word-Smith and the “Parksfest” committee, volunteers, musicians, and food vendors for putting on a first-class event? …that big things can get done by working together, even if it rains!

IS IT TRUE that University of Evansville student Aulden Nance keeps bugging the heck out of our Editor to do a “Readers Poll” on the Vanderburgh County Prosecutor’s race?  …we have decided to grant his wishes during the next several days?

Todays“Readers Poll” question is: Do you feel that State Senator Jim Tomes decision not to debate his opponent is an insult to his constituents? 

Please take time and read our articles entitled “STATEHOUSE Files, Channel 44 News, LAW ENFORCEMENT, READERS POLL, BIRTHDAYS, Hot Jobs” and “LOCAL SPORTS”.  You now are able to subscribe to get the CCO daily.

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We understand that sometimes people don’t always agree and discussions may become a little heated.  The use of offensive language, insults against commenters will not be tolerated and will be removed from our site.




  1. The former Roberts Stadium is the perfect location for the “Aqua Center”. Garvin Park is the worst location.

    • Trump White Nationalists and Trump Neo-Nazis KILLED people at the Charlottesville rally JoeBiden.

      Grow up.

      • Lets look at facts:

        “Eliminationist Rhetoric: What will it take before virulent Trump-haters admit that their increasingly violent rhetoric is putting lives in danger? Attacks on Republicans over the past few days show that the time for the left’s reckoning is drawing near.”

        In case you haven’t heard — which would not be surprising, given the general media blackout on such events — attacks on Republicans are increasing and increasingly dangerous.

        A California resident attacked California GOP congressional candidate Rudy Peters with a switchblade. Witnesses said the assailant was spewing profanity-laced remarks about Trump and the Republican Party.

        A Republican Party office in Laramie, Wyoming caught fire — in what officials suspect was arson — just days after it opened.

        Also this week, a leftist threatened to commit mass slaughter at a “Make America Great” event at Trump’s hotel in DC. “I am coming with a gun and i expect to get numerous bloodstained MAGA hats as trophies,” the unnamed Twitter account holder tweeted.

        Then there are the repeated calls — either explicit or implicit — to attack Republicans coming from prominent journalists, politicians and celebrities.

        MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough used the 17th anniversary of 9/11 to declare President Trump a bigger threat to America than terrorists who killed 2,977 on that day — to say nothing of the hundreds who died later from 9/11-related cancers.

        The reaction to all this from the liberal press and from peace-loving Democrats? Silence at best, cheers at worst.

        This is striking, and strikingly hypocritical. In the past, any time some nut did something crazy, these same people would immediately blame the rhetoric on the right, even if they had to invent a connection. The New York Times recently repeated — and had to retract — the blatantly false claim that Sarah Palin inspired the shooter who nearly killed Rep. Gabbie Giffords…

        But don’t hold your breath for anyone on the left to hold themselves accountable when their hate-filled rhetoric incites violence.

        Instead, they’ll just say it’s all Trump’s fault.

  2. People were killed and they might have been Neo-Nazi’s. But you have no proof or documentation that they were Trump supporters. Also there is no evidence that the President told anyone to rise up and harm those who had different view points. Sorry Ann, your little game of changing the subject but still blaming President Trump does not work. Try using some real information dear.

  3. Oh. BRANDON.
    If you’re worried about misrepresenting FACTS, you better talk to JoeBiden about his original post.
    JoeBiden’s wildly inaccurate post is trying to fuel a race confrontation……nothing else. It’s why he posts it.
    It is well known, from his posts here at the CCO, that JoeBiden leaps to protect the civil rights of Neo-Nazi protesters in Charlottesville to hold rallies across the country.
    US Veterans DIED defending the United States against Nazis! It is disgusting.

    100% correct, they were TRUMP SUPPORTERS who killed people at the Charlottesville rally, btw.

    Trying to promote some narrative that WHITE NATIONALIST’s are NOT Trump supporters……is a lie.

    That is……..if you are indeed worried about representing this accurately, BRANDON.

    • “Ann Coulter”, smoke this in your ANTIFA pipe:

      On social media and on the campaign trail, I see a lot of self-indulgent, self-righteous scream therapy from the left. There is a lot of snide mocking and scolding of Trump voters. Trump voters are called “stupid,” “naive,” “racist,” and worse. As Trump becomes more untruthful, unhinged and un-American by the day, frustrated progressives lash out with greater ferocity at the 46 percent of Americans who voted for Trump in 2016.

      Ridiculing Trump voters on a personal level is never politically helpful. But it is a bit more understandable during party caucus and primary season, when Democratic candidates are trying to out-liberal each other when preaching to the progressive, anti-Trump choir. But in the summer and fall of 2018, when Democrats need to appeal to 2016 Trump voters rather than other Democrats, they need to stop scolding…

      Every time I observe a Trump voter being castigated by a cocksure progressive candidate or activist, I can feel Trump voters getting more deeply entrenched in the Trump column.

    • WOW and worthy of an IIT, “Ann Coulter” and the other progressive socialists will have an hysterical conniption when they learn that the Dali Lama agrees with president Trump. let me know when you see this in the Courier and Press

      The Tibetan spiritual leader, the Dalai Lama, said Wednesday that “Europe belongs to the Europeans” and that refugees should return to their native countries to rebuild them.

      Speaking at a conference in Sweden’s third-largest city of Malmo, home to a large immigrant population, the Dalai Lama — who won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1989 — said Europe was “morally responsible” for helping “a refugee really facing danger against their life”.

      “Receive them, help them, educate them… but ultimately they should develop their own country,” said the 83-year-old Tibetan who fled the capital Lhasa in fear of his life after China poured troops into the region to crush an uprising.

      “I think Europe belongs to the Europeans,” he said, adding they should make clear to refugees that “they ultimately should rebuild their own country”.

    • To be honest, I don’t read Joe’s posts on here. I have a limited lunch break and don’t follow links to other sources.
      But at least he provides his sources. Where does your idea that the killer(s) at Charlottesville were trump supporters? Do you have a link to their facebook pages? do you have pictures of them holding trump signs? You have produced no information or facts to back up your claim.

      I like how you try to deflect the actual issue. You claim to know for sure that the killer was a trump supporter. Prove it. Simple task, right????

      Also your painting trump supporters with a broad brush is not very factual. There may be some Neo Nazis that like Trump, but all of his supporters are not Neo-Nazis. You spew the typical liberal rhetoric under this fake name, just as you have under all your previous discarded fake names on here.

  4. I see in the Courier web site that a big softball tourney is coming to the ball fields off Greenriver in July 2019. I ask, was there any tourneys held there in 2018? Drive by them almost daily and have seen no softball or baseball this year. Lot of money to sit unused. Promised the people it would be busy, but alas, has not come to fruition. Imagine Deaconess might be questioning the money it paid for the empty space. If you build it, they will come!!!!

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