We hope that today’s “IS IT TRUE” will provoke honest and open dialogue concerning issues that we, as responsible citizens of this community, need to address in a rational and responsible way?
IS IT TRUE on Monday Evansville Mayor Lloyd Winnecke presented proposed his 2019 city budget?  …his proposed budget has been increased by 15 percent over last years? …his proposed 2019 budget is over $395 million and the city plans to collect around $402 million in revenue from various taxes? …its reported by City officials that utility fees and property taxes are the largest revenue sources for the city to draw their working capital from?

IS IT TRUE it’s time that the taxpayers and members of the City Council force an open and honest dialogue with City Controller Russ Lloyd, Jr., CPA concerning the current financial status of the Evansville Thunderbolts?  … that members of City Council are the stewards of the public trust and should start acting like it?…if members of City Council don’t question the current financial status of the Evansville Thunderbolts then they can expect this will be a re-election issue in 2019?

IS IT TRUE by 2021 many miles of water and sewer pipes will be replaced and its estimated that the City of Evansville water rates may be increased by 118%? …it’s also estimated that the new pipes alone could cause a major increase in the rates for the next 3 years? …we should also be prepared for this to happen many more times as the sewer and water pipe replacement program comes to its conclusion?…while the CCO is supportive of and an advocate for these updates, we hope that some of the people who live in Evansville won’t be ruined out of town by the costs associated with this much need public works project?
IS IT TRUE over the years we have made numerous reference that the Evansville Water and Sewer Utilities Board was also used as a funding source to help the City of Evansville in their occasional financial cash flow problems?  … it’s safe to say that over the last several years the Evansville Water and Sewer Utilities Board give the City of Evansville many millions of dollars in cash advances to help the city with cash shortfalls? …we must remind our city officials that the Evansville Water and Sewer Utilities Department isn’t a bank?
IS IT TRUE that the recent revelation that Evansville City Controller Russ Lloyd Jr., CPA hasn’t paid the $369,000 in Victory Theater bills for 2017 has really got the attention of many people?  …he has taken $369,000 from the 2018 city budget to pay for the operating expenses of the Victory Theater for 2017?  …we wonder how City Controller Lloyd is going to find the money to pay for the Victory Theater bills for 2018? …we hope that members of the Evansville City Council will force this subject to be discussed in an open budget meeting?
IS IT TRUE after Mondays evening City Council budget meeting City Council Missy Mosby made the following post on her Facebook account?  …Ms. Mosby posted “The City administration has always provided City Council with the prior year’s actual expenses, the current year’s budget, the current year to date, and the following year’s proposed “This year, for 2019 Budget Hearings, the administration mysteriously chose not to include year to date information in the budget books. Instead, the Deputy Mayor suggested we consult a separate book with a different organization and numbering.”  “He even sarcastically offered to turn the pages for us”. “The Taxpayers deserve more professionalism from its City employees.”  ….all we can say about Ms. Mosby post was that it hit the mark?
IS IT TRUE that the Evansville Regional Airport has been short three (3) Airport Safety Officers for almost 2 years now?  ..there are 5 board members on the Airport Board, 3 appointed by the Mayor and 2 by the Vanderburgh County Commission? …the Airport gets $2 million in Vanderburgh County tax dollars?  …we have been told the Vanderburgh County Council has given Airport employees raises 4 of the last 5 years?  …it’s been reported that the Airport Manager salary over the last 5 years went from $100K to $121K?  …if this statement is correct the Airport Manager now makes more than the Mayor of Evansville?
IS IT TRUE that the Safety Officers at Evansville Regional Airport has eight (8) different functions? …the functions are: 1) Fire Response. 2) Medical Responders: all officers are medically certified and AMR. 3) Security Responders: they patrol the airport terminal and rest of the 1400 acres of ground on foot and by a patrol car.  4) Dispatchers: The dispatch office must be manned 24/7. 5) Weather Spotters and Monitors- they call in snow removal and weather crews during bad weather. 6) Wildlife: they remove flocks of birds and mammals such as coyotes that could crash a plane. 7) Maintenance- there is no maintenance personnel after hours so they do all kinds of functions to keep the airport operating. 8) Customer Service: they assist customer 24/7 with any needs they might have.
IS IT TRUE that the Evansville Regional Airport has experienced several multi-million dollar expansion projects over the last several years?  …there has been some extensive expansion of the flight terminal and the runways and also an increase in new flight destinations to other cities during the last several years?  … it’s obvious that the expansion of the Evansville Regional Airport has increased the responsibilities of the Safety Officers at Evansville Regional Airport?  …we wonder why the Evansville Regional Airport Board of Directors decided to cut three (3 ) Safety Officers from their employment during a time of extensive growth?  …maybe its time for our city and county officials have a serious conversation with the airport board members about this issue?
Todays “Readers Poll” question Is: Are you planning to attend President Trump political rally at the Ford Center?
Please take time and read our articles entitled “STATEHOUSE Files, Channel 44 News, LAW ENFORCEMENT, READERS POLL, BIRTHDAYS, HOT Jobs” and “LOCAL SPORTS”.  You now are able to subscribe to get the CCO daily
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  1. The Vanderburgh County Democrat Party has full responsibility to control the out-of-state activists that are being bused in for their protest of President Trump.

    • joebiden
      what kind of post is this? who do you think you are? this is you calling the kettle black!
      you need to be civil, and everyone else will be civil too
      we want a peaceful event

      but from my perspective, you and your trump posts here everyday antagonize and verbally attack anyone who you think looks different from you
      you attack law enforcement and the fbi and the courts trying to do their job on trump investigations
      you demand the aclu defend the rights of the neo-nazis, white-nationalists like ram and attack anyone who disagrees with you with out of control confrontational b.s.
      and now you want to blame others for a fire trump and other trump supporters started?

      we are a law and order family
      and we want our cops to be safe this week, and we will do our duty and properly enforce the law on anyone at the rallys who is breaking the law.

      but we have no patience for trump and you starting a fire, and then making posts like this today joebiden

      by the way, the “is it true” is fantastic and detailed today.
      thank you cco for a great column

      • Here’s what the Mueller team needs to investigate, real crimes like the Chinagate coverup by FBI and not the fake Hillary paid Fusion GPS dossier Russian side-show:

        A Chinese-owned company penetrated former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s private server, according to sources briefed on the matter.
        The company inserted code that forwarded copies of Clinton’s emails to the Chinese company in real time.
        The Intelligence Community Inspector General warned of the problem, but the FBI subsequently failed to act, Texas Republican Rep. Louie Gohmert said during a July hearing….
        Two officials with the ICIG, investigator Frank Rucker and attorney Janette McMillan, met repeatedly with FBI officials to warn them of the Chinese intrusion, according to a former intelligence officer with expertise in cybersecurity issues, who was briefed on the matter. He spoke anonymously, as he was not authorized to publicly address the Chinese’s role with Clinton’s server.
        Among those FBI officials was Peter Strzok, who was then the bureau’s top counterintelligence official. Strzok was fired this month following the discovery he sent anti-Trump texts to his mistress and co-worker, Lisa Page. Strzok didn’t act on the information the ICIG provided him, according to Gohmert….

  2. Has anybody else gotten a 15% raise in their social security this year? How can these nit-wits expect NOT to run taxpayers out of the city. Coures needs to be cuffed to Lloyd and put before the council till they answer all the questions.

    • It’s amazing Coures has a job after the $16 million disaster of the North Main Street bike trial that was built too narrow.

      • Agreed- he clearly said its a gateway for business, they will prosper-but when completed he reversed and said its a mecca for pedestrians ,not really for vehicles words to that effect (that was after the lanes were determined to be too small and werent going to be widened. What a cluster or liar. I bet this wont be posted

        • Imagine spending $16 million and then look at the NE corner of N. Main and Franklin. The blue corner building is about to collapse. Window are open, rain and pigeons inside. The “Earl’s” building next store is already falling apart. This $16 million project may be the greatest waste of taxpayer money in the City of Evansville, even dumber than the City paying over $600,000 for the small $30,000 parking next to the McCurdy. But, Mr Coures DMD did install fancy planters on the shopping cart path which made the road too narrow for 2 trucks to pass.

  3. More good news for America. We need Mike Braun in the Senate to keep America heading in the right direction and to confirm Judge Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court
    Blue-Collar Workers Increasingly Optimistic Under Trump
    New poll: 85 percent of blue-collar workers say their lives are heading ‘in the right direction’

    “Across the board, the results indicate America’s blue-collar workforce is sanguine about the nation’s current economic outlook and their own standing. Apart from the 85 percent of blue-collar Americans who said their lives are going in the right direction, 69 percent said their local communities are on the right path, and 58 percent view their states as being on a positive course.”

  4. I hope the CCO can help me. I’m wanting United airlines to add flights to Denver. Denver is a United hub. I fly west several times a year and to go west from Evv you have to go north,south or east to fly west. United and American have flights at the same time to Chicago. I’ve sent notes to the airport board. Just something else to think about instead politics and politians. I’m sick of both of them.

    • Contact the Evansville Convention and Visitors Bureau. They are the one’s who are in charge of attracting new flights. Here is the deal though. There needs to be enough tickets sold to support any regularly scheduled flights. Good luck.

  5. Looks like the new left wing Democrat party and Hamas have a common goal:
    Palestinian leaders are betting their future on President Donald Trump being impeached by Democrats following the mid-term elections, according to Arabic language comments by a senior Palestinian government leader who praised Special Counsel Robert Mueller for targeting Trump and his top allies.

    The comments come amid a new push in Congress and the Trump administration to slash U.S. taxpayer aid to the Palestinian government

    Muhammad Shtaya, a member of the Fatah government’s Central Committee, said regional officials are counting on Democrats winning the midterms and seizing control of Congress, a scenario the Palestinians believe would work in their favor as the Trump administration pursues efforts to isolate regional governments for their support of terrorism.

  6. I really hope that we can prove that Evansville is one of the best cities in the county tomorrow evening. How often is it that POTUS comes to your city?

    • When was the last time a POTUS came to Evansville? I think it was President Carter in about 1980.

    • I checked. The correct answer is Reagan in 1986. President Obama stopped in to visit a minority owned steel supplier to Toyota while POTUS but did not come to Evansville. Trump will be the first sitting POTUS to come into Evansville (not just Tri-State) in 32 years. Don’t show your arse Evansville. That goes for both Trumps supporters and the so called #Resistance.

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