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Todays“Readers Poll” question is: Do you feel when President Trump endorses Mike Braun for the US Senate it will enhance his chances of being elected?

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  1. Congratulations to the Vanderburgh County Democrat Party for organizing their anti-President Trump protest that is, as expected, drawing great media attention. Congratulations to the Courier and Press for imagining, and then reporting that “thousands” of anti-President Trump protesters are expected Thursday.


    The Courier and Press had to know their report of “thousands” of expected protesters would be re-publicized nationally by the mainstream media.


    Do an internet search of “Trump Evansville Protests” and most media articles mention the “thousands of protesters” expected in Evansville, as first reported by the Courier and Press. This unfortunately serves as an invitation for Antifa, Occupy, Black Lives Matter, Resist and other similar minded groups to travel to Evansville and initially blend in with fellow protesters near the Ford Center. These often extreme and violent activists can’t and wont be controlled by local Democrat Party leaders planning for a peaceful and respectful protest. It only takes a spark to start a fire.

    Currently the Vanderburgh County Democrat Party proposes the road between the ONB Events Center and the Civic Center block separates the protesters from the men, women, children and elderly walking from the parking lot to see the President at the Ford Center. It is respectfully submitted that the Vanderburgh County Democrat Party should do the right thing and move their protest AWAY from the Civic Center area, perhaps to the large grass field at old Roberts Stadium where there is ample parking and room for signs, banners, flags, speeches, marching, etc. The main stream media and Jon Webbs will still find the anti-President Trump protesters and the protesters are guaranteed to receive all the fawning national and local media attention they desire. However, by doing the right thing and moving the official Vanderburgh County Democrat Party protest AWAY from the Ford Center and its parking lot, the chances for unfortunate intimidation and violence will be greatly reduced. Safety of our citizens, and not politics, should be priority number one.

  2. Joe is LOSING IT because Trump is besieged on all sides, even Evansville.

    There is a price to pay if you used FRAUD your whole life like Donald Trump has. He has it coming. And JoeBiden is in love with a TV CHARACTER, not an honorable President.

    No matter.
    The end is here.
    Even Alan Dershowitz says so:

    1. Trump”s most significant legal advocate, Fox New”s Alan Dershowitz, says that Trumps legal issues in NY State, are far more dangerous than anything Trump has faced ever.

    2. And that Trump should abandon all efforts fighting Mueller and focus exclusively on NY State SDNY Prosecutors.

    3. Why? Because SDNY haS the keys to the castle: Trumps attorney and Trumps Accountant – both flipped and are helping LAW ENFORCEMENT.

    They’re going after Trumps assets that are riddled with fraud.
    Trump is stuck in DC and sweating bullets.

    Trump is powerless to stop them.

    They are State cases, not Federal, and Trump has no authority to stop State prosecution.

    Dershowitz is making it clear Trump is SCREWED, much as he doesn’t like it.

    (All this Ford Center rally talk is meaningless. You are being a side-show)

    • blah………blah……..blah……….oral ann would get more respect if it changed its name to lyin lanny……………MAGA TRUMP……………….America great again………………economy roarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrring..😁😁😁

      • Have all the fun you want watching Trump put on his TV ACT at the Ford Center.
        Have all the fun you want complaining about the Trump Protesters!

        I watched Alan Dershowitz that morning on “Fox & Friends.” When he answered their question, they sat there STUNNED AND IN DISBELIEF cause THEY KNOW Dershowitz knows what he’s talking about.

        The Trump empire, the most important thing in the world to Donald Trump, it is going down, party or no party at the Ford Center. Who gives a crap?

        This is what Dershowitz said:

        “I’ve said from day one that the greatest risk to President Trump, his Presidency and his Trump businesses are in the Southern District of New York, not with Special Counsel Robert Mueller,” Dershowitz said on “Fox & Friends” Monday.

        “The problem is that with the Southern District there are no constitutional defenses. Trump can’t pardon. Trump can’t fire people. Trump can’t stop the investigations. These are business investigations. And of course the President can’t be indicted, but his businesses CAN BE indicted. The NY STATE Prosecutors can look into all Trump international business, all loans that he may have secured, all foreign investments, all foreign involvements. The President has no authority to stop them.”

        Dershowitz advised Trump’s attorneys to focus ALL OF THEIR ENERGY on the southern district case and said they should let the Mueller probe go.

        “If I were Trump’s lawyers, I’d be focusing all of my defense efforts on the southern district,” Dershowitz said.

        “The President should let the Mueller probe go. The Southern District of New York State raises dire red flags for Trump’s businesses, his money, capital, assets, and tax returns. This is it. They are going after his businesses.”

  3. JBiden is right. It is inviting real trouble to have bused in hard core activists protesting across the street from the local and regional (Jasper) pro-Braun pro-Trump crowd walking to the MAGA rally. Not a smart move by local Democrats.

  4. I vote independent. I look at the race, do my homework and vote my conscious. That means it could be a Dem or Rep that gets my vote. The war that now exists between the Dem left and the Rep party has torn this country. Despite what you think of Trump, he won the election. Now that it happened, the Dems and certain Reps, have done their damndest to destroy our political system. I find it difficult to believe that the local Dem party would try to cause disruptions at the Presidential rally. This is the mid-west and Trump has massive appeal to many conservative Indiana folks. My real fear is chaos between the left and right. We all know among these groups will be the hard core liberal left and ultra right wing conservatives. Now, I want to remind you trouble makers. This is Indiana, there will be no stand down orders to the police. This is not CA, OR, NY or NJ where the police would stand and let the law be broken. They will uphold the order in Evansville. I don’t want us to look like Chicago in 68. I fear it could happen. I hope the responsible party bosses will try to handle the non law abiding groups.

    • STA, agreed. I worry that bused in activist groups for the Democrat protest are kept under control by the local Democrats that organized and publicized this protest. I agree that our law enforcement will enforce the laws, regardless of who violates the law. Remember, Blue lives and following the law still do matter in Indiana. Let’s hope and pray for a peaceful day.

    • Your note seems sincere, Soultaker, I acknowledge that. But the War is not between Trump and Dems, no different than JoeBiden PRETENDS to be a Republican. Trump is no Republican. Trump is no conservative.

      You would know that he was a conservative and a Republican if Trump (and JoeBiden) were for small government, free markets and open markets, and for deficit reduction, and for traditional moral values and support for law and order. He is not.

      Trump is a liar, a moral scumbag and a mobster.

      100% of the country knows that.
      2/3rds if them, Republicans and Democrats alike, know that and are ready to boot him from the office, legally and by the vote.

      The other 1/3rd? People like JoeBiden?They know Trump is a lawless, immoral scumbag, of course, and don’t care.

      • I don’t know that and neither do you. It’s all about democrats trying to take Trump down. Nothing democrats hate worse than a conservative doing a great job. Do you belong to the, Let’s divide Evansville group? Why hasn’t Mueller taken him down after 18 months? They’re simply going after everybody around Trump hoping they’ll scare them into abandoning him, won’t happen because Trump could do it all by himself. The guy is a genius.

    • Agreed. If the extreme right wing ever gets the financial support received from rich donors like the extreme left wing we will be in serious trouble. I think what happened in Chicago was mild compared to what would happen today. People today are more angry and dangerous than in 68. The democrat party is truly self destructing, leaderless and like a rudderless ship. If a huge violent crowd shows up expect big problems.

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