Letter To Editor From Jeff Hayden, In Support Of Historical Preservation Lighting Project


I am a downtown resident after living anywhere but downtown my entire life. Until I moved downtown, 2 years ago, I really didn’t know or appreciate the treasure it is. I am not on the lighting committee.

Like all projects of this nature, people tend muddy to up a simple, good things. Who picked the light? Why is it starting there and not here? When will it be in front of my house? I want . . . I insist . . . . I, I, I . . . selfishness and shortsightedness are about to cripple or stop something simple and good.

The historic neighborhood lighting project is the quintessential example of a community lead, government supported initiative that cities everywhere could benefit from. Because it is community lead, the motives and vision are appropriate and focused. The city government is not leading and is only supporting the project as it should – infrastructure study and aiding and abetting their desire to see a beautiful, safe Evansville. It’s primarily funded by community volunteers, so tax dollars are appropriated modestly and properly by the city. Thank you mayor.

Some quibbling by a few will send the wrong signals to city officials who live in a quagmire of bureaucratic paralysis as it is. They don’t need an excuse not to proceed. You see, chaos, disorder and decay are our enemies – in our homes, in our country and certainly in our cities. It’s called blight! It’s a mighty force. Projects like the historic lighting one are positive forces pushing back on the enemy. Some seem to loose sight of simple, good things when they don’t happen specifically to them on their terms and time lines. You stop or slow this progress, you are simply giving the enemy an advantage. Just look around if you don’t believe this.

The primary reason momentum has built on this project is the work, and yes I mean work, that has been done by a small number of people – flyers, communiques, meetings, fund raisers, home shows, dinners, etc. Those folks invested the time and energy it takes to move something forward in this world. Let them pick the lights and the starting point and the other particulars. It’s fine with me. Get involved constructively if you don’t like something about it, not destructively with sniveling. Offer help.

Come on people – unify! Let there be light!!


Jeff Hayden


  1. How come it’s only selfish when I want street lights in front of my house, but not when you want lights in front of your house? AND yes it does concern me when my tax dollars are at stake. AND I can not get the City (or Vectren) to put standard Street Lights up in an actual “Blighted” area of Evansville. While the Historic District is getting special treatment, you call everyone else selfish?


    • Brent quit bringing everyone down to your level. All you do is complain. Jeff is doing a great job by supporting people who have gone to all ends of the earth to get these lights. If you want to organize and then write an article on the cco in support of regular lights then knock yourself out. I’m sure they would publish your article just as they have done with Jeff’s. But in the mean time quit complaining about every single thing that everyone else is trying to accomplish in this city.

  2. I think “Brent” or “Friends Friend” or whatever you want to call him is on target.

    Let’s be clear about this…who is going to pay the electric bill when these lights are erected? Is there a fund for that? And who is going to pay to have them fixed in the future? Or are you saying that the historic group is going to perpetually fund this? Or don’t you want to hear the complaint so you can get your way?

  3. I have to agree with “Brent” or “Friends Friend” or whatever you want to call him.

    I would ask these questions…Who is going to pay the electric bill on all of these new lights? Does the Historic District have a fund setup for that or are the Evansville taxpayers stuck with that extra expense too?

    What about the repair and replacement? Who will pay for the upkeep of them?

    • No matter how many times you retype the same bull Brent it’s going to be glaringly obvious that you just switched screen names. I’m glad I don’t live near 41. I’d be embarrassed by the lack of leadership you’ve brought to it.

  4. Repair and replacement is like any other streetlight in the city. Vecten is in charge of upkeep.

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