Breaking News: Anonymous Complaint Against David Garrett Dropped by State Board of Accountancy


The City County Observer has learned that the complaint against David Garrett over a CPA license has been dropped by the State Board of Accountancy. Also it also was announced that the State Board of Accountancy hereby considers this case to be closed.

This is a developing story, shall post more later.

Previous: An anonymous complaint to the Indiana State Board of Accountancy against David Garrett who was hired for $20,000 by the Evansville City Council to provide financial analysis resulted in a media firestorm with City Councilman Jonathan Weaver leading the opposition to his hiring and appearing on local television to support his positions. Weaver’s assertion was that Mr. Garrett did not have a CPA. It was later verified that the tasks that Garrett was hired to perform did not require a CPA. Garrett furthermore has never claimed to have a current CPA license and the City Council was apprised of that prior to his hiring via his resume’. Mr. Garrett did at one time pass the CPA exam as verified by the State Board of Accountancy.


  1. SPANK! SPANK! Bend over and take your butt whipping Weaver. This is the beginning of the end of your political career.

    • Weaver gonna get what that grafiti boy got in Singapore a few years back. CANED!!!

    • Weaver is the type of office holder you get when you vote a straight ticket. I have never voted a straight ticket and never intend to.

      If you look at the statistics, a straight ticket vote in Knight Twp is what imposed Linda Durham on us.

      These candidates were both Democrats, but my comment applies equally to straight Republican voters.

  2. Can there be a recall vote or any such thing on Weaver and Mosby?
    They obviously are not fit to serve. I know there is another election in 2+ years, but honestly, can the City of Evansville afford to wait that long? I’m feeling the same way toward Connie Robinson. Not only is she on council but she’s the president! Yikes!

    • Robinson is not running again. Friend should slip into her position in a couple of years. If we can knock Mosby and Weaver off the council, I think we would have a pretty good council to work with.

  3. Once again, I need to remind people that Mr. Friend voted for the 2013 budget that contained all of this spending we keep decrying. That vote should be his doom. No matter what he says, that’s what he DID.

  4. What have you guys been smoking? Weaver is more popular than ever with the voters. You could not drive Robinson away with a stick. John friend has lost respect from the voters in this whole mess. Friend can not carry Connie’s water let a lone be president of the council or a serious mayoral candidate.

  5. Let’s keep the distraction going….you fools, the books and records are going to receive an adverse opinion…so, the 227,000,000 that the feds say we have to spend concerning the crap into the waterways will be costing you bunches more when Standard & Poors downgrades the City’s credit rating, Weaver and company are nothing more than menions, votes away 200,000 on Earthcare and 4.8 million if Brinkerhoff-Riley didn’t uncover this nitwittery, while Weaver and company did nothing to investigate before blinding voting away taxpayer’s money. He believed the Winnecke administration than and now he beleives the administration when they tell him things are okay in the controller’s office.

  6. As it seems, distraction, deflection, concealment, etc…the city, under the Weinzapfel administration is responsible for the mess in the controller’s office. Winnecke’s issue is the since of urgency and denial of the potentially critical outcome. Who cares if the council hires Garrett and if he is or was a CPA. The money paid for Garrett or anyone will be will spent if he is the catalist to help resolve this situation. Weaver and Friend both voted for the budget and I think they both want this situation behind us. Winnecke needs to stop the paranoia (Schaefer)and start working with the council and stop restricting the access of public information. This is not the Nixon era!

  7. I am hoping that not only will Mr Garrett clear his name in this scandalous accreditation fiasco, (which he already has) but will expose the truth about the who, what, when, where, why and how, of Weinzapfel’s quest to build his monument to self. The law of cause and effect, my brothers, …
    is certain. …

  8. 2-23-2013

    The headline for this website article is quite different than the one in this morning’s printed version of the Evansville Courier&Press, which was: “State will not penalize Garrett”. As if there were something for which they could “penalize” him, which there is not. But Jack Pate and his newspaper planted the idea, and they know it is impossible to unring a bell.

    It has not been easy to witness this newspaper drag Mr.Garrett’s good name through the mud intentionally, even as the motive for the newspaper’s behavior has yet to be made public.

    David Garrett is one of the most straight-up ethical people you will ever meet. His work ethic is sterling, and I am sure, despite the distraction of this sorry attempt at character assassination by the Evansville Courier&Press, he is still hard at work doing the job he was contracted to do, reconciling the financial ledgers of the City of Evansville.

    I suggest that it is Mr. Garrett’s work ethic, and his ethical behavior in general, that has made him a target of some very misguided individuals.


    • This is a response to today’s printed version of the article on David Garrett in the Evansville Courier&Press.


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