2018 Arts Council Arts Awards Celebrating Art From All Perspectives

Join us for the 2018 Arts Council Awards ceremony on Thursday, Aug. 16 at DoubleTree Hilton hotel in Downtown Evansville.
This high-profile, annual arts awards ceremony — including a cocktail buffet, cash bar, artist demonstrations, interactive displays, music, and a silent auction — honors individuals, businesses, and organizations that have made a significant contribution to the arts in our community.
Tickets are $75 a person, of which $50 is a tax-deductible donation. Table sponsorships and donations made in honor of finalists are also available. For more information, visit our website at https://www.artswin.org/kaleidoscope, or call the Arts Council at 422-2111.
Meet the finalists:
Visual Arts Award
Kyle Darnell, printmaker and ceramist
Erin Gibson, filmmaker
Jonathan Hittner, painter
Performing Arts Award
EVSC Honors Music Program
Next Act, Inc., community theater
Think Pink Productions, community theater
Young Arts Award
Emily Chamness, Reitz High School 2018
Cheyenne Miller, Signature School 2019
Arts Educator Award
Leigh Anne Howard, Ph. D., University of Southern Indiana
Sally Olson, Children’s Center for Dance Education
Eric Renschler, University of Evansville
Crystal Roberson, Mater Dei High School
Lee Veazey, Evansville Philharmonic Youth Orchestra
Mayor’s Art Award Recipient
The Martha and Merritt DeJong Foundation
Arts Council Award Recipient
Alisa Holen, University of Southern Indiana