“IS IT TRUE” JULY 26 2018


We hope that today’s “IS IT TRUE” will provoke honest and open dialogue concerning issues that we, as responsible citizens of this community, need to address in a rational and responsible way?

IS IT TRUE we have received numerous e-mails stating that the Ford Center has had only one event during the months of June and July?…we also been informed that as of today the Ford Center doesn’t have one event planned for the month of August?  …we wonder how the City is able to pay for the annual bond payment on the Ford Center?

IS IT TRUE we give five (5) cheers to the Evansville Water and Sewer Utilities Department for finally filing a lawsuit against the owners of the McCurdy for the $900,000 water and sewer bill owed to them?

IS IT TRUE  that it looks like a final legal agreement between Deaconess Hospital-Evansville and Henderson Community Methodist Hospital Hospital has been consummated? …we give the officials at Deaconess Hospital-Evansville credit for seemly making a savvy business agreement between the two area hospitals? … we are told that the quality of healthcare in the Henderson area should dramatically improve after the merger of services between the two area hospitals?  …we wish both hospitals the best in the future and hope that the citizens of Henderson County area will continue receiving up-to-date and affordable healthcare?

IS IT TRUE we have attached a couple questions that a few CCO readers sent us?  …the questions are: 1) Have there been any recent employee changes in the HCMH OBGYN department at Henderson Community Methodist Hospital?  2) Has the Henderson Community Methodist Hospital inpatient pediatrics unit been closed?  If so, what hospital are the pediatric patients from Henderson Community Methodist Hospital being transferred to?  3) Are any of the Henderson Community Methodist Hospital ICU and Long-Term Care critical care patients being transferred to other Hospitals in Evansville?  4) Is the Radiation Oncology Center at Henderson Community Methodist Hospital is now closed?  If so, was the “certificate of need”  to operate a Radiation Oncology Center at the Henderson Community Methodist Hospital transferred to Deaconess Hospital-Evansville?  5) Are the majority of the Henderson Community Methodist Hospital Cath patients being transferred to Deaconess Hospital-Evansville? 6) What’s the status of the Gastroenterology Department at Henderson Community Methodist Hospital?  (7) Have some Henderson Community Methodist Hospital family practice doctors entered into ACO with Deaconess-Evansville?  If so, are they referring their patients to specialists such as cardiology, gastroenterology, oncology employed by Deaconess Hospital-Evansville?

IS IT TRUE we found the comment posted in the CCO by VFW POST 1114 worth reposting?  …he said; “The LST represents the dedication to our US Veterans who fought and died for their country. I, for one, and proud of the commitment the City is showing our United States Veterans”.  “There are people in here who post who regularly write their support of the enemies of the United States like Putin’s communist Russia, support Putin’s attacks through Trump on NATO, and support the ACLU rights of the Nazi’s who marched at Charlottesville”. “SHAME on you. God bless the United States of America. God bless our US Veterans.”

IS IT TRUE we wish that our locally elected officials, business leaders of this region, patriots and Veterans groups would feel similar about the Veterans Memorial Colosseum as they do the LST?  …its time that the citizens of this community demand that the Veterans Memorial Colosseum receive the same media attention and financial support as the LST does? …its time that the community brings back the “Veterans Memorial Colosseum”  to its original grandeur?  …we join VFW POST 1114  CCO poster in saying “God bless the United States of America and God bless our US Veterans”?

IS IT TRUE that the Evansville city employees hospitalization fund has been insufficiently funded over several years? …the city’s hospitalization fund, from which city employee medical claims are paid, has had a negative balance of several millions of dollars over the last several years?  …we are now hearing that the city’s hospitalization fund will not be an issue in the proposed 2019 City budget? …all we can say is “very interesting?”

IS IT TRUE that the EPA has allowed the City of Evansville to pussyfoot around with the lead contamination issue in the Jacobsville area for over 18 years? …the real tragedy is that lead poisoning can be treated, but any damage caused by contaminated lead cannot be reversed? …we hope that before the City build the new $28 million dollar Aqua Center at Garvin Park they will do an extensive testing of possible lead contamination and toxic cleaning chemicals problems in the Garvin Park?

IS IT TRUE that in the past we have been a little critical of At-Large City Councilman Jonathon Weaver?  …we have been watching with interest how Mr. Weaver is handling the position of  Finance Chairmen of City Council?  …we must say we are extremely pleased in the way he is conducting himself in this most important and powerful governmental position?

IS IT TRUE that several people are expressing disappointment that 3rd Ward City Councilmen G John Hayden, CPA has been extremely quiet concerning City of Evansville financial issues? …we hope that he becomes more engaged in discussing the city’s financial issues in the future?

IS IT TRUE we been told by several reliable sources that the officials of the ECHO HOUSING  are still spending Federal, State, and local grant money despite an ongoing Forensic audit and an alleged criminal investigation by the Feds?

Today’s “Readers Poll” question is: Are you pleased with the direction that the State of Indiana is headed?

Please take time and read our articles entitled “STATEHOUSE Files, CHANNEL 44 NEWS, LAW ENFORCEMENT, READERS POLL, BIRTHDAYS, HOT JOBS” and “LOCAL SPORTS”.  You now are able to subscribe to get the CCO daily.

If you would like to advertise on the CCO please contact us at City-County Observer@live.com.CountyObserver@live.com.

FOOTNOTE: City-County Observer Comment Policy. Be kind to people. No personal attacks or harassment will not be tolerated and shall be removed from our site.

We understand that sometimes people don’t always agree and discussions may become a little heated.  The use of offensive language, insults against commenters will not be tolerated and will be removed from our site.



  1. See pics of the camp left by the foot soldiers of the Democrat Party supporting the new Democrat Party agenda of eliminating ICE:
    “Occupy ICE PDX Protesters Leave Heaps Of Trash, Human Waste For City To Clean At Taxpayers’ Expense
    City leaders say they found “human waste piling up inside” the protesters’ camp”


    • Yesterday, somebody mentioned JoeBiden is no conservative folks, and they were right. He posts this crap from the hate news sites to try to make people think he is, but he’s not conservative, not republican or even a Christian. He likes the neo-nazis though. What does that make him? I don’t know. Angry, I guess.

      Joe demands free speech. Me too. I guess we share that.

      • Joe’s a conservative and like myself he finds the destructiveness and filth left behind by liberals to be disgusting. Do democrats ever do any self evaluation and wonder, What is wrong with us? Our prisons are literally full of democrats, how do we know, why else would democrat governors put voting machines in Prisons? Look at Detroit, Chicago, Seattle, LA, Baltimore, Houston and the list goes on, all democrat controlled. When I look at all the homeless, hopeless, addicted, and people who are just miserable and it’s mostly from democrat controlled communities. When I listen to liberals speak of their humanist beliefs, my response is, what you do shouts so loud I can’t hear what you say.

      • AC, here’s an article liked to a well know hate news site, the “Financial Times”, for liberal snowflakes to ponder in their safe places:
        “Top officials and intellectuals in China are “awed’ by President Donald Trump’s “skill as a strategist and tactician,” according to co-founder and director of the European Council on Foreign Relations Mark Leonard.

        Writing in the Financial Times, Leonard reports that on a recent trip to China many of those he spoke to said “that Mr Trump is the US first president for more than 40 years to bash China on three fronts simultaneously: trade, military and ideology.””….

        “In Chinese eyes, Mr Trump’s response is a form of “creative destruction”. He is systematically destroying the existing institutions — from the World Trade Organization and the North American Free Trade Agreement to Nato and the Iran nuclear deal — as a first step towards renegotiating the world order on terms more favourable to Washington. Once the order is destroyed, the Chinese elite believes, Mr Trump will move to stage two: renegotiating America’s relationship with other powers. Because the US is still the most powerful country in the world, it will be able to negotiate with other countries from a position of strength if it deals with them one at a time rather than through multilateral institutions that empower the weak at the expense of the strong.”


        • Did they also compliment his size?
          I mean, the Saudis, the Russians…Playboy Playmates and Prn Stars…all know a Trump falls to flattery.


          • Marla Maples stated Trump is the best ever. Trump simply lives his life with gusto, he owes no one any explanations. A man amongst men. His strength and intestinal fortitude is amazing. I would imagine that right now he is laid back, relaxed and discussing with Melania about tweeting something that will make liberals crazy tomorrow. He has made a great public service to America, liberals won’t admit it but he has exposed the core rot in the FBI and CIA. AC what I’m detecting from your post is envy from quite a few levels, the guy really has a lot of money and women fall all over themselves for him. Are you asking yourself, what about me, when is it my turn?

        • if youre trying to make a point, dont quote breitbart
          you lost already doing that
          dead company

  2. Fraud Center is a black hole consuming all matter in it’s path. No events=zero income, thus, the black hole of our money being sucked in. Interesting update on the McCurdy and their bill. If no action toward the debt has occurred, the cost is way more than $900,000.00. As far as lead, same old story as the crappy sewers. EPA keeps letting the city slide which equates to more and more money coming out of our pockets when the time comes to fix the problems. Wish I could say gave a nice day, but I am feeling a little sick right now.$$$$$ bye-bye

  3. So Methodist Henderson departments are closing like wildfire, docs are leaving, they are firing orthopedists and employees, and the family practice docs are in an exclusive care agreement with deaconess? Seems like the fix is on boys. Hope gas stays cheap in Kentucky cause medical care in Henderson now rhymes with driving north. Adios hospital it’s been nice having you while it lasted. Oh, and adios jobs, and tax base for Henderson…
    Well let City council Henderson explain to th town why they let this happen. Mr mayor…?

  4. Three(3) million dollars to move the LST is obscene. There are very few veterans left that feel any connection to that relic. It would be interesting to know how many people actually visit it annual, excluding the veterans who show for the free breakfast. The veterans of the last 30 years are different from the WW I/II, Korean and VN vets, the military started losing a very important factor in the late 80’s, they lost cohesion. The new vets are not joiners. I’m sure 1114 or some other vet will refute this and my reply is, that at one time post 1114 was the largest in the world with over 5000 members, it now ranks #3 with +- 1700 members. If all the local vets had cohesion the coliseum would be the center piece for all local veteran affairs. God bless all veterans, the USA, the Flag, the Anthem and President Trump for working so hard to MAGA. I took an oath to defend the Constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic, that effectively eliminates me being a democrat.

    • Newspeak, your last sentence regarding the new leftist Democrat party policies of open defiance to American laws and values, may be the most true post of the year.
      “Senator Kirsten Gillibrand of New York is a textbook taqiyya Democrat: She presented herself as a moderate when representing a relatively conservative House district and now, after pronouncing herself “ashamed” of her previously moderate positions on issues such as gun rights, she is doing a pretty good impersonation of a left-wing radical, most recently by calling for the abolition of Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), the sister agency to the U.S. Border Patrol charged with overseeing the deportation of illegal aliens, among other duties.

      Abolishing ICE is the Democratic cause du jour, part of the party’s current rush to the left. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, the self-described socialist who won a Democratic House primary over party-caucus chairman Joe Crowley in New York in June, ran as much against ICE as she did against President Donald Trump and Representative Crowley. A petition in California calls for the abolition of the agency; Representatives Mark Pocan, Pramila Jayapal, and Adriano Espaillat (Democrats of Wisconsin, Washington, and New York, respectively) have introduced legislation to dissolve it; Representative Yvette D. Clarke (a New York Democrat) denounced the agency as “the Gestapo of the United States of America,” and Josh Marshall of Talking Points Memo described ICE as a “rogue agency.” Sean McElwee of Data for Progress, an early and tireless advocate of abolishing the agency, wrote in The Nation: “The call to abolish ICE is, above all, a demand for the Democratic party to begin seriously resisting an unbridled white-supremacist surveillance state that it had a hand in creating.”


    • Mueller is just playing to his base. We need to thank Mueller for exposing the core rot in the FBI.. This has been going on over a year, nothing yet. 2020 is slowing getting here, Trump’s base is fired up, Maxine Waters is the democrat front runner. The democrat party is fractured. Trump is winning on all fronts. tick tock, tick tock.

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