New Ellis Park Owners Review Facility

“It’s been a great experience here 12 years, and it’s gone really fast,” says Ron Geary, owner of Ellis Park. Geary is looking back on his time at Ellis Park and looking forward to what’s next. “We are starting to track some of the best trainers in the country. Some of the best horses are coming in here, and I think it’s going to get just better and better.”

Geary owns 70 percent of the facility, and the other 30 percent is owned by the Saratoga Group. Now that Geary is ready to retire, Saratoga will be the sole owner.

“It was just natural. When Ron decided to step aside, then we would step in. So we think there’s still some opportunity here with the historical racing and things that may come up in the future,” says Alex Tucker, treasurer of Saratoga Casino and Hospitality Group.

Saratoga officials plan to focus on a new marketing campaign, but aside from small tweak, they say no jobs are in jeopardy.

“Ron’s put together a great team. They are doing a great job, and we don’t anticipate changing anything in the immediate future,” says Tucker. Right now, they’re focusing on how they can improve Ellis Park. “It’s really more of a fact-finding mission at this point to figure out what’s going on and how we can be helpful.”