We hope that today’s “Readers Forumâ€Â will provoke honest and open dialogue concerning issues that we, as responsible citizens of this community, need to address in a rational and responsible way?
Todays“Readers Pollâ€question Is: Do you feel that America is headed in the right direction?
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Let someone else be the center of attention this year shar pie;
Remember what the wise man said, “Life is hard; It’s even harder when you’re stupid”.
Careful out there bro….
At least now . .the CCO poll indicates a large majority sees America going the right direction . . . just saw the interview with Perez, the DNC chairman . . .having difficulty understanding his comment that Cortez, the one that beat the fourth in line to take Pelosi position, says that she is the “new face of the Democrat Party” . . .apparently, wages are on the rise, African-American and latinos employment historically the highest and women at a 17 year high and the dems have the “free beer and bigger mugs” agenda????
In the European model students are evaluated at the 8th grade to determine if their education will go forward and if their performance is not adequate they generally will be placed with a master tradesman. One of my best friend’s son is an Englishman and this comes from him. Those who make the performance perimeter will go forward and their education will be paid by the Govt. So, Ms Cortez get the message correct yes the Govt will pay but only to those how make the grade.
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